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Gallery View

1 Description

Last changed 19 Jan 2011
The original concept was a vague idea of a media gallery presentation view within the media pool or as a separate ILIAS resource. The discussion brought up a set of content presentation features that could be integrated in different components of ILIAS, these features are currently (19 Jan 2011):

  • Tiled overview of thumbnails of media objects (pictures and movies)
  • Lightbox / Fullscreen view for content. Predominantly pictures and movies, but also other content.
  • Slideshow: Automatic or manual "previous/next" navigation using transition effects.
Use Case Scenarios:
  • Mediacast "Lighbox" Option: A click in the current list/table view opens a lighbox-like view that offers a fullscreen view of the movie. (already funded)
  • Mediacast "Tiled" Presentation: Beside the current "list/table" view the "Tiled Presentation View" could be selected as the main presentation view for learners. Clicking a thumbnail would offer a Lightbox-like view with Fullscreen option and manual slideshow features (prev/next).
  • Mediacast "Slideshow" Presentation: Another option would be to offer a main "slide show" presentation mode. If learners open the media cast, a slideshow would start (optional automatic prev/next navigation).
  • Page Editor - Slideshow mode for Tabs: This would allow to present any content that can be used in the editor as a slideshow (automatic/manual prev/next navigation)
  • Page Editor - Tiled/slideshow view for a set of media objects: A new page content element "media set" could be implemented that allows to add multiple media objects (also from the pool) and would offer a slideshow and a tiled overview presentation mode.
Possible Tools:

2 Status

3 Additional Information

Relevant SIG:

4 Discussion

Should this the picture album be an extension of the media pool (It would only support graphics for preview of course) or a separate object/plugin?
Anybody else interested in this feature?

JF 22 Feb 2010: We discussed three alternatives:

  1. Additional "Presentation View" for the existing media pools
  2. New core repository resource
  3. Repository plugin
Alternative (1) has the problem, that the use scenarios are very different from the media pools. Users would not "Add a Mediapool" to create a picture album. Media pools are meant for authors and reuse. If funding is settled we will continue to discuss this.

SCB 10.6.2010:
For the moment we create a html-gallery and upload this as a html-learningmodule. This is not very elegant, especially for untrained teachers. So a "native", easy to use ILIAS-imagegallery would be very appreciated.

Little 12.06.2010
@SCB, Jesper & JF:
I remember Helmut Schottmüller talking about a picture gallery ILIAS plug-in (?) he wrote some years ago. It must be a bit old fashioned today. But maybe it wouldn't be a lot of work to get it "up to date". If he hasn't time to get it ready himself so maybe he'd provide the code to an other developer?
Btw: I think picture gallerys are something a lot of lecturers and students are waiting for in ILIAS. Some do it like SCB with a HTML ILIAS learning module but a lot of them are overchallenged with that. So it would be sad if it remained "only" an optional plug-in.

CB 22 Aug 2011: We too have frequent request for some kind of easy to use image gallery. I´d very much like to rekindle the discussion about this.

HL: We think this is a good idea. And not only for the ILIAS-Conference. There are many other conference-courses or groups on our installation - and all conferences must handle the conference-fotos. Very important: Different templates, well designed.

Little 2011-08-24:
For ducumentation I'll post Helmut Schottmüller's answer (via Twitter): "War ne Lightbox diashow. Müsste aber auf jeden Fall überarbeitet werden." (It was a lightbox diashow and it has to be revised.)

ILIAS_LM 2011-09-22:
Additional information: Databay has published a galery-plugin: http://www.iliasnet.de/fotogalerie.html

AK 8 Nov 2011: Volker Reuschenbach from the Unirep Online project contacted me. They would like to fund it as a extension of the media pools. I think this is still the best way to go, since a lot of functionality is already there.

ILIAS_LM 2011-11-08:
@AK: Would this mean the media pool finally gets a multi file upload (e.g. ZIP)? (I am longing for it)

CB 2011-11-08: Just my 2¢, but it seems desireable to me to concentrate all of the ILIAS community’s efforts and resources on one gallery instead of scattering them accros different implementations of basically the same functionality.

rdp 2011-11-09: I think we should treat photos, videos and audio all the same way with one object specialized on media display. This could be some kind of gallery view which could take content from a media-pool (long term usage) or from a zip/file upload (one time usage).
The media pool should remain a 'bucket' that holds and manages the media for long term usage but of I agree it should get a zip upload too.

ILIAS_LM 2011-11-09:
I absolutely agree. The ILIAS pools in general are rather techy/techie/tekkie container objects which do display a lot of meta information (not interesting for members). I also want a smooth, well designed media show (it may be that simple like that shadowbox view of Databay's plugin) for members.
In my opinion the plugins I know (latest the Databay version) did not convince me at all. It would be a lot of work to get it «more ILIAS». And as Helmut said: His plugin is rather old. I can't tell how much it must be done 'till it's ready for the future.
Btw: As far as I know mediapools (as all pools) aren't shown to members (default). Happy Rechtedurchdrückung!

CB 2011-11-12: Little, no disagreement from me there. I didn’t necessarily mean that the Databay plugin is the way to go.

JF 21 Nov 2011: There seem to be these options:

  • Extension of the media pool (extra gallery view)
  • Extra gallery object (which may reuse a media pools content!?)
  • A new content element for the page editor (media sequence) which could be embedded in wikis, learning modules, ... and would hold a number of media objects and also implement a lighbox-like view
We currently prefer the first option  (re-use of an already existing concept and its implementation), incl. zip and multi-file upload feature.

Pascal, 25 Nov 2011:
I prefere "Extra gallery object which reuses media pools content" because the mediapool ist not very sexy for the endusers and we use it only to manage content which is presented somewhere else (i guess this is how it's ment to be used [see documentation]).
zip und mutlifile upload is a very good feature in the mediapool anyhow.

Alex Killing, 19 Jan 2011: The current discussion in the "SIG Medieneinbindung" prefers to add gallery presentation functionality to the mediacast instead of the media pool, including the possibility to re-use media from the pool in the mediacast.

kschmitt, 2012-05-15:
«Wird man diese Medien als Kursmitglied eigentlich auch auf einmal herunterladen können? Wirklich verhindern kann man den Download - auch von Streams - ja eh nicht (auch wenn das OLG Stuttgart das gerne anders hätte, siehe Urteil zum §52a UrhG von 4.4.2012). Gerade bei Bildergalerien ist es aber mühselig, auf jedes Bild einzeln zu klicken. Hier wäre es wirklich schön, wenn man die ganze Galerie nicht nur angucken, sondern auch auf einmal herunterladen könnte. Zumindest bei allen Medien, die vom Kursadmin als Datei hochgeladen werden, könnte man sicher einen Download-All anbieten.»
(Public Comment on wikipage)

HJL, 10.9.2012: If a user clicks the "Mediacast"-link, then he`ll be forwarded to the "Edit content"-tab, this is unusual in ILIAS.
I suggest to have just the content-tab, and there we should have three subtabs "Gallery view", "List view" and for admins: "Sorting".
And: If the admin does not upload a preview picture, then there we should have a default-picture. Actually, there is just "nothing".
I also suggest to add more pixels between the different objects in the "Gallery view".
The lightbox preview with previous/next navigation need some improvements too.

JF 17 Sep 2012: We would like to make the gallery view the standard learner view (read permission) and hide the list view. The list view should be come the "Manage" sub screen (under Content). This means some elements must also move to gallery screen (itunes links, download links, basic info on items). Some information may be put on the lightbox view. We agree that we need a default picture and that the lightbox views needs improvements. If a gallery preview picture is clicked, the player in the lightbox view should already start.
The action drop down should offer two entry points for users with edit permissions: "Settings" and "Edit Content" (see Edit-link (action) Links to settings or content?).

AK 1 Oct 2012: We got some feedback in the bug tracker from Volker, see Bug 9809. I think he is absolutely right to say that the gallery/tiled presentation does not make much sense, if you work with lots of audio items. For this reason we should offer an option to choose the learners presentation mode. Either list (the old one, more suitable for audio podcasts) or gallery (more suitable for videocasts). Nevertheless audio/video should run in both modes. And I also think that the lighbox view does not make that much sense for audio items, too.

5 Implementation

In ILIAS 4.3 a similar behaviour is basically implemented in the mediacasts. A "tiled" presentation and a lightbox view with previous/next navigation, see Mediacast: Lightbox View and Mediacast: Preview Picture. Therefore, I close this page. If a gallery view is needed for an other object type, please open a new feature request.

Last edited: 13. Jun 2015, 17:11, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]