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Show question marking in sidebar questionlist

1 Description

Change proposal ILIAS 4.4+

The sidebar for the list of questions during a test gives no feedback about the participants marking. Instead the link to the "List of Questions"-site has to be clicked.
We think it may enhance userexperience during a test, if the marking is also shown directly in the sidebar.
Since we are planning to use this in future assessments (and evaluate it with a wider range of participants), we gladly submit it to the JF, for a possible integration if wanted.
Ancestor: Question overview on the left side

2 Status


  • Scheduled for: Not scheduled yet (will be set by Jour Fixe)
  • Implementation of the feature is done by Uni Halle

3 Additional Information

Contact the following persons if you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding:

  • Information about this request: christoph.jobst@llz.uni-halle.de
  • Code and documentation by Yves Annanias

4 Discussion

5 Implementation

Change is required in the following files:

<h1>{LIST_OF_QUESTIONS}</h1> <!-- BEGIN item --> <input class="{CLASS}" type="submit" <!-- BEGIN description --> title="{DESCRIPTION}"<!-- END description --> name="cmd[gotoquestion_{SEQUENCE}]" value="{ITEM}" /> <!-- END item -->
Replace with:
<h1>{LIST_OF_QUESTIONS}</h1> <!-- BEGIN item --> <div class="shortlist" style="clear:left;"> <img src="{HREF_MARKED}" alt="{ALT_MARKED}" style="float:left;" /> <input class="{CLASS}" type="submit" <!-- BEGIN description --> title="{DESCRIPTION}"<!-- END description --> name="cmd[gotoquestion_{SEQUENCE}]" value="{ITEM}" /> </div> <!-- END item -->

In Function:
public function outQuestionSummaryCmd($fullpage = true, $contextFinishTest = false, $obligationsNotAnswered = false, $obligationsFilter = false)
add the code between the ****** at line 1575:
$template->setVariable('CLASS', ($row['walked_through']) ? ('answered'.$active) : ('unanswered'.$active));
$template->setVariable('ITEM', ilUtil::prepareFormOutput($row['title']));
$template->setVariable('SEQUENCE', $row['sequence']);
if ($row['marked'])
$template->setVariable('HREF_MARKED', ilUtil::getImagePath("marked.png"));
$template->setVariable('ALT_MARKED', $this->lng->txt("tst_question_marked"));

Last edited: 21. Aug 2014, 14:56, Jobst, Christoph [cjobst]