Feature Wiki
Exercise Points
Page Overview
[Hide]In many subjects (e.g. Maths and more or less all science subjects) a standard way to perform exercises is to collect these (handwritten or electronically) and to grade them with points. A typical step which is missing in Ilias is the following: In one course, there will be some groups and over the same course, there will be many exercises (a typical number would be about 50) and every tutor should be allowed to mark every exercise of every student in his/her group with points. There should be an overview about the points and the administrator should say how many points one has to reach in order to pass the course (typically 50% or some fixed number).
At the moment, this feature is more or less there. Expect that now the tutor can say if the student has passed or failed one particular exercise and that they can give the student a mark, but not points (plus, a overall mark is not calculated).
I think, the feature should not be to diffifult to implement since one can change or copy the existing thing and add the possibility to give points as well as the calculation of overall points. Plus, maybe some information if the determined number of points has yet reached or if it is impossible to reach.
Like now there should be the possibility to export the list in some .xls file or so where the rows include the points in every exercise by every student.
Open Issues (Leifos, 10 Feb 2016)
Here are some screens that could be a starting point for the discussion:
Open Questions
- How should the calculation of the overall points of the course be configured? Should all LP relevant objects be used automatically?
- Is it feasible to build a sum of points in general? Objects may deliver a very different maximum points (e.g. a test with max. 100 points and a exercise with max. 10 points). Should there be some kind of normalization or weighting?
- Is it necessary that tutors can manipulate the sum in any way or set it manually?
- If objects are removed from the course after learners already achieved some points, how should this affect the overall sum of the course?
Comments and considerations Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, Feb 2016
- How should the calculation of the overall points of the course be configured? Should all LP relevant objects be used automatically?
- It should be possible to decide, which objects should be used.
- For the calculation, it would be perfect to have a choice between different possibilities (e.g. sum, grade point average).
- Is it feasible to build a sum of points in general? Objects may deliver a very different maximum points (e.g. a test with max. 100 points and a exercise with max. 10 points). Should there be some kind of normalization or weighting?
- It would be nice to have the possibility to weight the grades, maybe also to group the items and set weights.
- Is it necessary that tutors can manipulate the sum in any way or set it manually?
- It would be desirable that tutors can manipulate the sum. Also would it be nice to have an option to add own "grade-objects", that are not associated with an ILIAS object (e.g. to grade participation) and to fill in the grades manually.
- If objects are removed from the course after learners already achieved some points, how should this affect the overall sum of the course?
- Administrators should have the choice to keep the results of this object or to discard them. Especially for past courses it would be helpfull, if the overview would still be there, even if the objects are no longer part of the course.
- Objects to be used in the overview:
- all LP relevant objects as mentioned above (need to get points); choice which objects should be used
- Exercise: here it would be good to choose between the result of the exercise, the results of the assignment and both
- possibility to fill in own entries (independent from ILIAS objects), where you can fill in grades manually
- Results to be shown in the overview:
- if possible all details: points, percent, passed status, grade, comment
- if possible also: max.points (exercise: possiblity to fill in max.points manually in the overview; percent would be calculated by the overview object)
- Calculation of the overall result:
- Option 1: Grade point average
- only possible if you have the same mark schema for all objects > should be in descretion of the teachers >> therefore it is necessary to have the possibility to change the mark schema manually in the overview (If you set e.g. "befriedigend" as grade, this is not calculable; therefore you have to change it to a numeric grade)
- new mark schema for the overview object
- should be independet from the mark schemas of the used objects (e.g. in the test you pass the test with 50%, in the exercise it is necessary to get 100%)
- weighting:
- would be nice to have the possibility to set weights manually
- Option 2: Sum of points
- calculates the sum of all achieved points
- Change the result manually
- it should be possible to change the results manually; manipulated results should be highlighted
- Definition of obligatory objects?
- maybe good in order to define achievements that need to be done (if you do not pass that one, you do not pass the whole course; even if you had enough points in order to pass the course)
- Option 1: Grade point average
- Other:
- Grouping of objects
- it would be nice to have the possibility to group objects, e.g. 3 exercises; you have to achive the sum XX...
- Grades that do not exist
- it should be adjustable how grades that do not exist should be treated: ignore or price with 0 points
- export to Excel necessary
- independent from learning progress (so that also those ones can use it where the learning progress is deactivated or anonymized)
- Grouping of objects
Design Concept / Konzeptentwurf, Jul 2016
Related Requests
- If you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding, please contact: Wegener, Miriam [miriamwegener], Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg
HJL., 2.10.2014: The exercise-tool has already an Export-functionality. In the excel file there are two sheets. In the second sheet you will see all grades as "numbers". For average you can use the excel formula in Excel. Is this a solution?
Mk., 2.10.2014: It would be a emergency solution for myself, but also the students want to know how many points they have and they keep asking or using their time to count all the points (I know lectures where the number of exercise exceeds 200!). It is quiete a fairly task to implement, especially since the framework is already there (with the green and red lamps).
Klaus Zimmermann, FH Münster, 2016-02-19: We highly appreciate this feature.
Christian Bogen, Universität Stuttgart, 2016-02-24: With the Overview Object we already proposed something similar a while back, just FYI. (In the end the Test Overview was a first attempt to at least get startet.)
- Status-based assessments: The admin/tutor can set the status directly, e.g. "Not Attempted", "In Progress", "Failed", "Completed"
- Percentage-based assessments: The admin/tutor sets a percentage for each course member. A thresold, e.g. 80% is used to determine the status of a user, e.g. reaching at least 80% --> Assessment is passed
- Add existing ILIAS objects from the course: ILIAS objects supporting learning progress are selectable. In contrast to the two types above, the admin/tutor cannot modify the status, since this is given by the learning progress.
In our context, the plugin is used to manually set the learning progress of a course. For each course member, the Evaluation Overview offers an "Overal Status" (Not Attempted, In Progress, Completed, Failed) to control the overall status. If the Evaluation Overview is marked as relevant in the learning progress settings of the course, the overall status directly maps to the learning progress of the course.
Please see the screenshots for more information.

1 Initial Problem
- We have no option to add weights to assignments in an exercise reflecting their difficulty or importance.
- We cannot compute a mark for the overall exercise.
2 Conceptual Summary
- In the settings tab of an Exercise Tutors select whether they want Grading OR Points. If Points are selected in the individual assignments Grading and Marks are no longer displayed but only Points can be entered.
- Participants are presented with a new panel in the assigments accordion "Grading". It communicates Grading and Max. Points. After points were awarded the points for this assignment are published here as well.
- The overall exercise automatically produces a mark.
3 User Interface Modifications
3.1 List of Affected Views
- Exercise > Settings > new setting to select between points and weights AND Marking
- Exercise > sub-tab: Points and Weights NEW
- Exercise > subtab: Mark Schema
3.2 User Interface Details
- Column Assignments: Assignments Titles are clickable and a click will take tutors to the respective settings tab.
- Column Max. Points: Contains is a text entry field accepting only full digits.
- Tutors get a different "Grades View": It has a column "Total Points", "Max. Points", "% of of Max. Points", no more "Mark"-column.
- Optional / Mandatory Assignments pose additonal complexity: Optional Assignments just have to be passed to pass the overall exercise.
- Alternative: optional assignments never gain points, they cannot be entered. Problem: if an exercise is set to points and contains only optional assigments there will be two sub-tabs that do not serve any conceivalble service.
- Alternative: optional assignments gain points, they can be entered. Problem: this may lead to varying overall sums of points depending which optional assignment is selected.
- Alternative: optional assignments are "grouped" and the group gets points assigned. very much alike as groupings in the learning progress.
- In the Grades-tab participants see paneled sections of the assignments:
- Headline > Mandatory Assignments: Must complete
- Headline > Optional Assignments: Complete x of y
3.3 New User Interface Concepts
4 Technical Information
5 Contact
- Author of the Request: {Please add your name.}
- Maintainer: {Please add your name before applying for an initial workshop or a Jour Fixe meeting.}
- Implementation of the feature is done by: {The maintainer must add the name of the implementing developer.}
6 Funding
7 Discussion
8 Implementation
{The maintainer has to give a description of the final implementation and add screenshots if possible.}
Test Cases
- {Test case number linked to Testrail} : {test case title}
Approved at {date} by {user}.
Last edited: 10. Apr 2019, 18:21, Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt]