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Versioning in Pool

1 Initial Problem

The pool does not allow for versioning.

2 Conceptual Summary

Versioning gets introduced for assessment questions and happens on question authoring processes within the test question pool.

  • A new tab "Versions" is added to the user interface of a question configuration.
    • It shows a list of the existing versions.
    • Each single version provides a link to open an tabless underworld showing the question and all its contents in a single page
      • The question
      • Feedbacks for Correct/Incomplete
      • Feedbacks for all answer options
      • All Hints

2.1 Versioning Process

  • The number of versions is linear and branching is NOT supported. 
  • Upping the version number: 
    • Version 1: a question is created with version number. The question is editable ad libitum. 
    • The question remains version number 1 when the question is pulled into a consumer or exported. However the question understands this fact as relevant for itself.
    • The version number is automatically counted up to version number 2 if the question is edited in the pool. („Last used Version“ = „current Version“ then cunt up)
  • Editing page content of a question counts as versioning-relevant editing and wll up the version number. The same aplies to editing Hints or Feedback.
  • Editing the taxonomy is NOT cosidered verisoning-relevant editing. The taxonomy is ignored by the crawler.

2.2 Migration of Existing Data

Whether the question is in a learning module, in a test with a fixed or in a test with random question selection is not relevant for the migration. The migration treats the questions as consumed questions.

  • All questions in pools initially receive version 1 and a new unique ID
  • All questions in consumers descending from a pool are checked for equality with the original
    • If the questions do not equal, the duplicate in the consumer is transformed into a separate question and decoupled from the original in the pool.
      • The question gets its own unique ID and the version 1
      • A reference to the question of origin is attached to the new question
    • If the questions equal, the duplicate is discarded, the pool question is referenced in the consumer instead.
      • The field "last_used_version" for the pool question is set to 1 (the initial version)

2.3 Versions Tab

An additional tab "Version" will be added to the question editing interface. This tab shows a list of all existing versions of the question. Every version is listed with a link that opens an underworld showing a overview page with all versioning relevant contents of the question.

3 User Interface Modifications

3.1 List of Affected Views

  • Questions-tab in pool
  • New versions tab in the question editing ui
  • New Question Overview Page (tabless underworld)

3.2 User Interface Details

The following screens will be introduced/completed:

3.3 Versions Tab

In the future this table may show lifecycle or review information since this kind visions allready exist as feature requests.

3.4 Version Presentation

The preview feature gets adadpted to present earlier versions of the question. 

3.5 Questions List

3.6 New User Interface Concepts


4 Technical Information

This feature request does rely on the request for a Unique IDs for Test Questions. Furthermore it is the base for the feature request of Question Versioning in Test Object.

5 Contact

6 Funding

If you are interest in funding this feature, please add your name and institution to this list.

7 Discussion

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 19 NOV 2018 : We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule it for 6.0.

Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel] @ SIG EA, 13 NOV 2019 : The separation of the Test&Assessment has been postponed to ILIAS 7 because the project cannot be finished satisfactorily until 'Coding Completed' at NOV 29. Therefore, this feature won't make it into ILIAS 6 but is now suggested for ILIAS 7. Please add it to the JF agenda to schedule it again.

2020-07-29: The feature is currently being implemented. A distinction is made between major and minor versions. Major versions can also be given a version name in tab “Edit Question”.

Strassner, Denis [dstrassner] 30 JUL 2020: This change has not been discussed with the SIG EA nor agreed, so I refuse to discuss this FR in this state at the JF.

  • Your screenshot and comments do not follow the suggestions made in the feature request. The discussion was long, broad and full of privations to come to the decision of the JF for ILIAS 6.
  • I refuse to accept that you now simply deviate from this without consulting SIG EA and me.
    • No minor / major versions
    • Versionnumbers must be a separate column
    • Title is the question title / no names for the versions
Und jetzt noch ein Kommentar auf deutsch: So läuft der Communityprozess, insbesondere im T&A, eigentlich nicht! Da hätte ich mehr Kommunikation erwartet!

Strassner, Denis [dstrassner]  03 SEP 2020:

  • We (srag, Timon Amstutz, Fred Neumann, Denis Strassner, Stephan Winiker) discussed the approach to implement this feature today and agreed to postpone this feature request until it is clear if the Assessment Question service is implemented or not and how.
  • We also noticed that the communication in this case was lacking and that future changes to already discussed features should be discussed before introducing them into the JF (e.g. in a Feature Workshop, with the SIG EA, lead SIG EA).

8 Implementation

{The maintainer has to give a description of the final implementation and add screenshots if possible.}

Test Cases

Test cases completed at {date} by {user}

  • {Test case number linked to Testrail} : {test case title}


Approved at {date} by {user}.

Last edited: 3. Sep 2020, 09:57, Strassner, Denis [dstrassner]