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Mail notification for news

1 Requirements

If a user uploads a file in the course, the other users can see in the news that a new file has been created. In order to get this information, the user has to login in ILIAS. Many users like to get an automatic mail if a new file has been created, so that they do not have to login in ILIAS in order to get this information.
It should be possible for every user to decide whether he wants to get this mails or not (on the personal desktop as a whole and/or in every single course/categorie etc.).

2 Status

3 Additional Information

  • If you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding, please contact: Miriam Schneider / miriam.schneider@h-brs.de

4 Discussion

JF 20 Jan 2014: It is currently possible to get notifications per daily mail. The user has to activate the feature on the main screen of a course or group (top right action drop-down). Since these mails are sent by a cron job, the feature needs to be activated under (ILIAS 4.3: "Administration" > "General Settings" > "Cron Job" > "Daily Mail for Groups and Course News").
The cron job reduces the server load compared with a solution that needs to send mails immediatly to all users that activated notification.
We are aware that the current ways to activated notifications for the different features in ILIAS need to be improved. This is discussed on the page General Notification System.
Does the daily mail fit your needs? We would prefer to try to get a final revised notification concept before addressing this issue with a new/modified implementation.

5 Implementation


Last edited: 20. Jan 2014, 12:53, Killing, Alexander [alex]