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Statistics: Evaluation for all questions

in Bearbeitung

1 Requirements

With the new option "Evaluation for all questions" in tab "Statistics" of tests it would be possible to evaluate the test results not only for participants but also for questions. For example test authors could detect items in questions, which were often answered incorrectly.
The statistic could be something like in surveys "Cumulated Results (Details)", where you see how many person answered and how they answered.
The statistics should include following data (like in survey):

  • Question
  • Question Type
  • Users Answered
  • Users Skipped
  • Total points
  • Answers/Items (with points for each answer)
  • (Chart)
This statistics (with or without charts) would be great and reasonable for following question types:

Question Type


Chart Axes / other functionalities

Multiple Choice Question (Single Answer)

X: Answers/Items Y: Number of participants which have chosen this item

Multiple Choice Question (Multiple Answer)

X: Answers/Items Y: Number of participants which have chosen this item

Error Text


X: marked words Y: Number of participants which have chosen this item

Hot Spot / Image Map Question


Pershaps a chart which answer the question: "Which point/hot spot was clicked mostly?"

Cloze Question


Perhaps a chart which answer the question: "Which gap is filled out right mostly?"

Numeric Question


Perhaps a chart which sort all values in an order: "Which value was given how often?"

Text Subset Question


Perhaps a chart, which answer the question: "How many times the deposited words were mentioned?"

Ordering Question (Vertical)


Perhaps a chart which answer the question: "Which answer was most on 1. / 2. / 3. ... position?"

Ordering Question (Horizontal)


Perhaps a chart which answer the question: "Which answer was most on 1. / 2. / 3. ... position?"

Matching Question

X: definitions Y: matched termes (Streudiagramm?)

Essay Question


No chart, only list the answers (like survey)

File Upload Question


No chart, only % of all participants, which uploaded (min.) one file

Flash Question



Java Applet Question



example survey statistics

2 Status

3 Additional Information

  • If you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding, please contact: your name / your e-mail

4 Discussion

Fred Neumann, March 30, 2015: The new feature request Plugin Slot for Test and Item Statistics would allow to implement and test those and further statistics in prototype plugins, before the most useful ones are added to the trunk.

5 Implementation


Last edited: 30. Mar 2015, 22:50, Neumann, Fred [fneumann]