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Placeholder FIRST NAME in fields CC and BCC

1 Requirements

In course mails, the placeholders FIRST_NAME and LAST_NAME are available in the address field, but not in the CC and BCC fields.
We suggest to enable this placeholders in the CC and BCC fields too.

2 Additional Information

  • Idea / concept: Klaus Zimmermann
  • Funding: possible by FH Münster
  • Maintainer: Michael Jansen
  • Implementation of the feature is done by
  • Tested by / status:

3 Discussion

MJ 02 Feb 2015: As the code maintainer I'm not sure if I like to support this idea :-). There is a good reason why placeholder substitution is not applied for CC (carbon copy) and BCC (blind carbon copy) recipients. CC and BCC recipients should receive a 1:1 copy of the original mail (by concept of the carbon copy). So if there are multiple recipients (TO), which original email (with substituted placeholders) should be copied and sent to the CC and BCC?

kzimmermann 03 Feb 2015: We would like this feature for serial letters.
Example: a tutor wants to send a message "you have not passed the test" to some students, but the students should not see who else has received this same message.

Matthias Kunkel, 02 Mar 2015: As far as I know ILIAS never shows all recipients of a mail send from ILIAS in the "To" field of an incoming mail. When I get mails from ILIAS I only see myself as recipient. @ Michael: Or am I wrong?

kzimmermann 26.03.2015: @ Matthias: that is true for mails which are sent to a group. But when the mail is sent to individual persons, all entries in the "TO" field are visible for all recipients. Our idea is that the tutor can put his own mail address in the TO field (visible for all) and put the student mail addresses in CC (invisible for all), using placeholders in the CC field.

Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel], June 01, 2015: Wouldn't it be sufficient to add a checkbox "Hide Other Recipients" with the effect that ILIAS sends the mail to each recipient as if she/he is the only person who get it? Or even vice versa: to offer a checkbox "Show Other Recipients" which has to be enabled only when all recipients should know who else got that e-mail. Concerning privacy protection the latter is the better ;-)

4 Implementation

Last edited: 1. Jun 2015, 15:59, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]