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Form in ILIAS

Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila], 28 August 2024: The general interest in such functionality is comprehensible. I very much support this.
The request has not been pursued for more than five years and many things have happened over the last few ILIAS releases. I think a new attempt is well worthwhile, but it needs a narrower focus and should be separate from surveys and exercises. 
The topic of form filling is on our roadmap for data collection, but is a mid or long-term topic.

1 Initial Problem

There are several usecases where ILIAS could help, when someone needs a form:

  1. Contact form
  2. Collect data, eg.
    1. Collect abstracts and presentations
    2. Collect data and motivation letter (e.g. for summer school)
  3. Feedback form
  4. Application form - e.g. <http://www.philhum.unibe.ch/unibe/portal/fak_humanwis/content/e66/e629175/e665499/TPF_antrag_4_ger.pdf>
  5. ...

Actually, different ILIAS-objects already fulfill most of the functionalities a form-object should have, but there are still some missing functions to get a form like well-known online-forms:

  • Google Forms - http://forms.google.com
  • Sharepoint Lists
  • Jotforms - http://www.jotform.com
Surveys and datacollection are our favourites objects for this because:
  • Both objects have advantages (and disadvantages)
  • Both object collect data
We suggest to improve one of those objects with form functionalities.

For the decision-process, we created a matrix.

2 Conceptual Summary

2.1 Comparison Survey vs. Datacollection



+ already there,
- needs improvement

+ already there,
- needs improvement

+ already there,
- needs improvement


Funding maybe possible


File-upload field





University of Bern


Download all files of the file-upload field as a zip-File





University of Bern


Date field






Regex for Textfield






Results (Tables and charts)






Design forms






Anonymous / without names





University of Bern


Concluding remarks





University of Bern


Participants can request participation confirmation






Mailing and Invitation












Number of characters in text-fields






In courses/groups, one form should allow multiple runs





University of Bern


Allows to give general read-access rights: "see the different forms other users filled out"





University of Bern


Admins and owners can give "grant access"-rights for other users (of a superordinate course/group): Read and/or Write





University of Bern

When we decide to improve the survey or the datacollection-tool, then we should clarify: Do theses improvements are helpful for a survey or a datacollection in general?


  • File-Upload question (HJL: interesting)
  • Download all files as a zip file (HJL: a must when download files is implemented)
  • Date-field question (HJL: I don`t see a usecase)
  • Regex for textfield (HJL: interesting)
  • Design forms (HJL: Nein, no, just mor complexity)
  • Number of characters in text-fields  (HJL: No, I don`t see a usecase)
  • Should allow multiple runs (HJL: Very interesting)
  • General access rights: See the different surveys other users have filled out (General read-access) (HJL: No, just more complexity)
  • Give "grant-access" rights (Read and/or Write) (HJL: No, just more complexity)
  • Download all files as a zip file (HJL: interesting)
  • Results (Tables and charts) (HJL: interesting)
  • Design forms (HJL: interesting)
  • Anonymous / without names (HJL: interesting)
  • Concluding remarks (HJL: interesting)
  • Participants can request participation confirmation (HJL: interesting)
  • Mailing and Invitation (HJL: interesting)
  • Routing (HJL: No)
  • Give "grant-access" rights (Read and/or Write) (HJL: Interesting)

2.2 Features

2.2.1 Must

1) File-Upload field (Survey)

e.g for collecting motivation letters, CVs, ...

  • a new "File-upload" question in the survey
  • Fields: Title, Label, Author, Description, Question (with Tiny), Compulsory (similar to each other survey-question)
  • "Maximum file upload size"-option (equal with the same option of the "File-upload"-question in tests).
  • Allowed File Extensions"-option (equal with the same option of the "File-upload"-question in tests).
  • "Quantity-of Uploads"-option (A new option with the possibility to "Set a number of uploads": Minimum and Maximum
For security reason in systemadministration of ILIAS it should be possible to deactivate file upload question type (in case of upload possibilities for anonymous). As default option should be deactivated.

2) Download all files of a file-Upload field (Survey, Datacollection)

a Filedownload is a Must-Have when you collect information

  • Similar to the "Download all returned files" from the exercise-tool.
  • Download a zip-file
  • Description of folders and subfolders must be defined, Streamlining with Exercise

7) Anonymous / without names (Datacollection)

  • Add the privacy feature of surveys to the settings of each table of the datacollection: "Without Names / Anonymous Survey" (see survey Settings "Privacy")
  • Users with the permission ‘add entry’ get another permission (can be set in settings tab of table)  => "Do not see own entries"
  • ILIAS then allows different anonymous users to fill out these forms, but they don`t see the entries from other Anonymous users

8) Concluding remarks (Datacollection)

When the user fills out a form he gets a concluding remark after sending the form like a "Thanks-message"

  • Similar to the survey, each table gets a new setting (with Tiny): "Concluding Remarks"
  • When User save a  new entry, then ILIAS shows an intermediate page, with this concluding remarks

2.2.2 Nice-to-have

3) Date-field (Survey)

Often used in Online-forms

  • A new "Date-field"-question in the survey
  • Fields: Title, Label, Author, Description, Question (with Tiny), Compulsory (similar to each other survey-question)
  • "Date"-field
  • Option "Date only" or "Date and time"
  • "Minimum date" and "Maximum date"

4) Regex for Textfields (Survey)

e.g. to decide which format is necessary / for tel, matriculation number, ...

  • Implementation Regex for Essay-question (Streamlining with datacollection)

6) Design forms (Datacollections)

To present "Online forms" to users, addidtional texts and pictures guide the user throught the process

  • Text sections, pictures, multiple-pages, eg. page-editor
  • Concept needed
  • Not for 4.3

9) Participation confirmation (Datacollection)

  • Similar to the survey, each table gets a new setting: "Participants can request participation confirmation"
  • When User save a new entry, then ILIAS shows an intermediate page, with the button "Send participation confirmation" (similar to survey).

11) Routing (Datacollection)

a possibility to handle routing in datacollection

  • Routing
  • Concept needed
  • Not for 4.3

12) Number of characters in text-fields (Datacollection)

"Online forms" often needs a limitation (Options: minimum and/or maximum number of characters)

  • A new implementation that counts the characters
  • It shows the characters to the users
  • ILIAS does not allow to save when the minimum number of characters is not achieved
  • When the max. of characters is achieved, then it is not possible to enter more characters
  • see also <http://www.ilias.de/mantis/view.php?id=18956>

2.2.3 Maybe

5) Results-presentation with table and charts (Datacollection)

a first overview of the collected data

  • Descriptive statistics, similar to the survey-tool
  • Concept needed
  • Not for 4.3

10) Access codes, Mailing and information (Datacollection) 

Similar to survey, datacollection needs user-inviting functionalities

  • E.G. the functionality to invite users, create access-codes
  • Concept needed
  • Not for 4.3

3 User Interface Modifications

3.1 List of Affected Views


  • Questions > Create Question (File Upload and Date Question Type)
  • Results > Details/Overview/Per Participant (File Download)
  • Essay-Question > Edit (Regex)
  • Content > Manage (File Download)
  • Content (Results)
  • Tables > Fields or Views (Design forms)
  • Tables > Settings (Anonymous Permission)
  • Tables > Settings (Concluding remarks)
  • Content > Add Entry > Send (Participation Confirmation)
  • Tables > Settings (Mailing)
  • Tables > Routing

3.2 User Interface Details

{For each of these views please list all user interface elements that should be modified, added or removed. Please provide the textual appearance of the UI elements and their interactive behaviour.}

3.3 New User Interface Concepts

{If the proposal introduces any completely new user interface elements, please provide a link to separate feature wiki entries for each of them according to the kitchen sink template.}

4 Technical Information

{The maintainer has to provide necessary technical information, e.g. dependencies on other ILIAS components, necessary modifications in general services/architecture, potential security or performance issues.}

5 Contact

  • Author of the Request: Lauener, Hansjörg [lauener]
  • Maintainer: {Please add your name before applying for an initial workshop or a Jour Fixe meeting.}
  • Implementation of the feature is done by: {The maintainer must add the name of the implementing developer.}

6 Funding

If you are interest in funding this feature, please add your name and institution to this list.

7 Discussion

AT 2017-03-30: Please consult the idea for a form-ish page element we proposed for the page editor in portfolios: Prompting Element in Portfolio

8 Implementation

{The maintainer has to give a description of the final implementation and add screenshots if possible.}

Test Cases

Test cases completed at {date} by {user}

  • {Test case number linked to Testrail} : {test case title}


Approved at {date} by {user}.

Last edited: 28. Aug 2024, 20:54, Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila]