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Starting to Support Adaptive Learning Scenarios

1 Requirements

Preconditions are already a very useful and widely used tool for guiding learners through preset learning setups by providing a path to follow.
However, up to now it is only possible to adapt the behaviour of the learning environment to the state of an object / a combination of states of differente objects based of the learning progress states. These states, however, do not bear any information on how well/bad the user achieved the respective state (passed, failed).

An example scenario: User A passes an ILIAS Test with 80% and user B passes with 50% of the points available. Both achieve the state "test passed", but there is no qualifying information on how well they did it. That, on the other hand, means that there is no way for the instructor to prepare and prompt different learning content for varying levels of competence.

What we want is to be able to fork the learning path at this point: User A should be prompted with advanced learning content, user B should be confronted with some more excercises and should, ideally, be asked to take the test a second time.

In addition, it should be possible to define a time span that has to have elapsed before the new exercises are availabe and possibly a maximum amount of time in which they are available based on when the user has met the preconditions (i.e. when he/she has passed a test with X percent).

The same arguement holds for the state "failed" and is even generalizable for other repository objects like exercises, learning modules, wikis, ...

Goal for supporting adaptive learning paths through preconditions

  • [S] It should be possible to set up preconditions based on data that mirrors a qualitiative dimension and goes beyond the learning progress states (passed, failed, finished, not started).
  • [S] These new data-preconditions sould be combinable with the existing preconditions.
  • [S] Fall-downs from one level of competence to a lower level should be possible: if a file has been made available, because a user has been passed test A with 70%, the file should be made unavailable when the user retakes the test (voluntary or involutary) and achieves only 50%, the file whould be made unavailable again  (of course this is only possible when, for example, the test is configured to take the result of the last and NOT the best test run)
  • Which data is available is different for every precondition object
    • [S] Test: grading scheme
    • Wiki, Excercise: grade
    • ...
  • [S] ideally, it should be possible to define a relational condition for the data, like "test result" >= 60%  or "wiki grade" <= 2,5
  • [S] a temporal precodition that specifies a minimum / maximum period of time after another precondition has been met, i.e. a learner has to wait for at least 7 days after he/she has passed another precondition OR the object will only be available for 14 days after another precondition has been met
  • it should be possible to add a text to each precondition with information regarding the "achievement" of this precondition (e.g. "have a look at this learning content ABC and retake the test XY after working through it"). The text should be at least be displayed together with the object description , if not more prominent.
  • the entire feature should be usable regardless of whether the learning progress has been globally / locally enabled
  • more a vision than a goal:
    • transform the "learning managment" ("Lernplanung") functionality of courses (and other objects) from a time scheduling and prompting paradigm to a "level of competence"-based, learning achievement-based feature
    • visualising the different paths that lead to the availability of an object
  • [S] Notification about "newly available objects": a new cron job should walk through the tree and identifiy all those objects per user and context that have become available since the last run
    • the cron job should then send out an email to each user (who has new availabilities) with an aggregated list of all newly available  objects and their contexts
    • this email should be inspired by the new daily course/group mail, with respect to how the list is processed, i.e. objects shold only be listed in their direct context and not in the context of the object containing this context (scenario: course with a group and a file within the group which becomes available: the file shold only be listed once as a new object within the group and not as a new object with the course)
The marking [S] stands for the set of subfeatures that should be implemented as a start.

2 Additional Information

  • Idea / concept: Marko Glaubitz, marko.glaubitz@rz.uni-freiburg.de
  • Interest in funding: Universität Freiburg
  • Maintainer: (will be set by Jour Fixe / maintainer)
  • Implementation of the feature is done by (will be set by Jour Fixe / maintainer)
  • Testcases by: (please add your name if you want to create the testcases for this feature)

3 Discussion

4 Implementation

{please give a description of the final implementation and add screenshots if possible}

Test Cases

Test cases completed at {date} by {user}

  • {Test case number linked to Testrail} : {test case title}


Approved at {date} by {user}.

Last edited: 4. Feb 2020, 09:27, Falkenstein, Rob [rob]