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For the Record: Re-labeling Booking Tool

The Setting-Tabs Revision Group has systematically reviewed the labels of the Booking Pool. Please consult the respective minutes here and as pdf:

Upcoming changes are

  • Terminology
    We suggest a more consistent and clear labelling for the booking objects and reservations to prevent further confusion, the German being:
    "Buchungsobjekte" -> "Angebote" throughout
    "Reservierungen" -> "Buchungen" throughout
  • Tabs
    New order in 'fixed schedule' mode, others accordingly:

    (current) Booking Objects, (current) Reservations, Info, Settings, Schedules, Participants, Metadata, Rechte


  • Type / Didactic Template
    This option should also appear in the Settings tab right under titel and description, so that it could be found and changed without looking for it under Permissions. This is still being debated and has also been requested for other objects (e.g. here).
  • New section with control 'Online'
    In order to streamline with other objects, the control 'Online' should be moved out of the first section into its own, second section 'Availability'.
  • Type becomes 'Mode'
    This option in the first section is not named correctly, as one can still change between options. It should be "Modus"/"mode".
  • Byline for 'Reminder' always visible
    In the first section, the byline book#:#book_reminder_day_info# in the Fixed Schedule mode (former type) > Reminder setting should always be visible, not only when checkbox is activated.

  • Public Reservations
    The Public Reservations Setting in the first section should be re-labelled and restructured in such a way that it reflects the privacy implications involved in this. Thus opting for all users being able to see all other users' bookings should not be the default.
    No Checkbox but two options with radiobuttons instead, and now called "Privacy" or something akin to that, the German being:
      *nur eigene Buchungen sehen (default)
      *alle Buchungen sehen
        Benutzer mit Recht „Lesen“ sehen im Reiter „Buchungen“ auch Buchungen anderer Benutzer. (reused and slightly adjusted byline)

The revision of the booking tool settings is part of the ILIAS.nrw project.
Contributors in the respective workshops were:

Alexander Killing as Maintainer
Matthias Kunkel
Alexandra Tödt
Florian Suittenpointner
Fabian Kruse
Kendra Grotz (ILIAS.nrw)

Last edited: 3. Jun 2022, 18:04, Grotz, Kendra [kgrotz]