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Control Flow for Plug-Ins

1 Requirements

The current user interface hook plug-in allows you to easily add a new tab on any site you want.
Now you should be able to click this tab and stay in the same context, what this means is:

  • In the case where we have a context object, the ref_id should be passed via GET
  • All the tabs should stay, with the plug-in tab highlighted
I wasn't able to implement such a plug-in without some small changes in the ILIAS core. If these changes would be taken into a release, it should be possible to easily add any tab/subtab containing content that is seamlessly included into ILIAS.
Below I added a PDF where I implement such a plug-in, namely I add a tab to "administration->user accounts" and fill it with content. It is described, which parts of the ILIAS core I had to add and why. In order to be able to add tabs with content anywhere with a plug-in, these changes have to be made on several locations in the ILIAS core.

Control Flow for Plug-Ins

The changes in a nutshell:

  • IlCtrl - New method: setControllerContext
  • IlTabs - Modify method: addTab
  • All tab building classes (eg. IlObjFolderGUI, ilObjRootFolderGUI ...) - Modify method: executeCommand

2 Status

3 Additional Information

  • If you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding, please contact: Oskar Truffer ot@studer-raimann.ch

4 Discussion

JF 15 Oct 2012: We postpone this discussion. Alexander will have a look at the details first.

JF 8 Jul 2013: We definitely cannot modify the execute command function of "all tab building classes". But we could add a general help function to ilObject(2)GUI that would minimize the code in the execute command function of all repository object implementations. But also in this case we prefer to work with a "white list" of object types that support this.
Please name the object types that would be important for you (and put this on the JF agenda again).

5 Implementation


Last edited: 8. Jul 2013, 14:03, Killing, Alexander [alex]