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Streamlining Answer Input Fields

1 Requirements

Only question fields of test questions have a tiny-editor to layout the question. This WYSIWYG-editor would also be useful for answers. ILIAS 4.4 MC- and Singlechoice-questions have already a tiny-editor to format answers. All other question types haven't such an editor.
We provide a streamlining of all question type

  1. to add a tiny-editor and
  2. to remove the limitation of characters.
Especially and for example "Matching Question": More than 200 characters aren't possible at the moment. It should be possible to add more text in definition- or terms-boxes. It would be great too, if you could format text with headings and/or colors.

Tiny editor in single choice questions
Problem of limited characters in matching questions

2 Status

  • Scheduled for: Not scheduled yet (will be set by Jour Fixe)
  • Funding: Required (please indicate if you have funding for feature)
  • Maintainer: (will be set by Jour Fixe)
  • Implementation of the feature is done by (company, developer)
  • Contract settled: (fill in "Yes" if a contract is already settled, otherwise "No" )
  • Tested by / status: (name, e-mail), (status information set after implementation)

3 Additional Information

Contact the following persons if you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding:

  • Information about concept: Yvonne Seiler, yvonne.seiler [ @ ] ilub.unibe.ch, Universität Bern
  • Information about funding: (name, e-mail)
  • Information about implementation: (name, e-mail)

4 Discussion

5 Implementation


Last edited: 19. Mar 2014, 14:38, Seiler, Yvonne [yvseiler]