Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features


Page is read-only.


Date and place:

  • Monday, April 11, 2016 from 12:30 – 18h15 at ILIAS-Verein office in Köln
  • Alexander Killing, Jörg Lützenkirchen, Matthias Kunkel (Minutes), Michael Jansen, Richard Klees, Stefan Herren, Stefan Meyer

1 Appointments

  • April 28, 2016: ILIASuisse, skyguide, Wangen-Brüttisellen (CH)
  • June 08, 2016: ILIAS Nord, EHKS Neumünster
  • June 23, 2016: ILIAS Süd, Uni Regensburg
  • July 05, 2016: ILIAS NRW, HS OWL Detmold
  • August 26, 2016: Deadline test cases for 5.2 and feature approval
  • August 31, 2016: 5.2.0 beta1
  • September 07, 2016: DevConf Utrecht

2 Maintained Versions

2.1 Roadmap

Last releases:

  • ILIAS 5.1.4 published at March 10, 2016
  • ILIAS 5.0.11 published at March 01, 2016
  • ILIAS 4.4.14 published at March 01, 2015
Next releases:
  • ILIAS 5.1.5 is scheduled for April 2016
  • ILIAS 5.0.12 is not scheduled yet
  • ILIAS 4.4.15 is not scheduled yet

2.2 Mantis Bug Reports

We went through Mantis and had a overlook about all open issues reported or modified since the last Jour Fixe. All issues were screened and assigned to the responsible developers. We discussed in detail:

  1. #18092: Video-Streaming does not work for WAC + Nginx / FCGI + Android : Until now, we do not support Nginx. Therefore, we consider this not as a bug. Nevertheless, supporting Nginx is highly appreciated. Please create a feature wiki request for it.
  2. #17959: Learning Modules: Chapter Deactivation : We prefer solution b and would like if chapters without any active page are hidden. Solution a would be highly appreciated as feature request.
  3. #17997: Textarea resizing behaviour : We give ‘resize:vertical’ a try in trunk (not 5.1 or before).
  4. #18139: Mail to Members in crs, grp fails with pear mail disabled : We follow Michael's suggestion to use PEAR mail implicitly and to abandon the checkbox with 5.2.
  5. #18181: unread posts not marked in thread view (e.g. sorted by posts) : We want to keep the current behaviour and do not present something like "Unread" / "Ungelesen". The distinction between unread=bold and read=normal still exists after introduction of the split button. Showing something like shown on the last screenshot above is considered as clutter, esp. in bigger threads.
  6. #18186: shortening of daily amil content does not affect number of lines : We prefer to use StripText and do not allow HTML in the content itself.
  7. #18082 - anonymous vs tracking : We would like to streamline the behaviour with other object types and track also ANONYMOUS access.
  8. #10000 : Usability of "Beschreibungen kürzen" in General Settings : Matthias will check if this problem still exists.
  9. #18206: Some users presented as "Now online..." constantly : We would like to fix this problem for 5.1 and have only those users in Who-is-online? that can be contacted. But this fix would require some  funding.
    • Step 1 - Björn Heyser: The session control service needs to be extended to store the execution context (e.g. SOAP, Cron) into usr_session table.
    • Step 2 - Jörg Lützenkirchen: We prefer a method ‘supportsPushMessages()’ that identifies only users being able to receive push messages and allows to hide SOAP, WebDAV and other users from Who-is-online?
    • Step 3 - Alex Killing: Afterwards the Who-is-online service has to filter only real user sessions (ilContextWeb) for generating the Who-is-online? list.

2.3 Open Pull Requests

  • Dependency Injection for trunk : Richard presented the current version of the dependency injection concept and discussed if we keep the ‘il’ prefix for class names or abandon it.
    • Richard will set up a poll to offer all ILIAS developers the possibility to vote for continuing with the ‘il’ prefix or not.

2.4 Continuous Integration

Overview on current status and reports from CI server at http://ci.ilias.de:

  • Result of last test at 2016-04-11:
    • Tests failed: 130 (130 at last JF)
    • Tests passed: 452 (427 at last JF)
  • Dicto architectural tests: currently not working...

2.5 Missing Information About Implementation in Feature Wiki

Among the new features for ILIAS 5.1, the following feature page still has nt sufficient information about how the feature is implemented. As decided on the last Jour Fixe, all missing information on the feature's new or changed functionality have to be added / completed until end of January at the latest.

Features implemented by Björn Heyser:

  1. http://www.ilias.de/docu/goto.php?target=wiki_1357_Competence_Service_for_Question_Pool#ilPageTocA111 : Please give some more information about the implementation (currently only in attached document) and add also missing links to test cases.

3 Kitchen Sink

DIscussion and decision upon the following UI Kitchen Sink issues:

  1. KS: Integration in Layout and Styles : Postponed to next Jour Fixe.

4 Developing ILIAS 5.2

4.1 PHP 7

Current state of getting ILIAS PHP7 compliant:

  • Funding: see http://www.ilias.de/docu/goto_docu_dcl_3700_747.html
  • PHP7 Branch: has been merged into trunk
  • Current status: ongoing
  • Next steps: problems should be posted to Dev list.

4.2 Development Issues 5.2

  • none

4.3 Testing 5.2

  • A test52 installation using PHP 5.5 will be set up in the next days.

4.4 Feature Requests To Decide Upon

The following features have been set on the agenda to be discussed and to force their scheduling for version 5.2:

  1. Separate Permission for Member Administration : We highly appreciate this request and schedule it for 5.2. A separate permission for member administration shall be offered for:
    • Course
    • Group
    • Study Programme
  2. Remove System Messages from Personal Desktop : Feature is highly appreciated and scheduled for 5.2. Block is deactivated for new installations. System messages will still appear in the mail inbox folder (when activated) but no longer on PD.
  3. Category for Huge Amount of Data :We appreciate the feature request and discussed it. We accept the request and schedule it for 5.2 if the following issues are tackled:
    • Filter "My membership" should be renamed to "My Groups and Courses" and only be presented when at least one  group or course exists in the category where this user is member.
    • Title filter should not only look for title but also for description to increase the number of search results.
    • Tag cloud and filter could be combined (‘AND’) to find objects.
    • @Marko Glaubitz: Do we need unique object titles for realising the team scenario?
    • Tool bar as fall back for a filter presentation is accepted. When a new filter implementation is available for 5.2, we will take this.
    • Timon and Alex will discuss performance issues of the list GUI and how to present the objects.
    • How do we handle "Webfeeds" and "Pools" which are usually presented in the right column of a category.
    • We prefer a title filter (simple text input) for all tree based explorer and not to stop the presentation of objects at a certain number of objects. Alex will prepare a mockup.
    • Disabling the export due to a high number of objects should be a feature of the export and implemented in general for all export workflow. We offer a export setting in Administration to define depending from the hardware when the export is disabled. It is in the responsibility of a sys admin to define a reasonable number of objects for his/her hardware setting.
    • We discussed if we want to create a new object type and denied it. We consider this as a special view of the category object.
  4. On-Screen Chat : We appreciate the feature request and schedule it for 5.2. Due to funding problems, the file upload will be postponed to a later version. Implementation still depends from funding.


  1. Multiple Accounts for a User
  2. Test: Don’t show Feedback button when there is no feedback
  3. User management: Improve user export and import
  4. Improve Session Ending
  5. Template Pictures for Badges
  6. Competences - Split Spider Webs
  7. Improvement of import and export - I kindly ask our programmers to contribute to/discuss this feature request. Thanks!
  8. Style Editor: Extensible Character Formats
  9. Administrators can access My Workspace
  10. Hide News Older than X Days
  11. Export and Import Questions with Competencies
  12. Visibility of objects in courses/groups
  13. Exercise Points
  14. Learning Progress Mode «Visited» for HTML-Learning Module
  15. Support galera cluster for MySQL
  16. Scheduled Reminders
  17. Mail from Course Members Gallery
  18. Printable Member List for Members
  19. Additional sorting options for My Courses and Groups
  20. Usability Improvements of Personal Profile
  21. Group Templates
  22. Customisable Main Menu
  23. Groups and Courses: News Timeline
  24. Sichtbarkeit von Feldern Rechte-/Rollenbasiert anzeigen
  25. Dropdownmenu to choose between mark, score, percentage
  26. [[[Project] LTI Support in ILIAS]]
  27. Interactive Video
  28. Extract Test Results from the Participant tab and make a separate Tab of it
  29. Renaming the Exercise Object
  30. Add field with dropdown-menu - without a second table
  31. Booking Pool: Adding more than one booking object at a time
  32. Booking Pool: Assign Booking Objects to Participants
  33. Booking Tool: Filter by date and time
  34. Booking Tool: Possibility to surpress expired bookings in reservation-list
  35. Don’t show Feedback button when there is no feedback
  36. Gender-sensitive address for automatically generated e-mail in gender languages
  37. Harmonize Approval and Waiting List Process in Courses/Group
  38. Improve subject line in mail notifications for forum postings
  39. Mark scheme for exercises
  40. E-Mail notification to the participant of a survey
  41. List of participants in an anonymous survey
  42. Allow to modify competence presentation by plugin
  43. Extend Chart Service to Support Bubble Charts
  44. Learning Communities
  45. History Mode for Personal Skill GUI
  46. Modifications of the Who is online? - Tool as outlined in the discussion on the Who is online? tool for awareness - page / Who-Is-Online: Usability Improvements and Advanced Options
  47. Dedicated permission for adding and editing metadata
  48. OAuth1 and OAuth2
  49. Page List : Numbered List
  50. Auto-Remind Members about Workload
  51. User-Import-interface
  52. poster image for videos
  53. Copy and Paste elements in ILIAS Page Editor
  54. Competence Management - presentation of competence results
  55. Content Snippets in Portfolio Pages
  56. Refactoring of ILIAS Setup
  57. ILIAS Page Editor: Links for Sections
  58. Blog and Portfolio in Object Statistics
  59. Extended Translation Functionality for Container
  60. Administrators can text Reminder E-Mail of Surveys
  61. Container: Update links on copy action
  62. Course: Streamline Excel-Export and Print View
  63. Streamlining Tabs and Tables in Test and Survey
  64. Revamp Indication of Questions Blocks
  65. Bulletin presentation for Survey Results
  66. Improving the Printing of Survey Results
  67. Changing operator of taxonomies from OR to AND
  68. Restrict Tagging to certain objects or use permissions
  69. Hide answer options for diagnostic tests
  70. Text field as answer option in single choice question for diagnostic tests
  71. Revision of Less Variables for Typographical Elements
  72. Second email address for user accounts
  73. Create New Pools from Random Tests having Lost Pools
  74. Multiple Choice - Restrict Maximum Selectable Options
  75. Add Intended Audience as Course Information
  76. Show Points from Sub Trees
  77. Administrate Individual Plan for Sub Trees
  78. Show Members in Superordinate Nodes
  79. Learning objective driven study programme
  80. Additional Information in Members Tab of Study Programme
  81. Plugins for Org Units
  82. More Types for UDF-Fields
  83. Show all User Data in Learning Progress User- and Matrixview
  84. Linking Booking Pools to Courses
  85. Location Multi-Part Custom Metadata
  86. KS-Entry: Reporting Panel
  87. Localization for Date Format
  88. offline e-exams
  89. Revision of Info Page
  90. Remove Info Tab For Selected Object Types
  91. Improve Info-Tab for Selected Objects
  92. Course: Precondition Minimal Time Spent / Time Counter
  93. Certificates: Automatic Mails
  94. Course-badge awarded for selected set of completed objects
  95. Portfolio Badges
  96. Learning Module Badges
  97. Activity Badges
  98. New Page Element »My Badges« for Portfolios
  99. DataCollection: Implement Asynchronous XLS-Export
  100. Change Permission to insert an object from MediaPool to the ILIAS Page Editor
  101. KS-Entry: Cards
  102. KS-Entry Deck of Cards
  103. KS-Entry: Instructional Overlay
  104. "Is-dirty" Mode for Tests
  105. KS-Entry: Datagrid
  106. KS-Entry: Textparagraph
  107. KS-Entry: Charts
  108. Instance Link Areas in Portfolio / Portfoliotemplates
  109. KS-Entry: Toolbar
  110. Introduction of TaskManager
  111. OER-infrastructure
  112. Sorting of blocks in courses and groups
  113. Improved Separating Submission and Navigation
  114. Plugin Slot for PDF generation
  115. Server-Side MathJax Rendering
  116. Include group memberships in course member export
  117. Expand to getExcerciseXML to export more user data
  118. Include wiki page title in HTML title

4.5 Lists of Suggested Features

The following lists are auto-generated and show all feature requests that are already marked with the metadata ‘Suggestions for 5.2’ but not scheduled yet. If you want the Jour Fixe to discuss one of these requests, just add the feature title to the list above.

Suggested features for 5.2 with announced funding

Suggested features for 5.2 with partly funding

Suggested features for 5.2 that require funding

4.6 Features suggested to abandon

5 Technical Board

Postponed due to missing time.

6 Miscellaneous

Bug Fixing Process

  • No reaction to open bugs for more than 21 days - how to proceed? - will be discussed by the Technical Board at April 12, 2016.

Next Jour Fixe

Monday, April 25, 2016, from 12h30 until 17h30 at the office of ILIAS-Verein in Cologne.

Last edited: 18. Oct 2024, 15:51, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]