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News service: Which changes/notifications add a news entry

1 Requirements

We should try to make a guideline and decide for each (new) feature, which postings/changes add a news entry.
Then all news entries must be aggregated in the course/group notifications mails.
We suggest

  • to implement this Guideline.
  • And published Blog-postings in courses/groups should generate a news-entry (incl. aggregation in course/group notification mails).



Upload document

1 File has been added.

Update document

1 File has been updated


Forum: Forumname
1 Posting have been added


Wiki: Wikiname
Name of the wikipage

not yet implemented


Blog: Blogname
1 Posting have been added


not yet implemented
New exercise have been added

2 Status

  • Scheduled for: Release 5.0 (News for blog postings)
  • Funding: Required
  • Maintainer: Alex Killing
  • Development: Feature is to be developed by

3 Additional Information

  • If you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding, please contact: Alexander Killing / alex.killing (at) gmx.de

4 Discussion

AK 10 June 2013: There are some points to consider (see list). I would prefer to have some general guideline, that does not require to add new decisions for each new object type.

  • Changes in content related objects
    • Wikis and Files add automatic news entries
    • (ILIAS) Learning Modules allow to add manual news entries to pages
    • Glossaries, data collections do not support manual or automatic news entries
  • News entries are currently attached to the object only, not to their repository node (Ref-ID). This is relevant especially for the current file object news:
    • If an existing object is linked into another container, new "local" news entry in this container is created
    • If an object is moved from one container into another, there is also no news entry.
  • Only files generate a news entry on creation.
    • Should other object types do this, too?
    • It could be desirable, that objects with an online/offline switch create news entries not on creation, but when they are set "online". Even then, news entries would not be presented, if time scheduled activation still limits the read access. Automatically generating news entries if objects become accessible due to time limitations would require a cron job.
  • New comments to objects sent notifications but do not create news entries. Should this be changed?

JF 20 Jan 2014: We appreciate the function that blogs should generate a news entry. Additionally Alexander will make a proposal for a guideline and re-schedule the topic on the JF agenda.

Seiler, Yvonne [yvseiler], October 22, 2015: We propose to add exercise news too as news entry like blog postings. There should be a news entry for new exercises objects and if in a exercise was added a new assignment (see comments on feature wiki page Notification on New Assignment).

What happened here in the last year since JF made it's decision?

> Decision: Can blog-posting and exercise ordered for 5.2?
> Do we need this guideline?

Killing, Alexander [alex], 22 Okt 2015: Personally I have suspended the work on any guideline due to the ongoing discussions and conceptual work on the general notification concept. As a maintainer I think, the fact that these concepts are not finished and no guideline exists, should not mean, that we cannot introduce additional news item types. The idea to have news entries for blogs has already been scheduled for 5.2, see Newsitems for Blog. I also support the idea to have news items for exercises and assignments.

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], Nov 09, 2015: Please add this request for news for exercises to the already existing request Notification on New Assignment. We highly appreciate such news and schedule it for 5.2.

5 Implementation


Last edited: 9. Nov 2015, 17:06, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]