Feature Wiki

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Allow multiple payment methods per sellable object

1 Requirements

In the current implementation (4.3.4) it is not possible to sell a single object with more than one payment method.
This should work as other webshops do: The user should be allowed to choose the payment method within the pay process in the cart.
Dietrich Streifert
dietrich.streifert [at] visionet.de

2 Status

  • Funding: Required
  • Maintainer: Michael Jansen
  • Development: Implementation of the feature is done by (tbd)

3 Additional Information

  • If you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding, please contact: Michael Jansen / mjansen (at) databay.de

4 Discussion

NA Oct 16 2013: I agree with this idea. Unfortunately the current restriction of one payment objet to one payment method is a concept designed 9 years ago.  Another negative point of the current concept is the fact that every payment method  needs its own shoppingcart. So the user is not able to buy all selected object with one transaction. This new concept should be discussed by Jour Fixe first.
Dietrich Streifert Dec 27 2013: I see that this would be a big change, but it may be worth the effort as this would open up ILIAS to a broader user base. Our use case is to offer courses for free for members and selling them for non members. In the ideal case this would allow different prices for different roles, up to a price of 0 (no payment needed) for a distinct role.

JF 20 Jan 2014: We highly appreciate this feature and schedule it for 4.5 (also to put everything into one shopping cart).

5 Implementation


Last edited: 12. Apr 2015, 19:37, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]