Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features


Grading, Marking and Evaluating in Wikis

1 Initial Problem

In the Wiki the grading is to be found in the Contributors tab and consists of a Mark (text) and a Grade (dropdown with Passed, Failed, Not Graded) and a Last Change date stamp.

  • Having more than on date in a table cell hampers for sorting, filtering and understanding at one glance.
  • There is no easy way to access the work that is to be evaluated. Grading is quite removed from the work.

2 Conceptual Summary

Basic Concept is layed out in Streamlining Grading, Marking and Commenting

3 User Interface Modifications

3.1 List of Affected Views

  • Wiki > Changed tab "Contributions & Grades"

3.2 User Interface Details

3.2.1 Wiki >  Contributions & Grades-tab (extending Contributor-tab) 

  • Passed, Grade and Evaluation Statement get their own cloumns with only one entry per cell. No more cramming in for these cells. 
  • Gradeing is done by a drop-down
  • Page titles in column "Page Changes" should be clickable

Contributions & Grade with "Edit"-Permission
"Contributions & Grade"-tab for Participants with "Edit Content"-Permission

3.3 New User Interface Concepts


4 Technical Information

{The maintainer has to provide necessary technical information, e.g. dependencies on other ILIAS components, necessary modifications in general services/architecture, potential security or performance issues.}

5 Contact

  • Author of the Request: {Please add your name.}
  • Maintainer: {Please add your name before applying for an initial workshop or a Jour Fixe meeting.}
  • Implementation of the feature is done by: {The maintainer must add the name of the implementing developer.}

6 Funding

If you are interest in funding this feature, please add your name and institution to this list.

7 Discussion

8 Implementation

{The maintainer has to give a description of the final implementation and add screenshots if possible.}

Test Cases

Test cases completed at {date} by {user}

  • {Test case number linked to Testrail} : {test case title}


Approved at {date} by {user}.

Last edited: 26. Nov 2018, 19:14, Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt]