Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features


Diagram software and Flowchart

1 Requirements

Gliffy is an Online-tool to create flowcharts, mindmaps, concept-maps, diagrams, floor plans, technical drawings, and more. It is a "Online-Visio"-Tool, see: http://www.gliffy.com/. Gliffy does offer different pricing-models, also for institutions.
The idea is to implement such a online diagram and flowchart-tool. In a first step, we should collect possible solutions.
In this page we collect open-source alternatives for ILIAS, and also the clarification if a "Gliffy-Plugin" could be realised.
In a second step, we need funding for implementing the Online-tool in the ILIAS page-editor - so we can use it in Wikis, learning-modules, ...

2 Status

3 Additional Information


Flowcharts, mindmap, concept-maps, diagrams, floor plans, technical drawings, ...





Databay Mindmap Plugin


Plugin is available

Only Mindmaps




not O.S.

commercial, but special Scholarship for O.S. projects available

4 Discussion

JF 17 Sep 2012: We are unsure whether this feature should be part of the core. Especially it these tools offer lot of features they are an application of their own. So a plugin solution would be more suitable. If we would like to use this in wikis/learning modules a plugin slot for page components of the ILIAS page editor would be needed.

5 Implementation


Last edited: 24. Sep 2012, 13:32, Zenker, Dietmar [DZenker]