Feature Wiki
New Suggestion for Template
Page Overview
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- Feature suggested by: Add your name to be contacted during the next steps
- Interest in funding: Add the name of your organisation here, if you are interested in funding this feature
- Responsible Maintainer: Look up and add the name of the maintainer here. Please mail the maintainer to push the completion of this feature request.
1 Underlying Need or Problem
Describe: What is the problem or short-coming?
2 Suggested Feature
Summarize briefly how you would like the problem to be solved.
Next Steps
- Completing the Feature Request: IF you and the Maintainer cannot finish this Feature Request, apply for a workshop here to discuss this feature request with others to improve and finalise the concept. Workshop are particularly helpful in completing the chapters ‚User Interface Changes‘, see below. Only feature requests with sufficient information in chapter 4 and 5 will be decided upon by the Jour Fixe.
- Suggesting Feature for the Jour Fixe Agenda: If the feature request is ready to be decided upon by the Jour Fixe, please suggest it here, select a date and notify the maintainer.
- Scheduling of the Feature: Once the Jour Fixe accepted the feature, it is scheduled for an upcoming ILIAS version. Jour Fixe statement and scheduled version are added to Chapter 7.
- Implementation of the feature is done by: Please add the name of the developer and service provider programming this feature.
3 Risk and Technical Statement from Maintainer
The maintainer is to provide relevant technical information as dependencies on other components, modifications in services or architecture, potential performance issues.
4 Visible Changes Coming from this Feature
This section can be prepared by the author of the feature request, the responsible maintainer or any other person involved. A description of visible changes in the user interface is needed for the Jour Fixe decision at the latest.
4.1 List of Screens Affected by this Feature
Views (screens) of ILIAS that should be modified, newly introduced or removed:
- Just write down name of the component, label of tab or sub-tab, e.g. Course » tab Settings » sub-tab Icon
4.2 Detailed Description of Visible Changes
For each of these views please
- list all visible elements that should be modified, added or removed
- provide texts for the labels you suggest the User Interface (UI) elements
- describe what happens when the elements are used / interactive behaviour
- a mockup may be helpful to visualize what is described in the text. It is not mandatory, but tremendously helpful.
4.3 New User Interface Elements
Most often, feature request are based on already existing UI elements. In this case just add ‚No new UI elements suggested‘.
In case your request needs a new UI element, please contact the responsible Maintainer to get help with this. You also might consult UI Kitchen Sink in order to find the necessary information to propose new UI-Concepts.
5 Discussion
6 Jour Fixe Decision
JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], … :
7 Implementation
The maintainer is to give a description of the final implementation and add screenshots
Test Cases
Test cases completed on yyyy-mm-dd by name
- Link to number of Test case in Testrail: Title of test case
Approved on yyyy-mm-dd by name.
8 Comments to Current Suggestion
The following section does not belong to the proposal. Please feel free to comment the suggested template below. Don't forget to add name and date.
Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel], 2018-02-05: The "Next Steps" block within chap. 2 is a bit strange for me. It does not belong to the suggested solution. How about adding this block on top before chap. 1?
JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 26 FEB 2018 : We highly appreciate this suggestion and make it the default template after a final discussion at the DevConf in Halle.
Last edited: 26. Feb 2018, 18:01, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]