Feature Wiki

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Suggested for ILIAS 9

This page lists all features suggested for ILIAS 9 until Feature Freeze at 30 April 2023. After this date, new features can only be suggested for Release 10. All features that are already accepted by the Jour Fixe for ILIAS 9 have been removed automatically and are now presented at page Release 9.

  1. (anonymized) Usage Reporting of xAPI Objects in Administration
  2. (De)Activation of Chapters in ILIAS-LM
  3. 2nd Wave of Tool Tips (in forms and tables)
  4. Abandon Database Benchmark
  5. Abandon Default Authentication Mode
  6. Abandon Global Switch for Page Editor
  7. Abandon PR333 Stud.IP workaround
  8. Abandon Share Portfolio with all registered Users
  9. Abandon Yahoo JS-Library
  10. Abandon «Users»-Tab in Achievents-Learning Progress
  11. Abandonned Global Switch for Page History
  12. Access for test participants to uploaded files
  13. Access to bookmarks from anywhere within ilias-platform
  14. Access to Test Results - Point in Time  - Immediately
  15. Accessing List of Peer Feedback in ILIAS
  16. Action Mail to Members on Session Appointment Modal
  17. Active user session management
  18. Activity Badges
  19. Activity Badges for Learning Objectives
  20. Adapt Blog/Portfolio View to new Layout
  21. Add comments to single text-/media elements
  22. add css class target and active to style-editor
  23. Add h5p import option for importing portfolio templates
  24. Add multiple items from My Courses/Groups to Selected Items
  25. Add New Item Group in ILIAS Page Editor
  26. Add New Item to Item Group from Action Menu
  27. Add objects from My memberships to selected items
  28. Add pdf export option for downloading submission within an assignment
  29. Add Remark to Booking a Booking Object
  30. Add Users to Exercise using course roles
  31. Adding comments to export file
  32. Adding free licence geolocation server OpenCage Geocoder to Maps
  33. Adding Notes to Test Questions in Tests
  34. Adding Questions to a Learning Module from a Question Pool
  35. Adding Recurrence for Timings Settings of Objects
  36. Additional Administration-Settings for survey and booking-pool
  37. Additional Coding Guidelines
  38. Additional Columns in «Submissions and Grades»
  39. Additional Search Parameters for Copy Permission Target Roles in Administration
  40. Additional sorting options for Selected Items
  41. Administrate Individual Plan for Sub Trees
  42. Administration setting: Default state of Tooltips
  43. Administrator notification after waste of last try to login
  44. Adopt Content: Option to omit only container
  45. Advanced Event Raising
  46. Advanced Qualification Features
  47. After creation redirect to Forum Settings
  48. Ajax Solution Submission
  49. Alert on Temporal Intersections of Event Periods in Courses/Groups
  50. Aliases as page metadata
  51. All my postings
  52. Allow editing of question after test has started
  53. Allow multiple payment methods per sellable object
  54. Allow Tables In Cloze Question
  55. Allow to create introductory text in Item Group
  56. Alphabetical sorting for selected items and my courses and groups
  57. Alternative Expressions for Terms
  58. Alternatives for Repository Tree Picker for Container Operations Move, Copy, Link
  59. Always show full name instead of login
  60. Amend Personal Default Settings
  61. animation for pictures
  62. Annotating Text and File Submissions
  63. Anonymous Comments
  64. Appointment Modal - Rename Button Open Session
  65. Arrange and Replay Learning Resources
  66. Ask removing plugin data on uninstall
  67. Assign Competence Profiles via LDAP Synchronization
  68. Assign skins to roles
  69. Assign Users From a Text File
  70. Async Content Loading
  71. Async UI
  72. Authentication for Backpack
  73. Autocomplete / search for Personal Starting Point
  74. Autocompleted tag search and assignment
  75. Autoloading
  76. Automate Item Collection
  77. Automated Feedback on Learner Activities
  78. automatic handling of incoming mails
  79. Automatic Save of Assignment Evaluation in Portfolio
  80. Automatic setting of links
  81. Automatical update of remaining test time after adding extra time for users
  82. Automatically Move E-Mails to Folders by Configurable Rules
  83. Automatically select criteria catalog after adding it
  84. Automatically send an E-Mail on specific situations
  85. Autosave for Manual Scoring in Tests
  86. Avoid visual effects
  87. Back Button On All Pages
  88. Back to Calendar from a Session
  89. Background colours for Feedback
  90. Background colours for Feedback
  91. Badge Collections on Personal Desktop
  92. Basic Conceptual Considerations - Offline Functionalities / App
  93. Basic ILIAS APP
  94. Basic Rich Text Editing
  95. Bearbeitungsdauer je Testfrage
  96. Behavior of Workflow Help
  97. better Aggregated Test Results
  98. Better configuration options for Learning Sequences on the Dashboard
  99. Better Ending of Tests
  100. Bibliography Object and ILIAS page editor
  101. Blackboard
  102. block activation by learning progress
  103. Blocks of Questions in Test
  104. Booking Trainers for Courses
  105. Browser identification
  106. Build ILIAS Course Title from Campus Management System’s Course Metadata
  107. Bulk Handling for Plugins
  108. Calendar Appointment Session: Assign Materials
  109. Calendar Revision
  110. Calendar Revision II
  111. Calendar Revision III
  112. Calender as Content Object
  113. Carry-over text into Comments
  114. Catalogue
  115. Categorizing Cron-Jobs
  116. Central Mark Schema for Exercises
  117. Centralized Definition of Venues
  118. Centralizing UI-Components Project
  119. Centrally Administrating Mark Schemas
  120. Certificate Plugin
  121. Certificate Templates
  122. Certificates in Course Member Managment
  123. Certificates: Automatic Mails
  124. change default behaviour of do not show me on who is online
  125. change displayname in WIO
  126. Change LRS-Settings for existing cmi5/xAPI-Objects
  127. Change of Behaviour for Copying Linked Objects Within Containers
  128. Change Password in Personal Data
  129. Change password permission assignable to authentification method
  130. Change Slate Behavior
  131. Change Style of Test
  132. Changing storage method of forum post attachments
  133. Chart
  134. Check file uniqueness by md5sum
  135. Check for plugin dependencies
  136. Choose Text color
  137. Clickable Glyph for Notification Bell
  138. Close Learning Module
  139. Cloze question on Image Map
  140. Cloze question: decimal points in numerical gaps
  141. Cloze question: ignore whitespaces in the response
  142. Collaborative Annotation / Social Reading
  143. Color Variable Guideline
  144. colored blocks in editing mode
  145. Comment area
  146. Commenting Page Editor Elements-Level or Character-Level
  147. Comments in TOC of Learning Modules
  148. Competence assignment for essay question type
  149. Competence Management for Questions Groups
  150. Competence Management for Test Parts
  151. Competence-driven Question Groups and Test Parts
  152. Complete XML Templates
  153. Components: ServiceProvider / ServiceConsumer Registration
  154. Concept for a Notification System
  155. Configurable Behaviour of Link to an ILIAS module field type
  156. Configurable ParticipationStatus for Sessions
  157. Configurable test activity notification
  158. Configurable TinyMCE
  159. Configure detail options for Selected items
  160. Configuring the Dashboard
  161. Confirmation-Code and Notification after File-Submitting in Exercise
  162. Considering taxonomy assignments in export and import
  163. Consuming LTI in Repository – Extension
  164. Contact for User Assistance
  165. Content Quick-Filter (learning progress controlled)
  166. Content Quick-Filter (user controlled)
  167. Content Recommended by Superior
  168. Content Recommended Through Contacts
  169. Content-Security-Policy
  170. Context-dependent paragraph styles in advanced lists and tables
  171. Context-Sensitive Date Formats in Certificate
  172. Contexts of the editor and entering
  173. Control Flow for Plug-Ins
  174. Controls Guideline
  175. Convert Internal Links to Permalinks if Possible
  176. Copy Courses / Groups: display static progress bar when done
  177. Copy Datacollection with all Data Records
  178. Copy individual assignments or assignment pool
  179. Copy or Link objects: Repository and My memberships
  180. Copy-along Membership Limitations
  181. Copying Courses along with set permissions of local roles
  182. Copying of PRTS and nodes
  183. Copyright, Artist and License for Media in Page Editor
  184. Counter for Competence Data
  185. Course Catalogue
  186. Course content in Tree
  187. Course Members send Mails to Tutors by Using Member Gallery
  188. Course Start reminder
  189. Course Type: Online vs. On-Site
  190. Course: Automatically add users by role, membership or organizational unit
  191. Courses Shown in Booking Tools
  192. Create test questions offline
  193. Creating folders in categories
  194. Creating substyles should start with values of parent style
  195. Credit Points
  196. Criteria Catalogues are avaiblabe to Turors giving Evaluations
  197. Cron Jobs: Require Access Control for Execution of Tasks
  198. CTM: Revision of Question Subset Selection Screen
  199. Cursor Guideline
  200. Custom (User Defined) Booking Data
  201. Custom Icon supports PNG images
  202. Custom Metadata Administration - Revision of Presentation Menu
  203. Custom Metadata for Questions in Question Pools
  204. Custom Metadata Sets: Add additional Entry in Selection List (Single Choice) and Selection List (Multiple Choice)
  205. Custom Metadata: (Better) support for controlled vocabularies / import of subject headings authority files
  206. Custom Metadata: Array handling
  207. Custom Metadata: Grouping metadata fields (tuple)
  208. Custom Metadata: Mandatory metadata fields
  209. Custom Metadata: Smart(er) date fields
  210. Customizable learning progress icon in ILIAS learning modules
  211. Customizable Navigation-Menu in ILIAS-learning modules
  212. Customizable Online Help Packages
  213. Cut&Paste in Mail
  214. Data Collection - Grid editing
  215. Data Collection - History
  216. Data Objects for Calendar
  217. Database: Detecting Violations for Referential Integrity
  218. DataCollection Notifications
  219. DataCollection: Enhanced date-field
  220. DataCollection: Muliple Views for a DataCollection Form
  221. DataCollection: Number of Visits for Entries
  222. DataCollection: REST interface
  223. DataCollection: Summerize columns
  224. DataCollection: Support for floats and percent format in number-field
  225. Date of passing test placeholder for certificates
  226. Date questions
  227. Deactivate Create Appointments action
  228. Deactivation of Javascript Usage in Tests
  229. Deactivation of Mail Inbox
  230. Decoupling Learning Objective Drive from Course
  231. Default Configuration of Member Gallery in Courses
  232. Default Configuration of Member Gallery in Groups
  233. Default Database Template Settings for 5.4
  234. Default order of sorting for each table column
  235. Defaults for all options
  236. Defaults for new Installations
  237. Define Default of »Session-Reminder« in Settings of User Management
  238. Deleting Multiple Orphaned Pages
  239. Deleting Sub-Styles
  240. Dependency Injection
  241. Design for the Maintenance Page
  242. Design Revision Part 2
  243. Detection of existing files
  244. device orientation controlled section
  245. Diagram software and Flowchart
  246. Different styles of status messages
  247. Different test parts for randomized tests
  248. digital signed certificates using QR-Codes
  249. Direct Link to Datacollection Record in Mail notification
  250. Disable background task completely (direct download)
  251. Disable placeholders
  252. Disable Questions in Question Pools
  253. Display Activity Streams for xAPI Collaboration Object
  254. display anonymous sum of online users
  255. Display booked consultation hours in portfolio for other users
  256. Display Metadata in Content-Sidebar
  257. Display Multiple Questions from a Question Group on One Page
  258. Display of Time Limit per Question
  259. Display Private Notes along with Public Comments
  260. Display starting time
  261. Display Waiting List Activation Outside Courses
  262. Displaying of Accordions Successively
  263. Distinction between a notification and a reminder
  264. Dont Change Cursor in Image Map Question
  265. Don’t show Feedback button when there is no feedback
  266. Download Blacklisted File
  267. Download chart from survey results
  268. Download folders and files from Sessions
  269. DR 5.1 - Issue 03: Scrollable Drop Downs over Scrollable Background
  270. DR 5.1 - Issue 07: File Input on smartphones and tablets
  271. DR 5.1 : Issue 14 - Download a file, Start a test, Start a survey
  272. DR 5.1: Issue 08: Presentation of Tree Explorer on small media devices
  273. DR 5.1: Issue 15: Presentation problems when running test
  274. DR 5.2 - Pushing Modals
  275. Drag and Drop for Moving Actions
  276. Drag and Drop for Session Materials
  277. Drop HHVM Support
  278. Dwell Time (Verweildauer) per question
  279. E-Exams with ILIAS
  280. ECTS Grading Revision
  281. Edit Questions of Test which already contains datasets
  282. Editor for Mail Content
  283. Eingabefelder für Zahlen und Datumswerte
  284. eLAIX as an independent application that uses Word documents
  285. Enable page Overview Block per page
  286. Endpoint for Javascript-PreStatements
  287. Enhance evaluation of ordering questions
  288. Enhance Sorting and Filtering in Permission Tables
  289. Enhancement of plugin administration
  290. Enrolment Object
  291. Enter multiple Group DNs in automatic Role Assignments via LDAP
  292. Enter Text in Assignment Accordion
  293. ePUB Export
  294. Equal Folder Structure in Submissions Download and Feedback Upload
  295. ERP Generated invoice without payment
  296. Error and No Permission Screen
  297. Error handling and logging
  298. Errors/Exceptions triggered in Application Classes
  299. Errortext: mark single characters
  300. Escalating to superiors
  301. eSkript
  302. Essay Question in ILIAS Learning Module
  303. Essay question with History
  304. Essay Questions in Learning Modules
  305. Essay Questions in LM with Immediate Feedback
  306. Establish Referential Integrity
  307. Evaluation for many Participants in Team-Assignments
  308. Exam:Freezing user data
  309. Excel-Export for Results by Question
  310. Excel-Export: disable setting shuffle questions
  311. Exercise Points
  312. Exercise: Evaluation for several participants
  313. Exercise: Filesize limit for submissions
  314. Expandable Areas Guideline
  315. Explorer/Locator Guideline
  316. Export Course Relevant User Data
  317. Export course results as Excel sheet
  318. Export of certificates as zip-file for courses
  319. Export Rating
  320. Export Test Results to SPSS
  321. Export: Limit number of objects for container exports
  322. Extend ASQ: Page Content for Questions
  323. Extended Data Protection by Suppressing xAPI-Statements
  324. Extended Test and Item Statistics
  325. Extending ASQ: Competence Assignment for Questions
  326. Extending ASQ: Taxonomy Assignment for Questions
  327. Extension by text field
  328. Extension of Data Protection in Courses
  329. Extension of the sharing options
  330. Fallback simple configuration of Dashborad
  331. Faster submission of a file assignment
  332. Feedback in »My Portfolios«
  333. Feedback of questions: change of behavior requested
  334. Feedback provided icon
  335. Field for default negative value in Matching Questions with n:n matching
  336. File Upload for all Appointment Types
  337. File: «Info» tab can be switched off
  338. Filename Encoding
  339. Filter and Default Setting for Copy Process
  340. Filter for Participants without Answers but started Pass(es) in Test Results
  341. Filter Forum Threads
  342. Filter Revision in Manual Scoring
  343. Filters and Search Results GUI
  344. Filters can be fixed and applied with default values
  345. Folder: Alphabetical sorting with numbers
  346. For the Record: Re-labeling Booking Tool
  347. For the Record: Re-labeling Glossary Settings
  348. Force language for placeholders for certificate creation
  349. Force student to repeat modules on failing test
  350. Form in ILIAS
  351. Formula Question: Support additional php math functions
  352. Formula Question: Using variables in feedback texts
  353. Forum: Custom Metadata for Postings
  354. Forum: Options to improve performance of thread overview
  355. Forum: Precalculated statistics to improve performance of thread overview
  356. Fostering Reflection and Competence Development
  357. Four-Eye Marking
  358. Frameworkless SASS
  359. Full JavaScript support for embedded questions
  360. function to report a post to the moderator
  361. Gallery View
  362. Gamification (Overview)
  363. Gap Analysis of Competence Results from Tests
  364. Gaps within words (Cloze question enhancement)
  365. Gendered Terms in German Language File
  366. General Layout and Menu Revision
  367. Generalized Management Functions for Referential Integrity
  368. Get Rid of Single Objects Export While Exporting Containers
  369. Global Cache: Replace some Caches with Artifacts
  370. Global Screen Extension for View/Screen/Layout (Working Title) and embedding in NavigationContext-Service (N/A)
  371. Global Test Results Export
  372. GlobalCache: Multi-Server Support for APC and xCache
  373. GlobalCache: Support for redis
  374. Grading, Marking and Evaluating in Courses
  375. Grading, Marking and Evaluating in Exercises
  376. Grading, Marking and Evaluating in Individual Assessments
  377. Grading, Marking and Evaluating in Sessions
  378. Grading, Marking and Evaluating in Tests
  379. Grading, Marking and Evaluating in Wikis
  380. Green Mark when test time is passed
  381. Guideline for Alt-Texts
  382. Guideline for Community Testing
  383. Handle Export of Objects as Background Tasks
  384. Handling / Substitution / Refreshing of Active Didactic Templates
  385. Harmonize Approval and Waiting List Process in Courses/Group
  386. Header-Image / Banner for Courses and Groups
  387. Help Patch: Log Changes in Master Language
  388. Hide answer options
  389. Hide chaptre if all pages are deactivated
  390. Hide individual metadata block
  391. Hide resources that have been shared with me
  392. Highlight Session Administrator in Member Gallery
  393. Highllighting of good/correct answers
  394. HTML Export including media elements
  395. HTML-Maileditor using TinyMCE/CKEditor
  396. Human friendly plugin administration
  397. Identicon Generator for Object Lead Images
  398. If string not exists in a lang file use english version of the string
  399. ILIAS Learning Module: Edit Comments in Modal Dialogue
  400. ILIAS Learning Module: Printversion without automatic numbering
  401. ILIAS Learning Module: Show Print View and Download in Modal Dialogues
  402. ILIAS page editor for info page - advanced implementation
  403. ILIAS page editor for starting page
  404. Image Map Question: Button for delete a file
  405. Images for Tests
  406. Impartial Manual Scoring
  407. Implement Correction Feature for Formula Question
  408. Implement Kiosk-Mode for Exercise
  409. Implement Kiosk-Mode for Test
  410. Import / Export User Accounts includes position assignments
  411. Import / Export User Accounts includes position assignments
  412. Import and Export of Taxonomies
  413. Import of Tests Without Questions
  414. Import of Subject Headings Authority Files
  415. Import option / interface for metadata
  416. Import QuestionUpdates
  417. Importing SCORM metadata into ILIAS metadata
  418. Improve Adding Permissions by Using a Role Template
  419. Improve Bulk-Adding Participants to Suveys
  420. Improve Export of Test and Item Statistics
  421. Improve Feedback if LTI Resource is no longer accessible
  422. Improve Labels of Setting Group Content Item Sorting
  423. Improve mail notification of forums
  424. Improve Manage Calendar Invitations View
  425. Improve Manage Calender View
  426. Improve Manage Sharing Calendar View - part.1
  427. Improve Manage Sharing Calendar View - part.2
  428. Improve Manage-Tab in Weblinks
  429. Improve NIC registration
  430. Improve publishing options for personal profile
  431. Improve Search Slate in Metabar
  432. Improve Send mail to inform user about changes
  433. Improve Session Ending
  434. Improve Setting Group „Content Item Sorting
  435. Improve Setting Group „Presentation Type“ and Abandon „Grouped-by-Type View“
  436. Improve subject line in mail notifications for forum postings
  437. Improve Tracking for Learning Analytics
  438. Improve Usability 360° Feedback Survey
  439. Improve usability of »My Portfolios«
  440. Improve Usability of  Export of and Access to Personal Data
  441. improve visibility of certificates
  442. Improve «Manage Rater» tab in 360° Survey
  443. Improved arranging/sorting of data
  444. Improved branch rules
  445. Improved column presentation in tab ‘Participants‘
  446. Improved export of matrix question results
  447. Improved filter in test question pools
  448. Improved Footnote Handling
  449. Improved Landing Pages
  450. Improved look of page Test Results
  451. Improved Presentation of Working Time
  452. Improved SingleChoice Scales
  453. Improved Spam Protection
  454. Improvement of Mail-Domain Filter for Self-Registration
  455. Improvement of Tag relevance
  456. Improvement of Typography
  457. Improvements of Tooltip Creation in Online Help
  458. Improving Access Keys
  459. Improving Correction for Text Subset Question
  460. Improving Essay Question - Comments in Manual Scoring
  461. Improving File List Presentation
  462. Improving ListGUI
  463. Improving Use of Metadata in ILIAS Pages
  464. Improving Vertical Ordering Questions Look and Feel
  465. Improving «Participant View»
  466. in-line notes and comments
  467. Inactivation of Expired Users via Cron
  468. Include Log Data in Test Archive
  469. Include Media Files in Test Archive
  470. increase performance for SCORM 1.2 by changing manner of storing data
  471. Increasing usability in „My Courses and Groups“
  472. Indicator for hidden information in settings
  473. Individual grouping for selected items and my courses and groups
  474. Info message for new Calendar Invitations
  475. inform admins when membership request has been withdrawn, not only after it has been requested
  476. Inline autocompletion for wiki links
  477. Insert Anchors via Page Edior
  478. Insert Competence Profile into Portfolio & Portfolio Template
  479. Insert HTML5 Code
  480. Install Plugins and Exentsion by Composer
  481. Instance Link Areas in Portfolio / Portfoliotemplates
  482. Integrate calendars of Folder subitems in Course/Group calendars
  483. Integrate ILIAS-Page Editor into Personal Desktop
  484. Integrate Permission Manager Plugin into trunk
  485. Integration and display of images/media
  486. Integration of CampusConnect course link resolver into goto.php
  487. Integration of IMAP mail
  488. Integration of Preconditions in Settings Tab
  489. Integration of survey questions in ILIAS learning modules
  490. Integration of the Event Period Dates in Notification for New Course/Group Members
  491. Intellectual Property Rights Object
  492. Interactive images - change state depending on learning progress
  493. Interactive Video - answer specific feedback and jump marks
  494. Interactive Video - Automatic scrolling in the list of comments
  495. Interactive Video - Automatical scrolling of comment list
  496. Interactive Video - compulsory questions
  497. Interactive Video - daily forwarding all comments to a specified email address
  498. Interactive Video - editable table of contents / parts of the video (sidebar in player)
  499. Interactive Video - embedding of an interactive video in content pages (e.g. learning modules)
  500. Interactive Video - filter for comment and questions table
  501. Interactive Video - global resume function
  502. Interactive Video - improve usability of comment export
  503. Interactive Video - mark questions on playback progress bar
  504. Interactive Video - Media Pool as video source
  505. Interactive Video - multiple video sources in an IV
  506. Interactive Video - New Permission / Setting Add Question
  507. Interactive Video - new playback options (custom playback speed, ....)
  508. Interactive Video - reply to comments
  509. Interactive Video - Show Best Solution
  510. Interactive Video - show dynamic side content (text / images) next to video during playback
  511. Interactive Video - use page editor content / tinymce content in questions
  512. Interactive Video - VIMP as video source
  513. Interactive Video - visual markers
  514. Interactive Videos
  515. Interface to get all OER LTI Ressources (ILIAS as tool)
  516. Interface to SAP SLcM
  517. Internal Links in Question Feedback (ILIAS Learning Module)
  518. Internal links to Data Collection entries
  519. Internal Search for Metadata
  520. Intraday Cron Job
  521. Introduce Competence Management for Learning Sequences
  522. Introduce Event Manager for Efficient Event Handling and Routing
  523. Introduce Mark Schemas in Test
  524. Introduce the Grading Service within Courses
  525. Introduce the Learning Sequence as a start object
  526. Introducing an Object Bar
  527. Introducing Transfer-Service
  528. Introducing »Prompts« to the Comment-Service
  529. Introduction of Audience Response System
  530. Introduction of banners for the tree in ILIAS learning modules
  531. Introduction of Content Style Classes for Tree Entries in ILIAS Learning Modules
  532. Introduction of Learning Sequences (new container object) / an Object Sequence Player Object
  533. Introduction of Question Groups
  534. Introduction of Service Discovery / Internal API alignment
  535. Introduction of TaskManager
  536. Inviting Users to Join Groups
  537. IRSS: Migrate Exercise-Files to IRSS
  538. IRSS: Migrate Forum-Files to IRSS
  539. Item Statistic in Pool
  540. Keep language selection of user agreement for account setting
  541. Kitchen Sink UI for System Styles - Add Color Preview for less variables in Admin - Layout - Style: Edit - Less
  542. Kompetenz-Orientierte Lernpfade
  543. KS Embedded Tree Workflow
  544. KS Internal Link Select Input
  545. KS Listing Panels with Selection
  546. KS Tree Select Input
  547. KS-Entry: Filter Bar
  548. KS-Entry: Filter Items
  549. KS-Entry: Message Box
  550. KS-Entry: Object Picker Radio
  551. KS-Entry: Vertical Timeline
  552. KS: Checklist
  553. KS: Group of Decorated Items
  554. KS: Outlined Icon
  555. KS: Presentation Table for Plugin Administration
  556. KS: Presentation Table for Test Statistics
  557. KS: Presentation Table in Search
  558. KS: Shy Drop Downs
  559. KS: Standard Alert
  560. KS: Sticky Panel
  561. KS: Typography
  562. Kudos
  563. Language Update as Background Task
  564. Language-sensitive Item Group
  565. Language-sensitive order of first and last name
  566. Laundry List ILIAS 5.4
  567. LDAP attribute sync via user bind
  568. Learner print view for Tests
  569. Learning content sequence
  570. Learning objective driven study programme
  571. Learning objectives award badges
  572. Learning Progress Depending on Visit of Certain Pages
  573. Learning Progress for assignments is shown in presentation table
  574. Learning Progress Guideline
  575. Learning Progress on Visited Pages Sensitive to Changes
  576. Learning Progress Status Concept and Documentation
  577. Learning Progress: Separation of Participants and Member data
  578. Learning Sequence Competences
  579. Learning Sequence: Improved Handling of LSO in Dashboard
  580. Learning Sequence: Streamlining of Permission Handling
  581. Lecturer as selection from course tutors
  582. Leibniz University Hannover
  583. Letter Avatars: Uppercase letters
  584. Lightweight profiling of requests
  585. Like System Forum
  586. Limit number of bookings for fixed schedule booking pools
  587. Limited Display Time for Test Questions
  588. Limited Question Working Time
  589. Limiting the tree view for content adoption, copy, link and move operations
  590. Linebreak in Description Text
  591. Link No-Permissions-Indicator to Permissions-of-User
  592. Linked parameters in formula questions
  593. Linking in ILIAS Editor
  594. List of Improvements for Booking Tool
  595. Local Authentication for WebDAV
  596. Local Mark Schemas in Repo Objects
  597. Localization for Date Format
  598. Login/Logout entry is difficult to find
  599. logout countdown
  600. logout reminder
  601. LTI Blog
  602. LTI Content Page
  603. LTI Data Collection
  604. LTI File
  605. LTI Learning Sequence
  606. LTI Media Pool
  607. LTI Mediacast
  608. LTI Outcome Improvements
  609. LTI Page Editor Component without support for Learning Progress
  610. LTI Study Program
  611. Mail Alert on Deletion of Inactivated Users via Cron
  612. Mail Notification
  613. Mail Notification for Data collections in the daily Course/Group notification
  614. Mail notification for news
  615. Mail Quota
  616. Mail via role assignment over the personal dektop
  617. Mail-Text Templates
  618. Mail: Make saluation configurable
  619. Mail: System Check
  620. Mail: Use of placeholders in subject
  621. Main Menu Item - Default Proposal V1
  622. Main Menu Item - Default Proposal V2
  623. Main Menu Item - Default Proposal V3
  624. Main Menu Item - Default Proposal V4
  625. Main Menu Item - Default Proposal V5
  626. Main Menu Item of the Link List Type
  627. Maintain Online/Offline Status for Objects Within Containers after Export/Import
  628. Make copying issues more visible
  629. Make detail level of My Courses and Groups on Dashboard configurable
  630. Make Personal Profile aka vCard a Modal
  631. Make Taxonomy more like Filters
  632. Make « Add to Favourites » an AJAX Call
  633. Making Learning Objectives-Driven Course a Type of Course instead of a Setting
  634. Manage Instruction Files in assignments
  635. Manual Carousel / Slider Content Element for Page Editor
  636. Manual Scoring: Make Correction Comments a Useful Feature
  637. Manual Scoring: Rework Scoring by Question
  638. Manual Swiping Through Carousels Configurable
  639. Marginal Calendar for Fixed Schedule Booking Pools
  640. Mark scheme for exercises
  641. Mass Category filtering lists objects from sub-tree
  642. Matching Question – Additional Matching Mode 1:n
  643. Matching question: enable upload of larger images
  644. Matching Questions in Learning Modules
  645. Mathematic questions with Wolframalpha
  646. Matrix statistics for test passes
  647. Matrixes as inline textelements
  648. Maximum number of bookings per day
  649. Measure Working Time on Test Questions
  650. Media Pools: Selective Export
  651. Media-Feedback
  652. Member View observes Start Objects and Preconditions
  653. Merge info and join page
  654. Merging Selected Items and Bookmarks
  655. Messaging groups in a booking pool
  656. Metadata Database for Metadata Suggestions
  657. Metadata for Appointments
  658. Metadata for Mediacasts ILIAS 8
  659. Metric rows in matrix questions
  660. Migrate IRSS for Export Files
  661. Migration to Bootstrap 4
  662. MIME Type Checks for File Upload
  663. Minutes for Online Exams
  664. missed logout screen
  665. Modern Configuration File Format
  666. Modernize Social Bookmarks in Third Party Software
  667. More details for selection of related objects
  668. More Flexibility and better Metrics for Help
  669. More intelligent bookmark titles
  670. More metadata for test questions
  671. more possible object types for start objects in courses
  672. More self-determination and organisation in the dashboard
  673. Move (sub-)settings for additional features to new subtab
  674. Move and copy of media objects in media pools
  675. Move E-Mails to Folders by Drag&Drop
  676. Move entry Organisational Units from Administration to base-level 
  677. Move Several Mediacast Entries to Another Mediacast
  678. Moving Posts
  679. Multi-Language Titles and Options for UDF
  680. Multi-Lingual Taxonomies
  681. Multi-lingual Text Templates for Mails
  682. Multilingual Container Objects
  683. Multilingual Glossary
  684. Multilingual Input Element
  685. Multilingual Questionpools
  686. Multilingual SCORM-Modules as one Object
  687. Multilingual Titles and Descriptions for All Object Types + Plugins
  688. Multilinguality Enhancements (Overview)
  689. Multiple (User) Input Fields
  690. Multiple Accounts for a User
  691. Multiple Actions for Ownerless Objects
  692. Multiple Choice Question (Kprim Answers) - Allow up to 6 Answers
  693. Multiple correction iterations
  694. Multiple Sample Solution in Exercises
  695. Nach Beendigung eines Test Mail an ausgewählte Anzahl von Benutzern
  696. Named Placeholder in Translations
  697. Naming teams
  698. Native HTML5 Survey Offline Player
  699. Negative Points: Allowing a negative result for the whole test
  700. New Action Unclip from Session
  701. New Administration Nodes for PLR
  702. New Certificate Service
  703. New Cross Plugin Slot
  704. New Filters for »Portfolios of other Users«
  705. New Mail Template Context: Mail to Evaluate
  706. New MC Question Type ‘Answer Combination’
  707. New passive mode for randomized drawing of questions in tests and courses with learning objectives
  708. New Plugin Slot for Questions Types
  709. New Presentation of Notes and Comments
  710. New Question Type: Long Menu Question
  711. New Question-Type: Numbers
  712. New Repository Object Type: criteria-based learning object
  713. New Repository Object Type: eScript
  714. New Suggestion for Template 
  715. New Table GUI
  716. New templates for shop repository
  717. News as a fully featured starting page including sortable blocks
  718. News Feed URL on News  Content Page
  719. News service: Which changes/notifications add a news entry
  720. News Timeline: Sidebar
  721. News Timeline: Tagging
  722. No automatic log out / Users stay logged in
  723. no current page in Breadcrumb
  724. no current page in Breadcrumb #440
  725. Node Specific Tools
  726. Normalization of Filenames
  727. Notes and annotations on test question page
  728. Notification about Changes in Test Questions
  729. Notification and Log for Page Metadata Editing
  730. Notification for global roles
  731. Notification message framework
  732. Notifying All Users on Personal Desktop
  733. Nudging user who blocks page editor
  734. nur mal zeigen
  735. OAuth1 and OAuth2
  736. OAuth2 support
  737. Object Terminator
  738. ObjectSelector as field type
  739. Obligatory confirmation for editing a posting
  740. Obligatory peer feedback file upload
  741. Official Nginx Support
  742. offline e-exams
  743. Offline-Support for Test Questions
  744. Offline-Testplayer for E-Exams
  745. Offload image manipulation
  746. Online Editor for cmi5-XML
  747. Online Help-Improvements for ILIAS 8
  748. Online/Offline Guideline
  749. Only show LP data from period of activiation
  750. Open Badges
  751. Opportunity of an objective correction of online exams with open questions
  752. Optimizations for supportforums
  753. Option for querying other ILIAS installations / repositories / referatories
  754. option to deactivate Search users in mail function
  755. Option to delete own account
  756. Option to delete learning progress
  757. Option to hide the back button in tests
  758. Option to put container objects with every object under CC license
  759. Option to show backlinks (What Links Here?) in the sidebar and/or foot of page
  760. Optional Configuration of Recurrent Bookings
  761. Optional History for saved Testinput
  762. Optional show members
  763. Optionally hide title of learning module
  764. Optionally Sort Selected Competences by Recent Changes
  765. Ordering questions: order pictures is not available in horizontal mode
  766. Organisational Units - Organisational Units on Personal Desktop
  767. Overlay Guideline
  768. Overview for Favorites on Personal Workspace
  769. Overview Item Statistic
  770. Overview: Enhancing Learning Plans
  771. Page Editor » Accordion Editing (outdated)
  772. Page Editor » Employing Column Layout
  773. Page Editor » Making the Advanced Table responsive
  774. Page Editor » Media Editing » Part II
  775. Page Editor » New Create Menu for Page Elements
  776. Page Editor » Page-Element-PlugIns
  777. Page Editor » Presentation of Object Sets in Page Editor
  778. Page Editor » Use Anchor with Internal Links
  779. Page element Chart
  780. Page Layout Revision - Questions & TO DOS for ILIAS 7
  781. Page Templates
  782. Page-Specific Statistics in Learning Modules
  783. Pagination
  784. Partial feedback with answernotes
  785. Partial quotes
  786. Partial Sum Scores as Routing Rules in Survey
  787. Payment Callback
  788. PDF-Export for the several participants
  789. PDF-Printing Page Editor Content
  790. Peer feedback as a group
  791. Peer Feedback: Additional Submission Step after Feedback Deadline
  792. Performance Improvements for Lucene Search
  793. Performance Monitoring
  794. Permalink to Weblink Check Page
  795. Permanent Link to Objects in Course forwards to Join Page
  796. Permanent Link to Pages Accessible from Login Page
  797. Permission to upload HTML5 content
  798. Persisting Help IDs
  799. Personal Calendar - Show only session appointments where user is participant
  800. Personal Profile Contacts Tab
  801. Personal Profile Groups Tab
  802. Personal Profile Motto
  803. Personal Profile Social Media
  804. Personal Workspace Object Plugin
  805. Personalized Watermarks for PDFs
  806. Placeholder FIRST NAME in fields CC and BCC
  807. Placeholder for automatically generated mails
  808. Placeholder ‘Period of Event‘ for Certificate in Course
  809. please delete
  810. Plugin access for GlobalCache Service
  811. Plugin Hook for Assignments
  812. Plugin Interface for Payment
  813. Plugin Slot for flexible forms
  814. Plugin Slot for Test and Item Statistics
  815. Plugins can use multiple slots
  816. Portfolio Template as Precondition Element
  817. Portfolio Template as Start Object for Courses
  818. Posting Activation for First Posting of a Topic
  819. Postponed user/account creation
  820. Preconditions based on test mark schema
  821. Preconditions in tests
  822. Preparing ILIAS for coming changes in German copyright legislation
  823. Present (manually created) news on course content page
  824. Presentation of Items with preconditions
  825. Presentation Option  «Table» for Categories
  826. Presenting Validation Failure
  827. Preset points input fields with 0 when createing new multiple choice questions
  828. Prevent User Profiles through Object-Related pseudonymization
  829. Preview of forum postings
  830. Preview of Mail Content
  831. preview pictures in (instant) search results
  832. Preview with Mode Info and Pagination
  833. Print PDF before starting the test
  834. Print View with Feedback and Example solution
  835. Procedure for adding forum moderators
  836. Procedures for Deleting / Anonymizing xAPI Data
  837. Progress bar
  838. Progress bar for data upload
  839. Progress bar in Tests
  840. Progressive Web App
  841. Properly labeling Default-set of permissions
  842. providing of nested select dropdown list as fields for registration Form
  843. Purge all Comments or Notes from an Object
  844. Push notifications
  845. QR Code to improve the protection against forgery of certificates
  846. QR-codes to sign up for courses
  847. Qualification Object
  848. Quality Management of Test Questions and better Editorial support
  849. Question Blocks in Tests
  850. Question Pool (Test)-related Quiz-Game Quiz & Conquer
  851. question pool support
  852. Question title output: add new option show only available points
  853. Question type freehand sketch
  854. Question type: Drag&Drop onto/into
  855. Question value depending on number of requested feedbacks
  856. Question Versioning in Test Object
  857. Questions Blocks in Random Tests
  858. Quick-SignUp-Page-Element
  859. Quote a posting also for a modification of a posting
  860. Random Test 2.017 - Improvements Overview
  861. Random Test Directly Linked With Pool(s)
  862. Randomly distribute a set of course / group members  to a set of groups
  863. Rated question selection in variable random tests
  864. Rating Box for Learning Sequence Player
  865. Rating in search result
  866. Re-label Mark and Grade
  867. Rearrange Calendar Selection
  868. Recurring Consultation Hours
  869. Redirect to previous context after sending mail from Who-is-online
  870. Reduzierte Ansicht für „NUR“-Forumsbenutzer
  871. Refactor Session Participant Class & consistent with course and group
  872. Refactoring ilTemplate
  873. Reference Fields Avoid Selection of Duplicates
  874. Reference Test Environment
  875. Registration Limits for Sessions
  876. Registration: Double-Opt-in with Account Approval
  877. Registration: Double-Opt-in with Account Approval
  878. Registry pattern to get rid of global variables
  879. Relabel Core Conepts
  880. Relative Deadlines Hours
  881. Relative paths
  882. Reminder Service
  883. Remove Configuring Favourites
  884. Remove Corrections
  885. Remove Multiple Competence Assignements to single Question
  886. Remove the import of random tests into pools
  887. Removing Legacy-UI » Toolbar » |Label| + |Input| + |Submit|
  888. Rename Address Book to Contacts
  889. Rename User Defined Field to Custom User Data Field
  890. Renaming the Exercise Object
  891. Reorganising the Personal Desktop
  892. Replace Current Search with Dependency to Query directly from PHP
  893. Replacing the http://-default with https://
  894. Reply to Mailing List
  895. Replying to Comments
  896. Report post
  897. Reporting by Organizational Units
  898. reporting data provider
  899. Repository Plugins-ID/Type longer than 4 characters
  900. Required and Supported Software ILIAS 9
  901. Required Software ILIAS 5.4
  902. Resend Calendar Invitation
  903. Reservation Dependent on Active Reservation for another Resource
  904. reset the agreement to the terms of service for all user groups
  905. Respond from External Mail Client
  906. Responsive User Profile
  907. REST Controller Plug-Ins
  908. REST Service
  909. Restore Chapters and Pages in Learning Modules
  910. Restrict Login to Administrators for Maintenance
  911. Results of collecting Actions and Properties of Repository Objects
  912. Retake Test
  913. Revamp Information about Hints and Deduction in Tests
  914. Revamp Personal Profile
  915. Revealing question parts depending on students input
  916. Review Notes on Personal Desktop
  917. Review of Assessment Questions
  918. Revise My Courses and Groups Page
  919. Revision of Add to Desktop Feature
  920. Revision of Advanced Knowledge concept in learning modules
  921. Revision of Clipboard
  922. Revision of consulting hours in portfolio
  923. Revision of ILIAS mails for ECS users
  924. Revision of Image Presentation in Wiki-Pages Part 1
  925. Revision of Info Page
  926. Revision of Input Handling
  927. Revision of Language Maintenance
  928. Revision of Less Variables - other
  929. Revision of Less Variables for Typographical Elements
  930. Revision of Mark Presentation
  931. Revision of News Filter
  932. Revision of News Overview
  933. Revision of NIC Registration
  934. Revision of Notes and Comments Service
  935. Revision of Settings in ILIAS Test
  936. Revision of Test Evaluation
  937. Rewrite of ECS Server Middleware
  938. Right and Wrong Instead of Points
  939. Role-based editing of portfolios
  940. Routing Rules in Test Parts for Adaptive Testing Scenarios
  941. Rule Engine Service
  942. Run Background Tasks in CLI context
  943. Sammelseite Overview Personal Desktop Revision
  944. Save a page modification automatically
  945. Save and stay in form
  946. Save Reminder
  947. Saving students answers in tests with instant feedback
  948. Schedule Based Restriction of Bookings
  949. Score Reporting End Date
  950. Scoring Revision
  951. SCORM 1.2: Ability to read Interactions
  952. SCORM 1.2: Ability to set score.max to get a percentage-value similar to score.scaled in SCORM 2004
  953. SCORM 1.2: Opportunity to support specific implementations by authoring software
  954. SCORM 1.2: option to support SAVE 1.0, used by german insurance industry
  955. SCORM player as page object in ILIAS page editor
  956. Seamless developping instructional material
  957. Search Option for Calendar Selection
  958. Search Results Presentation
  959. Searching Users by Competences
  960. Security Update Notification for Admins
  961. See Calendar Participants List
  962. See Calendar Participants List
  963. See Calendar Participants List
  964. Seeing course and group events without making an object a favourite
  965. Select mail recipients for test notifications
  966. Select users will always be notified when a new appointment was created
  967. Selectable tile size
  968. Self-Evaluation counts into profile
  969. Separate box for Personal Desktop Items
  970. Separate Options for Show ‘List of Questions’ and Dashboard
  971. Separate Permission for Manual Scoring in Tests
  972. Separate System Messages in Mail Inbox
  973. Separate the right “User can edit content” from the right “User can edit settings of mediacast”
  974. Separating administration nodes for MathJax and Maps and make it distinct nodes
  975. Session Appointment Details - Show Attend Button
  976. Sessions relative to course period
  977. Set all to passed
  978. Set Competence Level based on Result of Test
  979. Set Date-Format for Certificates
  980. Set filter default on Registered Participants
  981. Set height of an advanced table row
  982. Set item menu invisible by plugin
  983. Set multiple objects online
  984. Set Online Status for one portfolio page
  985. Set Recommended Content to Tile View
  986. Set Registered Attribute for Registration Procedure No Registration Necessary
  987. Setting Starting Point to „last visited“
  988. Setup - Move (more) Configuration from Administration to Setup
  989. Setup: Add Import/Export for Installation
  990. Several questions on one test page
  991. Shared Calendar Permissions information
  992. Sharing Calendar Notifications
  993. Shibboleth SAML Single Logout
  994. Shorter Table Prefix for Plugins
  995. Show availability and preconditions in modal
  996. Show Consultation Hours in Secondary Panel
  997. Show Import User screen as modal
  998. Show initial test in course content of LOC
  999. Show Learning Objective Title in Edit Mode
  1000. Show Learning Plan in Separate Tab
  1001. Show more for Deck of Card
  1002. Show more for ListingPanel
  1003. Show new Tasks in Notification Center
  1004. Show Number of Remaining Tries in Questions from the Start
  1005. Show only submitted answers, if the setting Scored Answers of Participant is enabled
  1006. Show Participant View
  1007. Show question marking in sidebar questionlist
  1008. Show Test Pass ID on concluding remarks screen
  1009. Show user data in Sessions
  1010. Show Version in Plugin List
  1011. Simple Drag and Drop
  1012. Simple Import - Change behaviour on duplicated entries to delete
  1013. Simplification of the input of metadata through personal metadata profile
  1014. Simplify Interaction Between Page Editor and Creation of Objects in Container Objects
  1015. Skin for Smartphones and Tablets
  1016. Skip already solved questions
  1017. Small block for Courses and Groups on Personal Desktop
  1018. SOAP methods  for populating the calendars for courses and groups
  1019. SOAP request should get same results as Excel Export
  1020. Solve Dilemma of SOAP vs Course-Export
  1021. Sort Add New Object Menu
  1022. Sortable List
  1023. Sortable Task List
  1024. Sorting in SingleChoice Questions
  1025. Sorting Objects According to Period Data
  1026. Sorting Panels in Dashboard
  1027. Sorting Roles in Permission Screen
  1028. Sorting Secondary Panels in courses and Groups
  1029. Sorting Secondary Panels in courses and Groups
  1030. Source Code as a Type of Submission
  1031. SPAM-Filter für anonymes Forum
  1032. Split Authentiction Page into Overview and Settings
  1033. Split Language Variables for Certificate Wildcard Descriptions
  1034. Split Learning Progress Settings from Tracking Data Presentation
  1035. Split Password Service Template Variable
  1036. Splitup ECS Participant View
  1037. Starting to Support Adaptive Learning Scenarios
  1038. Statement Export
  1039. Statistics of Views of Terms
  1040. Statistics: Evaluation for all questions
  1041. Statsd Integration
  1042. Status-Sensitive Button Label
  1043. Stepwise feedback
  1044. Storage Mechanism of Attachments in Forums
  1045. Store Answer Status Only Until Learning Progress = Completed
  1046. Straightforward Configuration of Result Presentation
  1047. Stramlining Pickers old
  1048. Streamline and Enhance User Deletion Cron-Jobs
  1049. Streamline Certificate Presentation
  1050. Streamline Labels for creating and adding new threads, posts and answers
  1051. Streamline layout in PD tabs
  1052. Streamline Notification Addressee Statements
  1053. Streamline Object Properties
  1054. Streamlined, responsive of Weblink Settings
  1055. Streamlining and Improvement Authentications Login Page
  1056. Streamlining Answer Input Fields
  1057. Streamlining Avatars
  1058. Streamlining behavior when deleting user accounts
  1059. streamlining cloud object ui
  1060. Streamlining Confirmation Screens
  1061. Streamlining Grading, Marking and Commenting
  1062. Streamlining Javascript Usage in Tests
  1063. Streamlining Mediacast and Mediapool
  1064. Streamlining Options in Object-internal Actions menu
  1065. Streamlining Participants and Statistics View
  1066. Streamlining Repository Objects are usable as Precondition-Element
  1067. Streamlining the copy process in general
  1068. Streamlining: Copy Forum
  1069. Structure Competence Lists by Competence Categories
  1070. Study Programme: Dual membership
  1071. Study Programme: Superiors view (My staff)
  1072. Study Programme: Superiors`view
  1073. Submission formats
  1074. Submissons and Grades - Show submitted on and graded on by default
  1075. Substitute old filter implementation by new one
  1076. Suggested Accessibility Process
  1077. Suggested Process for Preparing Plugin Help packages
  1078. Suggestions for an Improved ILIAS Page Editor (outdated)
  1079. Summarize Columns
  1080. Support all test question types in learning module
  1081. Support for mod security rule sets
  1082. Support for showing BibSonomy/PUMA bibliographies (via REST API)
  1083. Support Label Import
  1084. Support Plugin Question Types on Learning Module Pages
  1085. Support rating of questions in pool
  1086. Support Versions for Reporting on xAPI Learning Module Object
  1087. Suppression of uneccessary (initial) queries
  1088. Surveys as Test Parts
  1089. SWITCH-LOR Interface
  1090. Synchronized Start of Test for All Participants
  1091. Tab Hook Plugins
  1092. Tabbed Content Element for Page Editor
  1093. Tabindex
  1094. Target Page Guideline
  1095. Taxonomies for Category Links
  1096. Taxonomies for Course Links
  1097. Teams
  1098. Template and Organisation of KS-Inventory
  1099. Template for Automatic Question Generation
  1100. Templates for Automatic Mails
  1101. Templates for Courses
  1102. Test Notifications
  1103. Test Player as Independent Object
  1104. Test Player « CTM »
  1105. Test Player « E-Exam »
  1106. Test Player « Preconditional Test »
  1107. Test Player « Self-Assessment »
  1108. Test Player « Test in LoC »
  1109. Test Player: Kiosk-Mode (Exam View) for Page Layout Revision
  1110. Test Result Presentation in LOCs
  1111. Test Results Presentation: Show results only one selected user at a predefined time
  1112. Test-Parts and Question-Groups
  1113. Testing Overview for Universität Bern
  1114. Text field as answer option in single choice question
  1115. Text formatting editior for message content
  1116. Third Level of Online Help Didactical Support
  1117. Tiles-View in »My Portfolios«
  1118. Time Default Values Guideline
  1119. Time-limited sharing of  Portfolios
  1120. Tinting examination screen
  1121. Tiny for Smartphones and Tablets
  1122. TinyMCE: Limit Tag Use
  1123. Token Authenticated Access to Resources
  1124. Toolbar Guideline
  1125. Toolbar in Container
  1126. Tooltip about regarding HTML template in ILIAS pages
  1127. Tooltip Links
  1128. Top Labels Guideline
  1129. Top Terms in Secondary Panel in Course
  1130. Touchscreen: Increase clickable area
  1131. Training Recommendations in Course with Learning Objectives
  1132. Transfer Repository Objects to KS Items
  1133. Transfer Repository to KS Tree
  1134. Transfer Sessions to KS Component
  1135. Transfer the mail tree into a Combined Slate
  1136. Translation Functionality for Tests
  1137. Type ahead for Searching Object to Duplicate
  1138. UI - Framework Step 2
  1139. UI Components, Inner and Outer Content
  1140. UI Footer: Remove version information
  1141. Unique IDs for Test Questions
  1142. Update questions from pools to tests
  1143. Updating certificate information after initial award
  1144. Updating Questions in running Random Tests
  1145. Upload File in Assignment Accordion
  1146. URL in Comments are automatically deteced
  1147. URLs without cmd nodes
  1148. Usability Improvement for Columns Control in Table Views
  1149. Usability Improvement of Random Tests
  1150. Usability Improvements for large screens
  1151. Usability Improvements for the ILIAS Mail System
  1152. Usage Intensity of Help
  1153. Use Calender View to create Schedules
  1154. Use LDAP as Data Source for Shibboleth Authentication
  1155. Use minify to combine javascript and css
  1156. Use Org Units to Classify External Users
  1157. Use Question Groups for Competence Estimations / Measurements
  1158. Use user profile field match as precondition
  1159. User Clipboard in Booking Tool
  1160. user is able to select the membership approver
  1161. User Language switches help to translated version
  1162. User Management: Additional Column for External Accounts
  1163. User Presettings
  1164. User Search in Staff Tab of Organisational Units
  1165. User Settings: Configure away General Settings
  1166. User-Interaction of layers (On-Click)
  1167. User: Import users in background tasks
  1168. User: Introducing »Data Privacy Statement« documents
  1169. Users can choose a question block in a feedback-survey
  1170. Using Signature-Plugin and Max. Processing Time simultaneously
  1171. Valid (X)HTML
  1172. Validated self-registration
  1173. Verknüpfungen über Auswahl löschen
  1174. Versioning in Pool
  1175. Versioning Questions
  1176. Video Annotation
  1177. Video subtitles editing from ILIAS interface
  1178. View and Manage Materials in the same place
  1179. View for My Learning Sequences
  1180. View Service
  1181. Visibility of Sessions in Calendar
  1182. Visualize Upload Progress
  1183. WAC Support or Plugins
  1184. Waiting List on Dashboard
  1185. Waiting time should only be enforced if the test pass is failed
  1186. WebDAV/Shibboleth
  1187. xAPI Activity Repository Object
  1188. xAPI Collaboration Object
  1189. xAPI Game Object
  1190. xAPI Media Pool
  1191. xAPI Mobile App Object
  1192. xAPI Page Editor Component without support for Learning Progress
  1193. xAPI simple Video Object
  1194. xAPI Simulations Object
  1195. xAPI: Basic Learning Progress Tracker
  1196. xAPI: Configurator for determining Learning Progress
  1197. xAPI: Enhanced Learning Progress Tracker
  1198. xAPI: Integrated LRS
  1199. xAPI: Learning Analytics with an external Learning Analytics Server
  1200. xAPI: Learning Analytics with ILIAS-Integrated Tools
  1201. xAPI: limited Learning Record Store (LRS)
  1202. xAPI: Statement Controller for focussed Statements
  1203. xAPI: Sub-profiles for various authoring systems / apps with administration extension for xAPI
  1204. xAPI: Support of multiple Assignable Units
  1205. «Available Slots»-Tab
  1206. «Remove from Courses and Groups» Action
  1207. »Course Availability Start« Relative Date for »Remind Users to Participate«
  1208. »or« Taxonomy in Question Pools
  1209. “Hot Spot / Image Map Question” - Restrict Amount Of Clickable Areas
  1210. „Error Text“ - Restrict Maximum Markable Options

Last edited: 2. May 2023, 08:30, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]