Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features


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Date and place: Monday, August 15, 2016 from 12:30 – 18:30 at ILIAS-Verein office in Köln

  • Participating via Skype (audio): please contact ilias.jourfixe to get invited to call!
  • Screencast via BBB: http://www.ilias.de/docu/goto_docu_xbbb_5173.html

Participants: Amstutz, Timon [amstutz] (via Skype) • Jansen, Michael [mjansen]Kiegel, Colin [kiegel] (via Skype) • Klees, Richard [rklees]Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel] • • Meyer, Stefan [smeyer]Schmid, Fabian [fschmid] (via Skype)

1 Appointments

  • August 26, 2016: Deadline test cases for 5.2 and feature approval
  • August 29, 2016: Jour Fixe
  • August 31, 2016: 5.2.0 beta1
  • September 07, 2016: DevConf Utrecht

2 Maintained Versions

2.1 Roadmap

Last releases:

  • ILIAS 5.1.8 published at August 03, 2016
  • ILIAS 5.0.14 published at August 10, 2016
  • ILIAS 4.4.15 published at May 27, 2015 (maintenance ended with this release)
Next releases:
  • ILIAS 5.2.0 beta1 is scheduled for August 31, 2016
  • ILIAS 5.1.9 is scheduled for September 2016
  • ILIAS 5.0.15 is scheduled for October 2016
  • No additional 4.4 release planned

2.2 Mantis Bug Reports

All open issues reported or modified since the last Jour Fixe were screened by the product manager before the Jour Fixe and assigned to the responsible developers if necessary. The following issues were discussed in detail:

  • 17126: Failed test: Manipulierte Protokolldaten importieren (Status ‚Bearbeitet‘): We ask Jörg and Uwe to discuss a possible solution and make a proposal at the next Jour Fixe.
  • #18092 Currently the WebAccessChecker is not able to deliver video and audio an every android device due to the restriction, that the media-player in android doesn't get the PHPSESSID-Cookie from ILIAS (httpOnly-Cookie) stackoverflow.com/questions/16310552/do-mobile-browsers-send-httponly-cookies-via-the-html5-audio-tag .
    • Possible options are:
      • hoping on fix for every android-version,
      • don't flag the session-cookie httpOnly, 
      • implement other authentication-mode for WAC-requests (Feature-Request),
      • other...?
      This bug is more a Android/Stagefreight problem than a nginx issue. And we do not want to reduce the security level of our cookies policy. Therefore, we close this bug as no solution is currently possible. The Technical Board will offer a suggestion on 'supported technologies' and their impact on bug fixing and maintenance.
  • Mantis 18073: Cannot remove taxonony filter in a question pool : We prefer a solution for all screens that use ilTaxonomyExplorerGUI, not just a solution for the question pool (@Björn: please contact Alex Killing). Our preference is option 3: deselecting a node. It seems to be the short-term solution with best usability. On a long term we should have a better concept of how to integrate explorers into filters.
  • MD5 passwords should still be valid when importing users (Abandon MD5 Password Encryption) : We do not want to re-introduce MD5 for security reasons (MD5 hashed passwords are basically plain text). For 5.1 we suggest to not include passwords in XLS-import files. With 5.2 it would be possible to generate a password with Bcrypt if the import script implements the same algorithms as ILIAS and knows the ILIAS secret.
  • Confusing T&A Setting: Checkboxes vs. radio buttons. Please see the last comments in Mantis #15208 : We suggest to set the check boxes on the second level as required. Please add a title for the check box title (identifier for group).
  • 18805: Anonymous: Downloading folders does not work : We would like to remove the restriction for Anonymous for 5.2. Current installations with 5.0 and 5.1 should not be tackled to avoid unexpected behaviour (e.g. performance problems). There is a plugin used by PH Zurich to support folder download and avoid performance problems. Maybe this plugins is a good solution until 5.2 can be installed. In general, we trust RBAC and want to avoid hard-coded role restrictions. @Jörg: please feel to grep for other code with similar restrictions.
  • 18757: Upload button field too large : The current implemenation is okay for us and we would like to keep it.

2.3 Open Pull Requests

  1. removed *unused* JSON-Emulator (no references to it anymore): Please remove file.
  2. Remove duplicate Unicode lib (keeping the newer version + relocate): Postponed to next Jour Fixe when Alex will participate again.
  3. remove unused old version of PHPCAS v0.4.20-1 (keeping v1.1.2): PR has been closed in the meantime.
  4. remove unused old version of nusoap: PR has been closed in the meantime.
  5. remove old class stub - > fixing a classname collision:  Please contact Uwe Kohnle to discuss if this class can be removed. @Uwe: please have a look at this PR. We keep the PR open.
  6. remove obsolete class ilInitialisation: Please contact Uwe Kohnle to discuss if this class can be removed. @Uwe: please have a look at this PR. We keep the PR open.
  7. TCPDF imgdata.curl takes error on https : @ Max Becker: please have a look at this PR and decide if it should be merged or closed.

2.4 Continuous Integration

Overview on current status and reports from CI-server at http://ci.ilias.de:

3 Kitchen Sink

Discussed suggestions and made decisions of the UI Kitchen Sink workshop:

New suggestions to discuss:


4 Developing ILIAS 5.2

4.1 Status of 5.2 Development

Number of features scheduled for Release 5.2 and their status:

  • A - in trunk: 31 ( was: 15 )
  • B - approved: 6 ( was: 1 )
  • C - waiting for approval: 24 ( was: 23 )
  • D - in development: 14 ( was: 37 )
  • E - contract settled8 ( was: 5 )
  • F - option or agreement for funding: 10 ( was: 19 )
  • G - partly funded: 4 ( was: 5 )
  • H - funding needed: 9 ( was: 18 )
Notice: Features currently assigned to categories B to H have to be in the trunk until August 26 to become part of the official 5.2 release.

4.2 PHP 7

Current state of getting ILIAS PHP7 compliant:

  • Funding: crowdfunding completed - see http://www.ilias.de/docu/goto_docu_dcl_3700_747.html
  • PHP7 Branch: has been merged into trunk
  • Current status:
  • Next steps: problems should be posted to Dev list.
  • PHP7 based test installation: We try to setup a PHP7 based test installation next week (August 22 - 26). Testing of ILIAS 5.2 will only made with PHP 7.

4.3 Development Issues 5.2

Notice for developers: please add all suggestions for changed defaults to page Default Database Template Settings for 5.2 !

  • none

Development issues to be discussed / to be decided upon:

  • SimpleXML/PHP 7.0. SimpleXML not found, on ubuntu 14.04, PHP 7.0. Is php7.0-xml a requirement? Simple XML used it: whoops, chatroom, course, orgunit, scorm, diverse services: SimpleXML is a requirement for ILIAS 5.2. We need a list of all required PHP components that have to be installed to run ILIAS.
  • Mess in variables.less file. Clean up with bootstrap variables.less as archetype? Timon applies for second maintainership CSS and - if accepted - he will take care of less variables.
  • Vast number of different colors used in Icons (122). Simplify by unifying almost identical colors? We highly support the suggestion to reduce the number of used colours to a small number. We have to check, if this variety of colours comes from the export (Illustrator / Photoshop) and how we could control this process.
  • Support of OrgUnits in Courses and Groups: Necessary decision on how to store the org unit assignments (title/text and path or ID and path) / feedback by  Fabian Schmid: We highly appreciate Fabian's suggestion. A dedicated table should offer text representations of org unit assignments for performance improvment.
  • Individual Deadlines for different users: We appreciate the suggestion and implementation of 'Individual deadlines for different users' within the revised concept of 'Submission and Grades'.
  • Course-badge awarded for selected set of completed objects: We appreciate Jörg's suggestion of a general administration of 'completed' status for badge creation. We would like to hide all object types that are not supported and the wording of the exercise's label should be improved.

4.4 Testing 5.2

  • A test52 installation using PHP 5.5 has been set up and is available at: www.ilias.de/test52. We will change to PHP7 with 5.2.0_beta1 at the latest.
  • Test rail is open for creating new test cases and improving existing ones for version 5.2.
  • We would like to separate the testing of plugins and core and decided to remove all plugins from test52 and to create a duplicate of it (plugin52) where all plugins can be tested. The testing of plugin slots should be done by slot-test objects on future test installations. This means, we need such test objects for all 19 existing plugin slots. With 5.3, all new implemented plugin slots have to come with a slot-test object and a documentation of the slot. For existing plugin slots we need a concept how such test objects can be implemented.

4.5 Feature Requests To Decide Upon

The following features were already scheduled for a former version and suggested again for 5.2. To speed up the scheduling process and to save time for yet undiscussed requests, these features were scheduled ‘on the fast lane’ by the responsible maintainer and the product manager:

  • none

The following features have been set on the agenda to be discussed and to force their scheduling for version 5.2:

  1. Revision of Submission and Grades: Suggestion is highly appreciated and feature scheduled for 5.2. Thanks for the good conceptual work. Additionally, we would like to propose two filters for better usability: 'User / Login' and 'Graded'.
  2. Include wiki page title in HTML title: We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule it for 5.2.
  3. Expand to getExcerciseXML to export more user data: Highly appreciated and scheduled for 5.2.
  4. Include group memberships in course member export: Highly appreciated and scheduled for 5.2.
  5. Additional Information in Members Tab of Study Programme: Highly appreciated and scheduled for 5.2.
  6. Course: Precondition Minimal Time Spent / Time Counter: This feature page addresses two different features. Therefore, we ask to create a second page "Time Counter" and describe this feature there.
    • A precondition "Time spent" is appreciated if it re-uses our default precondition handling and is not implemented as a setting and restricted to course. BTW: we need to be sure that the procedure how ILIAS calculates this time is working properly.
    • Presenting the time spent in a course should not be done in the top bar of ILIAS but in the area of the course itself. The top bar is reserved for general activities like logout, search etc... But unfortunately, we do not have a concept for presenting course-related information in sub-objects of a course (e. g. in a learning module, forum or test). We need to discuss and develop such a concept in a workshop first before planning features that use such an UI element.
  7. Certificates: Automatic Mails: We see the advantages of such a feature. But this concept needs some improvements.
    • We would like to know how other object types that can trigger certificates should be supported. We do not want to have this feature as 'exists-only-in-test' feature.
    • We prefer not to insert an e-mail address but an ILIAS user name (as done in other features, too).
    • Please add this feature to the agenda again, when a revised concept is available.

4.6 Lists of Suggested Features

The following lists are auto-generated and show all feature requests that are already marked with the metadata ‘Suggestions for 5.2’ but not scheduled yet. If you want the Jour Fixe to discuss one of these requests, just add the feature title to the list above.

Suggested features for 5.2 with announced funding

Suggested features for 5.2 with partly funding

Suggested features for 5.2 that require funding

4.7 Features suggested to abandon

5 Miscellaneous

  • Move to JQuery 3:
    • activated in DevMode
    • final decision on next Jour Fixe (August 29).

DevConf Utrecht

  • Suggestions for topics, see wiki page
  • Due to room restrictions we have to limit the participants to 45. 12 places left. Please register here


Next Jour Fixe

Monday, August 29, 2016, from 12h30 until 17h30 at the office of ILIAS-Verein in Cologne.

Last edited: 19. Apr 2023, 12:28, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]