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Matrix statistics for test passes

1 Description

VSP wants an analysis option for the last 10 test passes, analogous to the matrix view of learning progress in objects, e.g., SCORM modules.

Example scenario:
Lecturer calls the learning progress of a test and clicks Matrix view. Then he receives a matrix with the last 10 test passes per user.


  • Even if the user had more than 10 passes, only the last 10 runs are displayed.
  • The display should take into account that there are two variants for the determination of test status:
    • Rate the last test run
    • Rate the best test run
Implementation idea: It inserts a text note below the table heading:
Evaluated test: (best run or last pass)

By clicking a participant's name, you get to the familiar view of the selected participant. => No new feature

2 Status

  • Scheduled for Release: Not scheduled yet (available as patch for 4.1, desired in trunk for 4.3)
  • Funding: Verband Schweiz. Papeteristen
  • Development: Feature was developed by Databay AG

3 Additional Information

  • If you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding, please contact: suittenpointner (at) qualitus.de

4 Discussion

JF 26 Sep 2011: We like this new view. The number of columns should be selectable (not 10 fixed). Please contact the test maintainers (Helmut/Databay) and ask them to participate in a Jour Fixe to discuss this feature in detail.

Florian Suittenpointner 25 Oct 2011: There are two additional requirements:

  • Where to activate this feature in a test?
    We would prefer to add a text field "Number of columns in matrix statistics for test passes" in "Settings > Scoring and Results".
  • Where to provide a global default value?
    We would prefer to add a text field "Number of columns in matrix statistics for test passes" in "Administration > Test and Assessment > Defaults".
The text fields should be accompanied by a rough description of the feature.

JF 7 Nov 2011: The feature/tab can always be activated. The default number of columns can be "10" (hardcoded). The selection for the number of columns should be included above the table as a drop down (like columns selection in the user administration table).
One problem is are the column headings. The numbering in your screen shot above (1-9) is confusing. Our current preference is to make everything "right aligned". The right-most column (of this set) always contains the value of the last pass. The preceding next-to-last column contains the value for second last pass. The "number of passes" column should be the very last column.

Florian Suittenpointner 31 July 2012:
Here is the final state of the concept, after Norbert Bromberger and Matthias Kunkel discussed the layout of the table:
The tutor gets the following table:

  • Participant Name
  • Status
  • Number of passes
  • Valid result (in this case we could write: "100% on # 08")
  • The single passes from left to right (10 columns if the user wants to see 10 attempts). As soon as more than the selected number is available, a clue is displayed in the row of the respective learner and a button to turn the next page to display the other values​​.
    Alternatively, the tutor can also expand the number of columns.

5 Follow-up

Last edited: 20. Mar 2023, 09:15, Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila]