Feature Wiki
Amend Personal Default Settings
1 Requirements
In the Testobject in the Settings-Tab in the sub-tab "Personal Default Settings" the sequence of items is skewed. (This whole thing is an anomaly in the ILIAS interface. It should be mainstreamed eventually but until then it shoul become just a bit more user-friendly)
1. Add-button + rarara + title field
Both title field and add-button do only remotely resemble standard ILIAS title fields and add-buttons. Please switch to normal interface elements:
Get some self-respecting title field put the Add button on the lower right of it. ( I have attached two screenshots) I really do need a description field.
2. When I create such a personal default setting I get no feedback whatsoever. A. Not about the fact that it will from now on occur in my create dialogues as an option. This information has to be included! "The personal default setting you create here will be presented to you as an option when you add anew test next time. You may choose to apply your personal default setting with one click." or something like that. Now it works like a mine waiting for a trespasser. I was angry when nothing happen and then shocked when 20 minutes later out of the blue out of thin air my create dialogue was changed and used my admittedly slightly obscene personal default setting.
B. I get not feedback about what settings I actually made my personal default. Is is the ones that where set in the object the very moment I created the personal default setting? I suppose so, but I cannot know for sure. I need information. otherwise this is complete rubbish.
Please provide me with a textlist of the setting made in these Personal Default Settings.
In the best of all worlds I get the dialogue that is used in the administration. This one is super helpful.
2 Status
- Scheduled for: Not scheduled yet
- Funding: Required / Partly funded by / Funded by ...
- Development: Feature is to be developed by
3 Additional Information
- If you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding, please contact: your name / your e-mail
4 Discussion
5 Implementation
Last edited: 18. Oct 2012, 14:20, Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt]