Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features



1 Description

Since the personal desktop can become very long and result in long response times it would be useful to support pagination.

2 Additional Information

  • Idea / concept: Nima Mazloumi / nima.mazloumi (at) gmail.com
  • Interest in funding: …
  • Maintainer: Killing, Alexander [alex]
  • Feature is to be developed by …
  • Test cases by: …

3 Discussion

JF 2 Nov 2009: We support this feature request. We should make some mockup screens for the different variants of the block.

Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel], June 15, 2015: I recommend to reject this feature request for two reasons:

  1. In the meantime we got a feature that allows it to remove several objects from the PD quickly, see Remove from Desktop for Multiple Objects. So there is a simple way to reduce the long list of desktop items since 4.4.
  2. In the last five years we got more and more used to have long pages instead of a lot of small ones. Think of the Wordpress design paradigm where you have a lot to scroll down to see the entire page content.
So why introducing a pagination for the list of items on your Personal Desktop? If the list is too long, reduce it (option is available). And if you need to have a lot of items on your PD, why not having them on one page?

4 Implementation

Last edited: 15. Jun 2015, 20:34, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]