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Abandon Default Authentication Mode
Page Overview
[Hide]This abandon request is a follow-up to mantis report 0027820: Änderung der Default-Auth Methode geht nicht
1 Reasons to Abandon Feature
All user accounts are assigned to exactly one authentication mode. Possible auth modes are:
Switching the "Default Authentication Mode" might produce different problems, since no conflict handling - besides a check for the activation of the chosen authentication mode - is done before saving this setting.
Unhandled conflicts are:
- ILIAS Databbase
- Shibboleth
- Radius
- Apache
- OpenIDConnect
- "Default"
Switching the "Default Authentication Mode" might produce different problems, since no conflict handling - besides a check for the activation of the chosen authentication mode - is done before saving this setting.
Unhandled conflicts are:
- User accounts without password: switch from default (ldap) to default (database)
- Not distinguishable accounts: switch from default (database) to default (ldap) while an user account with the same auth mode (ldap) and the same external account already exists
- All authentication modes with an existing configuration
- In/active status of that auth mode
- Number of user accounts assigned to this auth mode
2 Technical Information
The following changes will be implemented:
- Database migration of user accounts with default authentication mode to the "named" authentication mode. E.g auth_mode: default => auth_mode: shibboleth"
- Removal of all code related to the "default" auth_mode
3 Contact
- Author of the Request: Meyer, Stefan [smeyer]
- Maintainer: Meyer, Stefan [smeyer]
- Implementation of the feature is done by: Meyer, Stefan [smeyer]
4 Funding
Removing the feature from the ILIAS code base might need funding. If you are interest in funding this request, please add your name and institution to this list.
- ...
5 Discussion
JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 14 SEP 2020: We highly appreciate this suggestion and adandon the Default Authentication Mode with ILIAS 7. To prevent multiple Save actions on one screen, please move the Captcha setting on Administration » Authentication and Registration » Registration Settings to a new subtab "Captcha".
6 Implementation
{The maintainer has to give a description of the final implementation and possible consequences for existing installations.}
Approved at {date} by {user}.
Last edited: 14. Sep 2020, 16:45, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]