Feature Wiki
Behavior of Workflow Help
Page Overview
[Hide]1 Requirements
1.1 Back-Navigation Issue
The Current Behavior
I have opened the online help, opened one of the lower chapters with more than one page and selected one of these pages. Now I notice that it is the wrong one and that I need to open another page of the same chapter. I click on "Back" - but ILIAS sends me back to the top level of the help with the first chapter opened - like when I have opened the help before. Unfortunately I need to open the preferred chapter again.
Desired Behavior
On the "Back"-Button we would like the accordion of the chapter in which you have just selected another page to be opened
instead of the accordion of the first chapter?
1.2 Persistence Issue
The Current Behavior
With the initial implementation the help behaves like this:
- If you only open the topic overview (acordeon stacked upon acordeon), a click on any link on the left will close it, if a new request is invoked.
- If you opened a specific topic (those things whose titles show up underneath the little acordeons) from the help topics overview, the help layer will persist until it is closed. After you have clicked on a page title, a text with a goal and a numbered list of steps to carry out is displayed.
The help should stay open with the inital topic opened.
2 Status
- Scheduled for: Not scheduled yet
- Funding: Required / Partly funded by / Funded by ...
- Development: Feature is to be developed by
3 Additional Information
- If you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding, please contact: your name / your e-mail
4 Discussion
5 Implementation
Last edited: 15. Jan 2013, 11:17, Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt]