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Handling of preconditions in standard listing panels

This request is part of the transfer of container objects to standard listing panels. Transfer Repository Objects to KS Items gives an overview of all requirements for the transfer of container objects.

1 Initial Problem

Preconditions are displayed in legacy lists as an expandable property. When users click the Show link, the preconditions are displayed.

This cannot be mapped using Kitchen Sink and prevents the transfer of a majority of repository views.

2 Conceptual Summary

To allow users to see at a glance which objects have a precondition, preconditions should be displayed in the standard listing panel.

The preconditions are displayed as a property in a panel. If users click on the link, a modal opens in which objects that have been configured as precondition are displayed. 

Users can now click on the title of an object and fulfill the precondition/s OR close the modal dialog via the Cancel button.

If all preconditions are met, the property is no longer displayed.

In addition to being displayed as a property, the preconditions are displayed on the Infoscreen. This has already been implemented for the tile view. To increase the visibility of the preconditions, the preconditions should be displayed first on the Infoscreen.

3 User Interface Modifications

3.1 List of Affected Views

  • … { Please list titles of all views (screens) of ILIAS that should be modified, newly introduced or removed. }

3.2 User Interface Details

{ For each of these views please list all user interface elements that should be modified, added or removed. Please provide the textual appearance of the UI elements and their interactive behaviour. }

3.3 New User Interface Concepts

{ If the proposal introduces any completely new user interface elements, you might consult UI Kitchen Sink in order to find the necessary information to propose new UI-Concepts. Note that any maintainer might gladly assist you with this. }

3.4 Accessibility Implications

{ If the proposal contains potential accessibility issues that are neither covered by existing UI components nor clarified by guidelines, please list them here. For every potential issue please either propose a solution or write down a short risk assessment about potential fallout if there would be no solution for the issue. }

4 Technical Information

No technicall issues.

5 Privacy

No privacy issues.

6 Security

No security issues.

7 Contact

8 Funding

If you are interest in funding this feature, please add your name and institution to this list.

9 Discussion

Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel], 16 MAR 2023: IMHO we do not need to list the number of preconditions in the properties of the panel. It would be sufficient to display: "Preconditions …" without leading number. This also prevents us from having two language outputs: "1 precondition ..." and "n preconditions ..." So less complexity of the code and less requests...

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 20 MAR 2023: We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule the feature for ILIAS 9. The final implementation might be a bit different from the proposals above due to possible changes of the way how properties will be displayed in the future within the Standard Listing Panel. There is no need to list the number of preconditions (see suggestion by Matthias).

Kergomard, Stephan [skergomard], 22 MAR 2023: I gave this some more thought. Please contact me, before implementing anything to clarify the responsibilities between ilObject and the other components. We will need to reduce direct access to properties of ilObject in the near future and thus shouldn't do anything that goes against this goal.

10 Implementation

{ The maintainer has to give a description of the final implementation and add screenshots if possible. }

Test Cases

Test cases completed at {date} by {user}

  • {Test case number linked to Testrail} : {test case title}


Approved at {date} by {user}.

Last edited: 2. Oct 2023, 10:13, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]