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Save a page modification automatically

1 Requirements

It's dangerous that you can click on tabs, links, etc. above the blog posting before you saved once. Often user don't see the button "Save and return" or "Save" and click on a link or a tab or something else. They loose everything they wrote.
In Wikis there isn't a posibility to scroll up to the head of page, just to the title of the wiki (see pic. Wiki scroll title). Problem: You can still click on tabs.
Suggested solution
If you click on a tab, link, action button, etc. there should appear a popup "You leave the editor. Do you want to save your changes?". You have to click on "Not Save" (go to tab, link, etc. without saving), "Cancel" (go back to editor) or "Save" (save changes and go to tab, link, etc.) in the popup-window. Same behaviour f.e. in Word if you close a word file without saving. (see pic. Blog scroll title popup)

Wiki scroll title
Blog scroll title popup - view
Blog scroll title popup - explanation

2 Status

3 Additional Information

  • If you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding, please contact: Yvonne Seiler, Universität Bern, yvonne.seiler[ät]ilub.unibe.ch

4 Discussion

JF 7 July 2014: We think it should be discussed where such a behaviour should be available in general. E.g. when writing a forum posting or hand in a text assignment, on every form that contains text areas or even on all forms? We would not like to introduce the feature for the page editor only.

SIG E-Portfolio, 23 Jan 2015: We consider this as a general issue of the ILIAS page editor and move this request to the related category. We see a kind of confirmation pop-up that asks me if I really want to leave the page where I already made modifications like known from an "unsaved Office document".

5 Implementation


Last edited: 23. Jan 2015, 14:36, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]