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Complete ILIAS Installation as LTI Tool

1 Initial Problem

Until now, the concept of using ILIAS as a provider/tool was that individual objects (e.g. a course) had to be released.
However, there are also scenarios in which a complete ILIAS installation with all options (user profile, mail sending, etc.) is to be released and users are to be able to access several courses of their choice or select objects via deep linking, for example.
For this scenario, authentication via LTI would have to be extended for the entire installation (with suitable role definition). 

The background for this feature request is a research network with several European universities. Students from several countries can already access an ILIAS installation of a southern German university that was set up especially for this project. If ILIAS is used as provider/tool here, ILIAS is automatically displayed in LTI kiosk mode. However, this has the disadvantage for the cooperation of the students that they cannot make any entries in the profile and thus communication is made more difficult. Through rights adjustments, students can go into multiple courses, but the dashboard is also not available. The point of this rather small feature is that the university would like the kiosk mode to be able to be switched off and, similar to Moodle (there is no kiosk mode there), ILIAS can be used in the usual variety of functions, especially for communication.

2 Conceptual Summary

Support for LTI "Names and Roles Provisioning Service" (https://www.imsglobal.org/spec/lti-nrps/v2p0) is not planned. Users are always LTI learners and have the global role specified for the platform/consumer that uses ILIAS as tool/provider.


  • Users always land on the dashboard at startup.
  • The LTI kiosk mode is deactivated, so that all options for the user profile are displayed.
  • When leaving ILIAS, the login page is not displayed, but simply the LTI message that the user is now logged out. There is no redirection to the LTI initiating platform, since it can be assumed that the session on the LTI initiating platform will often have expired.
  • As the global role 'administrator' and 'lti_global_role' is not possible.
  • The setup of LTI accounts for the entire ILIAS installation can only be done by administrators or persons with appropriate administrative rights.
  • A transfer of learning statuses is not provided in the first step.
  • The language setting is still done per defined setting.

3 User Interface Modifications

3.1 List of Affected Views

  • Administration -> LTI -> ILIAS as LTI Provider -> LTI Consumers -> Edit

3.2 User Interface Details

Before the change only specific objects such as Course, Wiki could be selected.

3.3 New User Interface Concepts


3.4 Accessibility Implications


4 Technical Information

It is about the kiosk mode that can be switched off. The procedure for users to access ILIAS via LTI does not change. Only those platforms/consumers can use ILIAS as a tool/provider that are approved. The ILIAS administrator also decides whether LTI 1.1 (with OAuth 1.0) or LTI 1.3 may be used.

5 Privacy

A user can delete his account as provided by ILIAS. If the user then accesses ILIAS as an LTI tool again via the LTI Platform, a new user is created.

6 Security

To increase security, we decided to introduce the kiosk mode, so the functionality of ILIAS was limited. But I can also well understand that one would also like to do something similar with ILIAS as with M..... As described above, however, support for "Names and Roles Provisioning Service" is not provided - i.e. an M.. administrator cannot automatically be assigned extended rights in ILIAS.
To offer a project-specific ILIAS installation as the university mentioned above does, I think it makes sense. Theoretically, ILIAS users with pseudonymization could be created via LTI, which could abuse the communication functions of ILIAS.

7 Contact

8 Funding

If you are interest in funding this feature, please add your name and institution to this list.

9 Discussion

10 Implementation

{ The maintainer has to give a description of the final implementation and add screenshots if possible. }

Test Cases

Test cases completed at {date} by {user}

  • {Test case number linked to Testrail} : {test case title}


Approved at {date} by {user}.

Last edited: 28. Sep 2023, 16:21, Kohnle, Uwe [ukohnle]