Feature Wiki

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Question type: Drag&Drop onto/into

1 Requirements

Drag&Drop-Questions are a question type that is used in multiple LMS and exam management platforms (i. e. moodle, Q-exam). With D&D-questions it should be possible to drag text modules, pictures or markers onto a graphical element or into a text and drop them onto predetermined spaces or anywhere on the element (see pictures).

In addition the following issues should be possible:

  • author must be allowed whether to make dropzones visible (pic 1) or not (pic 2)
  • choice using text or pictures as draggable elements while designing the question (just like in the "matching question")
  • option to shuffle draggable items
  • dragging markers onto the background image without the cursor changing its shape
  • configuring the drop zones for markers in different shapes (circles, rectangles, polygones)
  • configuring multiple drop zones which can be left blank by the student taking the test
  • minus / half / quarter / etc. points (since it is another form of mc-questions)

Pic 1: Dragging items onto predetermined spaces.
Pic 2: Dragging markers anywhere onto the background image

2 Additional Information

  • Idea / concept: Sven Slotosch, Uni Freiburg (sven.slotosch@rz.uni-freiburg.de; 0761 - 203 4697)
  • Interest in funding: (please indicate if you are interested/able to fund this feature)
  • Maintainer: (will be set by Jour Fixe / maintainer)
  • Implementation of the feature is done by (will be set by Jour Fixe / maintainer)
  • Testcases by: (please add your name if you want to create the testcases for this feature)

3 Discussion

4 Implementation

{please give a description of the final implementation and add screenshots if possible}

Test Cases

Test cases completed at {date} by {user}

  • {Test case number linked to Testrail} : {test case title}


Approved at {date} by {user}.

Last edited: 31. Mar 2016, 12:25, Slotosch, Sven [sven.slotosch]