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Add objects from My memberships to selected items

1 Description

A user removes a course from PD ("selected items"), wants to move it back to "selected items"

I had several people asking for a solution: They are on the Personal Desktop, and remove a course or group by choosing: "Remove from desktop". Then they suddenly realize: That was not a good idea!!

In such cases it would be nice if I can give them an easy FAQ explaining the way to have this course (in Membership) back on the personal desktop (in selected items):
- Click on "My memberships"
- Click on "Actions" - then click on "List on selected Items" - or "Add to selected Items"
- Return to "Selected items"

This would be the easiest way to bring them back the link. Actually i must explain to them how to navigate in the breadcrumb, this is too difficult"

Can you add this additional function?

2 Status

  • Scheduled for Release: Postponed, originally scheduled for 4.1
  • Funding: Required
  • Development: n.n.

3 Additional Information

  • If you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding, please contact: Hansjörg Lauener, Universität Bern

4 Discussion

JF 16 Nov 2009: We agree that a function "Add to Selected Items" should be added to the membership list.

JF 8 Mar 2010: We still need funding for this. If no funding is settled we will move this to 4.2.

See also request Add multiple items from My Courses/Groups to Selected Items

5 Follow-up

Last edited: 19. Sep 2014, 14:36, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]