Feature Wiki
Revision of Test Evaluation
1 Description
We noticed several inconsistencies in the evaluation of test passes. Therefore we need to revise and streamline the test evaluation. In a first a step we have to document the current behaviour and the problems that have occured.
- When is a question treated as "answered". What exactly needs to happen?
- When is a question evaluated and when not? (We just tried out a test including a multiple choice questions (ILIAS 4.2). If no checkbox is checked by the user and the user navigates to the next question the MC question is still "unanswered", but the question is part of the evaluation (in our case -3 points). If the user finishes the test without navigating to this question, the quesion is also "unanswered" but NOT part of the evaluation.)
- The way how multiple choice questions get their points (for checked and unchecked anwer state) should be discussed. An easier way would be to give points for a "complete" correct solution.
- ...
Issue 3: The way how multiple-choice questions get their points:
We (iLUB Unibe and PHZH) suggest the following multiple-choice questions:
a) Multiple Choice (Single answers) - no changes
b) Multiple Choice (Multiple answers) - some improvements: new way to give points for a complete correct solution
c) Multiple Choice (Kprim) - new question type. JF already discussed this: <http://www.ilias.de/docu/goto_docu_wiki_1357_Multiple_Choice_K%252FKprim.html>
We improved the Kprim Multiple-Choice Type.
d) Multiple Choice (PickN) - new question type
2 Status
- Scheduled for: not scheduled yet (has been scheduled for v. 4.3 but postponed due to missing funding)
- Funding: Required / Partly funded by / Funded by ...
- Development: Feature is to be developed by
3 Additional Information
- If you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding, please contact: Björn Heyser (bheyser at databay.de)
4 Discussion
Jour Fixe, 02 May 2012: We have set up this feature request to handle the documentation and revision of the test evaluation in ILIAS. Due to the importance of this revision we schedule it for 4.3. Nevertheless, such a code revision requires funding to be realised.
MK, 25.03.2015: Question Type MC-KPrim was introduced in 5.0: Multiple Choice K/Kprim. Discussion on the other presented issues continued in Separating Submission and Navigation and Revision of MCQ: Alternative points specification for multiple choice question.
5 Follow-Up
Last edited: 25. Mar 2015, 09:24, Klehr, Martin [mklehr]