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Random Test: Extend Filter for Random Selection Rules

1 Initial Problem

With the current implementation the random test offers the possibility to set multiple rules that defines the selection of questions for a participant's test pass. Each rule refers to a single questionpool. Additionally a taxonomy filter is provided that can reduce the set of questions the pool contains to a defined subset.

Since the taxonomies are fexible maintainable within the question pool itself, there is lot of room for customized szenarios of any kind. On the other hand this flexibility, that is indeed very high, has also its limits as we can define a single taxonomy filter only, although multiple taxonomies can be managed within the question pool.

2 Conceptual Summary

To enhance the flexibility that is described above we need to add more filtering possibilities. To support a subset of questions that is defined by topics in a multidimensional manner, all taxonomies of a question pool should be available and selectable at the same time. Furthermore a filter for the questiontype would help a lot as for many scenarios a subset of question types is to be used and the need to structure the question pools and its questions related to the questions' types could be avoided this way.

Two screens in the test question configuration are responsible for the worklfows described above. These screens need to be changed as described below.

Properties Form for a single Selection Rule (Screen 1):

First we need to change the radio group that offers the taxonomies available in the selected question pool as radio option to a set of checkboxes that can be selected or not independently. The subfield that selects one or more nodes per taxonomy as filter setting can be kept. They become the subfields of the checkbox inputs.

For the additional filter of question types a new multi select field is to be added to the form that defines a selection rule. It offers the possibility to select one or more question types that are allowed to be selected for the test.

From the technical point of view we just need to change the handling of filter criteria as we have to consider taxonomy filter settings in a more complex way and the additional filter for question types is to be respected as well.

Overview of Selection Rules (Screen 2):

Because there is now additional filter criteria defined per selection rule, it should be presented in the overview. Therefore the presentation of a single taxonomy and a slected node within shown in two columns gets changed to a single column presentation that shows each selected taxonomy with its selected nodes comma separated. Multiple taxonomies are presented one after another.

The column that got free of use can be recycled for a comma separated list of filtered question types. This way we get all information placed but the presentation of information gets not really more complex.

3 User Interface Modifications

3.1 List of Affected Views

Old Screen 1:

New Screen 1:

Old Screen 2:

New Screen 2:

3.2 User Interface Details

The user interface elements that are relevent can be seen in the list of affected views above, as the affected screens present them all.

3.3 New User Interface Concepts

There is no user interface that gets newly introduced.

4 Technical Information

Of course there is a small performance decrase while passes are builded or the check for that is performed due to several additional but small database requests, but this can be ignored.

5 Contact

6 Funding

If you are interest in funding this feature, please add your name and institution to this list.

  • ...

7 Discussion

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], FEB 13, 2017: Highly appreciated and scheduled for 5.3

8 Implementation

The implementation has been done like described above. It is now possible to define a question type filter for each selection rule that allows multiple question types to be filtered. With the enhancement of the filtering using taxonomies it is now possible to define multiple nodes per taxonomy.

Within the table showing the defined selection rules the filter information about taxonomies has been moved into a single column and another column now shows the definition of the question type filter.

Test Cases

Test cases completed at 24 Aug 2017 by mbecker

  • C18726 : Selektion von 0-n Taxonomien als Filter 
  • C18727 : Verfügbarkeit des Filters "Fragentyp" 
  • C18728 : Selektion von 0-n Taxonomieknoten als Filtereinstellung 


Approved at 24. August 2017 by Ernst Huber.

Last edited: 16. Dec 2017, 14:09, Heyser, Björn [bheyser]