Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features


Page is read-only.


Date and place

Monday, July 03, 2017 from 13:0018:00 at ILIAS-Verein office in Köln



13:00 - 15:00

1. Appointments
2. Maintained Versions

15:15 - 17:45

3. Developing 5.3

17:45 - 18:00

4. Miscellaneous


At ILIAS office:

Participated via VC:

If you like to participate at the Jour Fixe via Skype, please contact Schmid, Fabian [fschmid] to get invited to the call. His Skype-Username is fschmid.srag

1 Appointments

2 Maintained Versions

2.1 Roadmap

Last releases:

  • ILIAS 5.2.5 published at June 09, 2017
  • ILIAS 5.1.18 published at May 17, 2017
  • ILIAS 5.0.22 published at May 17, 2017
Next releases:
  • ILIAS 5.2.6 scheduled for July, 2017
  • ILIAS 5.1.19 scheduled for July, 2017
  • ILIAS 5.0.23 scheduled for July, 2017

2.2 Mantis Bug Reports

All open issues reported or modified since the last Jour Fixe were screened by the product manager before the Jour Fixe and assigned to the responsible developers if necessary. The following issues were discussed in detail:

  1. #19745: Entered number of characters is wrong: Please strip HTML before counting the characters (similar like it is done in survey, too). This will solve this problem.
  2. #20192: Misleading wording in error text questions: We will discuss this suggestion in the feature wiki request "Suggested Changes in Labels for 5.3" (see https://www.ilias.de/docu/goto_docu_wiki_wpage_4774_1357.html). A change of the labels will affect 5.3 only. 
  3. #20653: Print View in wiki: We would prefer to have the Learning Module's behaviour in wikis, too.
  4. #20672: Bypassing object specification in consultation hours via portfolio: We keep the current behaviour. This will allow every user to control if her/his consultation hours are prensented in her/his portfolio or not. Thanks to Florian for the modified info text that will be added to the lang files by Stefan.
  5. #20714: Draft blog posting is visible for other blog contributers: The current behaviour that contributors can already see draft postings of other contributors was the intended behaviour when the collaborative blog has been introduced to ILIAS. For several scenarios this is also the desired behaviour. The statement of Matthias Kunkel in the feature wiki request about RSS support in blogs is a bit misleading as it just focuses on the fact that a notification should not be send as long as the posting is still draft. The right wording would be "Before a posting has not been set final it is only visible for users with contribute permission (draft status)." But we understand that in some scenarios another behaviour is preferred: postings are not visible for other contributors as long as they are draft. But this is a feature request for the blog component (which we would appreciate). Please feel free to add it to the wiki.
  6. #20794: No sound in m4v with Firefox & in Chromium the video does not play at all: With 5.3 we would like to get rid of the m4v support in ILIAS as such files can only be used on authorised APPLE devices. Please add a short notice on the 5.3-Release page about this changed behaviour. No change required for 5.2 or lower.
  7. #20807: Locked in login progress when calling non-public file for downloadDescription: We cannot change the current behaviour without bad hacks (which we reject). A general feature request about delivering files and login handling would be appreciated.
  1. #20751: Wish: A Colour Preview (Hex & real) would be fine in Admin > Layout > Less

2.3 Bugfixing Statistic

Bug reports[1] set to status 'open' and not been touched by responsible maintainer for more than 21 days (checked this morning):

Responsible Maintainer

Open bugs without feedback

Last JF

ø Age in days

Last JF

Priority bugs and votes *

Last JF

Amstutz, Timon [amstutz]





Becker, Maximilian [mbecker]





Braun, Jean-Luc [braun]





Hecken, Stefan [shecken]





Heyser, Björn [bheyser]





1x4v 2x2v 24x1v 

1x4v, 1x2v, 24x1v

Jansen, Michael [mjansen]





Killing, Alexander [alex]







Klees, Richard [rklees]





Kohnle, Uwe [ukohnle]





Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]













Ahmad, Nadia [nadia]





Meyer, Stefan [smeyer]





1x3v 2x2v 12x1v

2x2v, 11x1v

Neumann, Fred [fneumann]





Schmid, Fabian [fschmid]





Schneider, Stefan [sschneider]





Studer, Martin [mstuder]









Kergomard, Stephan [skergomard]





* Reports set to 'funding needed' are not listed.

Bug reports with status 'Fixing according to priorisation' should be fixed before other bugs are tackled. Priorised bugs very important for one or more institutional members of the ILIAS society. Handling this reports with low priority contradicts the intention of the established bug fixing process.

2.4 Open Pull Requests to Discuss [ GitHub ]

The following pull requests in the ILIAS GitHub repository were marked with 'Jour Fixe' this morning [Amstutz, Timon [amstutz]: I took the liberty to update this list slightly, removing discussed ones and adding one needing to be discussed]:

  1. PR226: XML-User-Import default mapping mode: We see this not as a bugfix but as a feature request (using User ID to import users). Please create a related feature wiki page that explains the desired behaviour. 
  2. PR547: UI Breadcrumb: Thank you for this pull request. We have added a few wording improvements. PR is appreciated and can be merged to trunk.
  3. PR562: UI Readme Change: PR is highly appreciated. Can be merged to trunk.
Postponed to next Jour Fixe:
  1. none

2.5 Continuous Integration

Overview on current status and reports from CI-server at http://ci.ilias.de:

  • automated tests: 1856 (+141) passing unit tests on PHP 5.5, PHP 5.6, PHP 7.0, PHP 7.1.
  • results of dicto architectural tests
    • New Filter feature is implemented in the report. (funding by TB)
    • 1 violations were resolved in the last two weeks.
    • 3 violations were introduced in the last two weeks.
    • Please use this script to fix violations of "WholeIliasCodebaseExceptInitialisation cannot depend on GlobalsExceptDIC". It's easy.
  • Performance monitoring:
    • no new information - see CI-Server (Login as Guest)

3 Developing 5.3

The option to suggest features for 5.3 has been closed at March 31, 2017. Over 300 features are on the list of suggested features.

3.1 Status of Development

Number of features scheduled for Release 5.3 and their status this morning:

  • A - in trunk: 4 (was 4)
  • B - approved: 1 (was 1)
  • C - waiting for approval: 28 (was 25)
  • D - in development: 4 (was 5)
  • E - contract settled18 (was 18)
  • F - option or agreement for funding: 44 (was 45)
  • G - partly funded: 6 (was 5)
  • H - funding needed: 12 (was 9)
  • Candidates for abandoned features:1 (was 1)
Notice: Features currently assigned to categories B to H have to be in the trunk until August 28, 2017 to become part of the official 5.3 release.

3.2 Feature Requests to be Discussed

The following features suggested for 5.3 were added to the data collection 'Suggestions for Jour Fixe Agenda' to be discussed today (see procedure documented in ILIAS community FAQ):

  1. Suggested Changes in Labels for 5.3 and 5.4 : We discussed the following changes:
    Ad 1.1:

    1. We keep "Reiter" and reject "Tab".
    2. We accept to change "Grade" to "Passed" and the status changes as described above.
    3. Please find another term for "Rating" in German.
    4. We accept the change from "Gender" to "Salutation"
    5. We accept the change from "Bereich" to "Abschnitt" and from "Abschnitt" to "Einstellung".
    Ad 1.2:
    1. We prefer "Gallery" instead of "Group member.. or participants gallery"
    2. We postpone a discussion of renaming all course/group members to participants. We are looking for a better term for the current "member" in the sense of a "learner". In our general understanding a "participant" is the person who takes the course but not the one who administrates it.
    Rest is postponed due to missing time.

  2. Add field with dropdown-menu - without a second table : We agree with Matthias' suggestions and schedule the feature for 5.3.

  3. Linking tabs within a portfolio : We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule it for 5.3. But we prefer to implement internal linking within a portfolio similar to the wiki "[[ ]]" and not to support linking to portfolio pages of other users due to permission check problems.

  4. Introduction of Question Groups: We discussed the feature request but would like to separate this suggestion into several feature request to reduce its complexity:

    • Please describe how questions pools are created and managed in question pools
    • Please describe how they are used in the test (can they be edited or not?)
    • Please describe how they are presented to users
    • Please remove the hint to surveys as this suggestion is very different from the handling of multiple questions on one page in the survey.
    • Please remove additional concepts like "lifecycle" that are not a general aspect of the feature itself.

  5. Relative Schedules in Courses with Learning Plan : We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule it for 5.3. We would like to have a label "Personal starting time" to avoid misunderstandings (course starting time etc...).

  6. Schedule Dates Appear in Calendar of Courses with Learning Plan : We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule it for 5.3. Course events should have an entry for the (recommended) start and end date but not for the entire period of time.

  7. Configurable Recommendation Accepting Workflow in Courses with Learning Plan : We suggest to abandon the feature to accept the recommended learning plan. This would reduce the complexity of the feature. If there are any institutions that really need this feature, please notify the product manager Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel] until July 17, 2017 (next JF). Scheduled for 5.3.

  8. Configurable Connection of Schedule and Sorting in Courses with Learning Plan : We would like to remove the behaviour that the learning plan view is always overwritting sorting settings and presents the course content according to timings. If a course author wants to have a different sorting, this should be possible. Nevertheless, when the presentation view "Timings View" has been chosen and settings are saved, the sorting type is set to "By activation" automatically. But this setting can be changed afterwards. Scheduled for 5.3.

    Postponed to next Jour fixe

  9. Reminder Mails in Courses : …

  10. Copy Schedule When Copying Courses with Learning Plan : …

3.3 Status of ILIAS 5.3 development and open suggestions

Feature Requests With Interest in Funding

All Suggested features for 5.3

4 Miscellaneous

4.1 Maintainerships

  • PluginSlots: Alexander Killing as current maintainer of 'PluginSlots' declared to hand over maintainership to other developers if interest exists.
    • The following persons have declared interest, see also PR531:
    • Product manager has sent mail to developers and service providers for additional suggestions at June 12, 2017, but did not got any feedback until deadline.
    • Request for decision: Assign new maintainerships to Fabian Schmid (1st) and Richard Klees (2nd).
  • MyStaff: 'MyStaff' is a new component introduced with 5.3, see feature request. First maintainer is Fabian Schmid, studer + raimann ag, Burgdorf (CH). Interest in second maintainership has been declared by Klees, Richard [rklees], CaT Concept and Training, Köln, (D).
    • Question to Jour Fixe: Is there anybody else interested in becoming second maintainer for this component?

4.2 Next Jour Fixe

  • Monday, July 17, 2017, from 13:00 until 18:00 at the office of ILIAS-Verein in Cologne.

[1] Bug reports counted only for core project, not for plugins

Last edited: 19. Apr 2023, 12:28, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]