Feature Wiki
Option to hide the back button in tests
1 Description
In some (psychological) test scenarios as stress tests, concentration tests and other performance tests, where participants should answer questions in a limited amount of time (see also the feature requests "Bearbeitungsdauer je Testfrage" and "Display of Time Limit per Question"), it can be mandatory that the participants are not able to revise an already answered question by using the "back" button (even though they might have time left to do it).
Therefore it should be possible to optionally hide the back button ("zurück") in a test.
Also in an other scenario where a test is designed such that the questions are built on each other to form a situation the participant has to go through. The participant shouldn't be able to go back to revise former answers, as later questions can contain hints to the solution of former ones.
2 Additional Information
- Idea / concept: Mirco Hilbert / Mirco.Hilbert@hrz.uni-giessen.de
- Interest in funding: ...
- Maintainer: Björn Heyser
- Development: Feature is to be developed by
- Test cases by: …
3 Discussion
JF 23 Jul 2012: We understand your feature request. Unfortunately there are current open conceptual discussions related to the navigation within tests. The maintainer would like to revise the implementation of the navigation in general. Please get in contact with the maintainer Björn Heyser (bheyser at databay.de).
Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel], June 15, 2015: We are thinking about Separating Submission and Navigation in tests. This would also introduce navigation patterns, e.g. after having submitted a question, the next question is presented. Within such navigation patterns it would be easy to offer also a mode where no back button is offered.
4 Implementation
Last edited: 15. Jun 2015, 19:44, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]