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Streamlining behavior when deleting user accounts

1 Requirements

1.1 Current state in ILIAS v5.0

First an analysis of the current state what happens to existing objects and content fragments when a user will be deleted:

Own objects

Content fragments of foreign objects

What happens on the deletion of the belonging user?

Personal Workspace


object will be deleted


object will be deleted


object will be deleted


object will be deleted

public comment

comment persists but no related user will be displayed



object will be deleted

public comment

comment persists but no related user will be displayed




object persists but becomes ownerless

role membership

object will be deleted


object persists but becomes ownerless


object will be deleted


object persists but becomes ownerless


object persists but becomes ownerless


object will be deleted

Item Group

object persists but becomes ownerless

Booking Pool

object persists but becomes ownerless

booking object

(a booking object is not assigned to a user, it is owned by the owner of the object)


object persists but becomes ownerless


The former login name of a deleted user will be preserved and labelled as „Pseudonym“ (even if "posting with pseudonym" is disabled in the settings of the forum)




object persists but becomes ownerless


object persists but becomes ownerless


(a weblink is not assigned to a user, it is owned by the owner of the object)

Web Feed

object persists but becomes ownerless


object persists but becomes ownerless

wiki page

page and revisions persist but no related user will be displayed


revision of a page

public comment

comment persists but no related user will be displayed



object persists but becomes ownerless


posting persists but the contributor will be displayed as „unknown“


public comment

comment persists but no related user will be displayed


Learning Module ILIAS

object persists but becomes ownerless

learning module page

page and revisions persist but no related user will be displayed


revision of a page

public comment

comment persists but no related user will be displayed


Learning Module HTML

object persists but becomes ownerless

Learning Module SCORM/AICC

object persists but becomes ownerless


object persists but becomes ownerless


(a term is not assigned to a user, it is owned by the owner of the object)

Data Collection

object persists but becomes ownerless


record persists but „Owner“ und „Last edited by“ will be displayed as „unknown“



object persists but becomes ownerless

mediacast item

(an item is not assigned to a user, it is owned by the owner of the object)

Media Pool

object persists but becomes ownerless

media object

(a media object is not assigned to a user, it is owned by the owner of the object)


object persists but becomes ownerless


will be deleted (including: grading, mark, note, comment, and feedback)


object persists but becomes ownerless

The name of a deleted user will be preserved and will still be listed as the author on the info page of the test


test pass

The name of the participant will be displayed as "The user has been deleted."


Question Pool Test

object persists but becomes ownerless


(a question is not assigned to a user, it is owned by the owner of the object)

The name of a deleted user will be preserved and will still be listed as the author of a question (the author field is a free text input field, it is filled with the name of the logged in user by default when adding the question, but it is not connected to the user object)



object persists but becomes ownerless


voting persists (voting is anonymized anyway)


object persists but becomes ownerless

The name of a deleted user will be preserved and will still be listed as the author on the info page of the survey


survey pass

The name of the participant will be displayed as "The user has been deleted."


Question Pool Survey

object persists but becomes ownerless


(a question is not assigned to a user, it is owned by the owner of the object)

The name of a deleted user will be preserved and will still be listed as the author of a question (the author field is a free text input field, it is filled with the name of the logged in user by default when adding the question, but it is not connected to the user object)


Portfolio Template

object persists but becomes ownerless



All objects, which a user added to the personal workspace, will be deleted.


On the contrary all objects, which a user added to the repository, loose their ownership and therefore will become orphaned.[1]

Content fragments of foreign objects (e.g. contributions to forums, submissions to exercises, passes and results of tests and surveys, public comments) are handled differently according to the type of object:


At some objects the content fragments will be anonymized when a user will be deleted. Here either no user is displayed (-), the user is dispayed as "unknown" (U), or the user will be mentioned as "deleted" (D).


At some other objects (test, survey, question of a question pool for tests/surveys) the name (academic title, firstname, lastname) of a deleted user will be preserved as a data fragment (N). In contributions of personalized forums the login name of a deleted user will be preserved as a data fragment (L). This could lead to a problem concerning data privacy.


A submission to an exercise will be deleted.


1.2 Conclusion and presupposition for a proposal

  • Ownerless objects should be avoided if possible, because in many cases they cannot be continued to use anymore.

  • Displaying the information that a user was deleted should be uniform in all objects.

  • Preserving the full name of a deleted user should be avoided for privacy reasons if not clearly specified.


1.3 Proposal

Based on these analysis of the current state I will here develop a proposal for streamlining the behavior of ILIAS when a user will be deleted.

Own objects in the personal workspace

should be deleted as in the current state

Own objects in the repository

Different behavior could be desired dependent on the user and the objects in question:

  • The object persists and looses its ownership. Therefore it becomes ownerless.

  • The object persists and changes the ownership to the owner of the next higher object in the repository tree (the surrounding folder, group, course or category).  [Should be the default behavior]
    When the object is on the highest level of the repository, then root becomes the owner.

  • The object persists and changes the ownership to a user-defined or selected owner.

  • If the object is a content object:

    • The object will be deleted. A warning should be thrown prior to the deletion.

    If the object is a container object (category, course, group, folder):

    • If the object contains objects of other owners, the object should persist and an other rule has to be chosen concerning the ownership (see above).

    • If the object only contains objects of the same owner, the object should be deleted including all embedded objects. A warning should be thrown prior to the deletion.

Content fragments of foreign objects

The behavior of all objects should be consistent but different behavior could be desired:

  • The content fragment persists and the user is displayed as "The user has been deleted.".  [Should be the default behavior]

  • The content fragment persists and the name (academic title, firstname, lastname) of the user will be preserved.[2]

  • The content fragment will be deleted. A warning should be thrown prior to the deletion.

Content fragments where the user is displayed as "unknown" or where the user field is empty after the deletion of a user are not desirable.


1.4 Mock-ups

Administration » User Management:

(in preparation)

Administration » General Settings: Cron Jobs:

Delete inactivated user accounts

and when selecting the last option of "User objects in the repository":

Delete inactive user accounts

Mock-up analogous to the mock-up of "Delete inactivated user accounts" above.


1.5 Enhancements

Maybe it should be possible to define the default behavior based on global roles.

Considering authors of learning content. It won't make sense if their objects (e.g. learning modules, question pools and glossaries) would be deleted when they leave an institution. Contrary to tests passes which could be deleted because they are mostly for test purposes.

Considering students, this could be the other way round. Here test passes could be examination fragments and the name of the student user should be preserved in the test results even if the student already left the university.

Furthermore, it could be desired to define the default behavior in more detail based on object types.

2 Additional Information

  • Idea / concept: Mirco Hilbert, JLU Gießen, Mirco.Hilbert@hrz.uni-giessen.de
  • Interest in funding: (please indicate if you are interested/able to fund this feature)
  • Maintainer: (will be set by Jour Fixe / maintainer)
  • Implementation of the feature is done by (will be set by Jour Fixe / maintainer)
  • Testcases by: (please add your name if you want to create the testcases for this feature)

3 Discussion

4 Implementation

{please give a descripiton of the final implementation and add screenshots if possible}

Test Cases

Test cases completed at {date} by {user}

  • {Test case numberlinked to Testrail} : {test case title}


Tested successfully and approved at {date} by {user}.

[1] Ownerless objects can be found through the Administration (Administration: System Check: Ownerless Objects). Here the objects can be viewed, moved, exported or deleted. Or a new owner can be assigned.
[2] Desirable if the content fragment is an examination fragment, e.g. the results of a summative test.

Last edited: 3. Jul 2015, 10:01, Hilbert, Mirco [mirco.hilbert]