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Suggested for ILIAS 10

Suggested Features for ILIAS 10

Feature Freeze for ILIAS 10 was at 30 APR 2024. After this date, new suggestions for ILIAS 10 are no longer possible. If you want to suggest a new feature for ILIAS, please go to the page Suggested for ILIAS 11. Features already accepted for ILIAS 10 are listed on the page Release 10.

New features for ILIAS 10

The following features have been suggested and tagged with metadata.

  1. 2-Factor-Authentication (2FA)
  2. Abandon Assign Materials from Personal Ressources in Competence Records-Tab
  3. Abandon Description, Position, Bold and New Line From Display Options
  4. Abandon Dynamic Parameters in Weblinks
  5. Abandon Excel Exports in Question Pools
  6. Abandon Google Maps
  7. Abandon ILIAS as LTI Consumer/Platform
  8. Abandon ILIAS as LTI Provider/Tool
  9. Abandon internal Links from Weblinks
  10. Abandon Manage System Styles
  11. Abandon Multiple Bookings per Appointment in Consultation Hours
  12. Abandon News from «Info-Page»
  13. Abandon Opening SCORM Learning Module in the Same Window Underneath the ILIAS Main Menu
  14. Abandon Personal and Shared Resources
  15. Abandon SCORM 1.2
  16. Abandon SCORM 2004
  17. Abandon Setting LOM of Courses/Groups/Weblinks via SOAP
  18. Abandon Submission of blog exercises
  19. Abandon Tabs and functional Duplicates of Contacts and Settings in Mail
  20. Abandon Timezones in Calendar
  21. Abandon TinyMCE in Test & Assessment
  22. Abandon Weblink Lists in Favour of Individual Links
  23. Abandon «Author» being automatically set in Survey Questions
  24. Abandon «Author» being automatically set  in Test Questions
  25. Abandon «One E-Mail after all Participants Finished»
  26. Abandon «online» for Portfolios
  27. Abandon «Seperate E-Mail for Each Finished Survey»
  28. Abandon «Show Survey Code»
  29. Abandon «View» in SCORM Settings
  30. Accessible Alternative for Drag&Drop
  31. Adapt Internal Links between Objects in Courses and Groups when exporting
  32. Adaptation of the filter to the current Kitchen Sink Element
  33. Add Multilingualism for Weblinks
  34. Add new link style class
  35. Add new value for Grade
  36. Add optional Deadline to Booking Mode No Schedule, Direct Booking
  37. Add reminder mails to the timings view of Courses
  38. Add to homescreen prompt
  39. Add tooltip for locations
  40. Add Wiki Page with High Affordance
  41. Additional toasts to enhance user experience
  42. Administration Overview
  43. Adopt Content: Allow Folders as Source
  44. Advisory Survey
  45. Allow OER Harvester to collect export files
  46. Allow svg-images for tiles
  47. Anchor-Links for Content Pages
  48. Anonymized Display of SCORM-Tracking-Data
  49. Anonymized Display of Statements
  50. Approval and negotiation of corrections of an excercise (Two man rule part 2)
  51. Art. 16 GDPR Right to rectification
  52. Art. 18 Right to Restriction of Processing
  53. Assign exercise to a person (Two man rule part 1)
  54. Assign Organisational Unit in User Account
  55. Assigning an object to a survey
  56. Assignment Control for Links to Study Programmes
  57. Autocomplete-attributes for Login and registration form
  58. Automated adding of users to exercises
  59. Automatic Assignment of External Users
  60. automatic Update of LTI-Consumers
  61. Autostart for SCORM modules
  62. Better Connect Classroom and Mediacast
  63. Better overview of tasks
  64. Better overview of tasks
  65. Better overview of tasks
  66. Blog: Migrate Posting View / Side Blocks to KS
  67. Book things for several days in a row
  68. Booking Tool: Replace Time Slot Input with Ordering Table
  69. Bulk actions for booking objects
  70. Bulk Actions for Exercise Assignments
  71. Calculate and present percentages for collections
  72. CalDav for calendar
  73. Calender Entry for Individual Assessment
  74. Catalogue View for Repository Items
  75. Certificate Mail
  76. Change Default Presentation Types in Groups
  77. Clearer Division of Responsibilities Between Tracking and Consumers
  78. Collapsable Permission Settings
  79. Collect Informations about Rating, Comments and Change Comment for all Pages of ILIAS Learning Module
  80. Column Layout : Same Height for all Blocks
  81. Communicate Workload Estimate in Courses
  82. Communicating Workload Estimate per Assignment
  83. Competence profiles can be assigned to OrgUnits
  84. Complete ILIAS Installation as LTI Tool
  85. Computing Arithmetic Mean for Questions
  86. Configurable Embedding Snippets for Embedding External Media
  87. Configurable Learning Progress for Tools supporting Assignment and Grade Services according to LTI 1.3
  88. Configurable saving interval for WOPI revisions
  89. Configurable scope of queries from LRS
  90. Configure Secondary Panel in Courses and Categories
  91. Copy Content from Media Pool via Page Editor
  92. Copyright filter for media objects
  93. Copyright, Artist, License and Alt-Texts for Media in Test Questions
  94. Correct Keyboard Interface for Main Menu
  95. Course relevant user data in learning progress
  96. Course: Show study programmes course belongs to
  97. Create HTML Media Objects from HTML Snippets
  98. Creating and editing long taxonomies
  99. Customizable Link-Groups in Footer
  100. Dashboard for cmi5/xAPI-Data
  101. Database: Announcing Entity Deletions with Established RI
  102. Database: UTF8MB4 as default Character Set
  103. Deactivation of the context menu in mediacast objects
  104. Deactivation of toasts in user administration
  105. Declutter Course «Info-Page»
  106. Dedicated Image Upload Field (including alt-text and decorative settings)
  107. Define Target Timespan for a Scheduled Cronjob
  108. Deletion-Box with item
  109. Descendant Article Tooltip
  110. Display courserelated Badges in Course Member Gallery
  111. Drill Down Menu for Page Editor
  112. ECS Support for OpenID Connect
  113. Enable Browser Spell Checking in the ILIAS Page Editor
  114. Evaluator Instructions for IndividualAssessment
  115. Expand Copy Wizard With Settings
  116. Expand settings to enable adaptive learning environments
  117. Export Booking Pools
  118. Export Learning Progress Settings of Objects in Courses and Groups
  119. Export Preconditions set between Objects in Courses and Groups
  120. Export SCORM with Metadata
  121. Export Sorting of Objects in Courses and Groups
  122. Export Timings Setting set for Objects in Courses and Groups
  123. Field Type Link List for Metadata
  124. Filter in »My Portfolios«
  125. Filter No Organisational Unit Assigned in User Management
  126. Filters and Search Results Object Data Structure
  127. Flag icons for language selection
  128. Full Screen mode for images as a greybox
  129. Further Improvement of Content Style Editor
  130. Generate recommended content from competence profiles
  131. Get rid of client info in permalinks
  132. global de-/activation of Taxonomies
  133. Glossary: Migrate Column Ordering Setting to Ordering Table
  134. Guided Tour
  135. Handling of preconditions in standard listing panels
  136. Help on Additional Languages
  137. Hide Info-tab by Default for Course, Group and Folder
  138. Higher level of security for HTML content
  139. IASS: additional RBAC permission
  140. Icons for Items of «Info-Page»
  141. Ignore Tasks from Task List
  142. ILIAS Push Notification Service
  143. Implement Kiosk-Mode for SCORM Learning Module
  144. Implement Kiosk-Mode for Survey
  145. Import Destatis Classification
  146. Improve Content Style
  147. Improve File Upload in Mediacasts
  148. Improve Filter Default Visibility in Category
  149. improve metadata sections on info page
  150. Improve Page Element »Certificate«
  151. Improve Placeholders in Portfolio
  152. Improve Progressmeter for Learning Modules
  153. Improve Search within Help
  154. Improve stability of custom metadata
  155. Improve the Sharing of Portfolios
  156. Improve USability of Container Links
  157. Improve UX for Metadata and Statistics Tabs in Individual Wiki Pages
  158. Improve «Participants» tab of Sessions
  159. Improved Handling of Study Programmes in Dashboard
  160. Improved Info-Page for File
  161. Improved Question Editing
  162. Improved Request Membership Screen
  163. Improvement of global Self Evaluation
  164. Improvement of mail system and mail creation
  165. Improvements of taxonomy assignments modal
  166. Improving Exports of Course and Groups
  167. Include Individual Assessment into Learning Sequence
  168. Incremental Indexing Learning Modules and Container
  169. Indexability of Object Types
  170. Individual Assessment Modularization
  171. Individual Assessment: Improve Participants Table
  172. Info Page: QR Code for Permanent Links
  173. Info Section with Info Item
  174. Information about reason for cancellation of consultation hour
  175. Insert page Layout for Blogs
  176. Interface to the TestArchiveCreator for Exports
  177. Internal Links in Content Snippets
  178. Introduce a start and end date for fixed schedules
  179. Introduce interruptive modals in the Competence Management
  180. Introduce Mark Schemas in Individual Assessment
  181. Introduce pictures and descriptions for locations
  182. Introducing a undo and redo button in ILIAS Page Editor
  183. Introducing IDs for Help Pages
  184. Introducing Shortlinks
  185. Introducing the Export functionality of the ExaminationProtocol
  186. Introducing View Control Selection
  187. Introduction of a new Manage screens
  188. Investigating Caldav for Different Clients
  189. IRSS for Poll
  190. IRSS: Container-Resource Player
  191. IRSS: Delete Resources in Resource-Overview
  192. IRSS: Flavours
  193. IRSS: Migrate HTML-Learning-Modules to ContainerResources
  194. IRSS: Migrate SCORM-Modules to ContainerResources
  195. IRSS: Migrate Tile-View-Files to IRSS
  196. IRSS: Virus-Scanner for Resources as Cron-Job
  197. it should be possible to define a question as a knockout question
  198. Item Groups Available in Study Programmes
  199. Item Groups organise Content on Dashboard
  200. Join Tab gets own Permanent link
  201. Keep Session of LTI Tool/Provider
  202. KS Personal Item
  203. KS Presentation Table in SCORM Tracking Data By User
  204. KS-Entry Deck of Cards Selector
  205. KS-Progressbar for Survey
  206. KS-rendered Questions
  207. KS: Presentation Table for Survey Results
  208. Language Settings in User Content
  209. Launcher for Random Selection in Exercise
  210. Learning level can always be changed by the tutor
  211. Learning Progress Support by ECS
  212. Link Linked Objects When Container Is Copied or Content Adopted
  213. Link Sharing for File-Objects
  214. List Files for cmi5-Packages
  215. LOM conformilty for Search and Export
  216. LOM metadata for Learning Sequences
  217. LTI Exercise
  218. LTI Glossary
  219. LTI Group
  220. LTI xAPI/cmi5
  221. Mail Certificate to user
  222. Mail-Action in Talks
  223. Mailtemplates editable in Communication-Section
  224. Make Maps responsive
  225. Make Star Rating Accessible
  226. Manual synchronisation of questions in tests after editing in pool
  227. Media Objects: Replace SRT with WebVTT Support
  228. Mediacast: Supportive Content
  229. Member Feedback
  230. Membership History
  231. Membership Information Tab
  232. Membership Limitation
  233. Migrating Custom Metadata to IRSS
  234. Modal to Finish Survey
  235. more expressive certificate names
  236. Move Confirmation Screen for Block and Unblock Role to Modal
  237. Move Custom Metadata Form to KS
  238. Move Editing of Custom Metadata Fields to KS
  239. Move Employee Talks to KS
  240. Move Survey-Questions to accessible KS-Panels
  241. Move «Custom Metadata Sets» table to KS
  242. Move «Display Options» to KS
  243. Move «Results: Competence Results» in Surveys to KS
  244. Move «Survey Results: Details» to KS
  245. Move «View given answers» to Self-Evaluation Results screen
  246. Moving the Advanced Search to KS
  247. Multi-action Add to Organisational Unit in User Management
  248. Multi-Lingual Talk Templates
  249. Multiple locations in a single map
  250. Navigation of Item Groups
  251. New Captcha Implementation for Self-Registration
  252. New ILIAS Page Editor
  253. New Landing Page for Consultation Hours
  254. New Page Element »My Badges« for Portfolios
  255. New Question-Type: Date
  256. New Question-Type: Priority Choice
  257. New Tab in Blog: Keywords
  258. New task: Requests for membership
  259. New Type of Advanced Metadata: File Upload
  260. New Version of Progress Meter 3/5
  261. New, accessible Tooltips
  262. Object List for Didactic Templates
  263. OER-friendly Infrastructure ILIAS 10
  264. Open Session Material as Modal
  265. Optimize Navigation in Learning Sequences
  266. Optional Extension Content Automations Scope Over a Subtree
  267. ORCA Workflows
  268. Outdated Table
  269. Overview for Registered Session Participants
  270. Overview Over LOM Copyright Information of Subobjects
  271. Page Editor as Mode
  272. Page Editor for Survey Pages
  273. Page Editor » Accordion Presentation
  274. Page Editor » Advanced Table
  275. Page Editor » Calling Advanced Settings of Page Elements
  276. Page Editor » Carousel Revision
  277. Page Editor » Column Layout Part II
  278. Page Editor » Content Snippet Editing
  279. Page Editor » Data Table Editing » Rearranging Rows and Columns
  280. Page Editor » Editing Advanced Lists
  281. Page Editor » Link Area Editing
  282. Page Editor » Page Editing Improvements
  283. Page Editor » Page Element Question
  284. Page Editor » Page Elements of Portfolios
  285. Page Editor » Shortcuts in Editing Text
  286. Page Editor » Spacer
  287. Page Editor » Specify Target Attribute for External Weblinks
  288. Page Editor » Text Editing on small devices
  289. Page Editor » Visual Editing of Links
  290. Page Editor » Reorganise Setting Text Content Menu in Editor Administration
  291. Pause Accordion Carousel
  292. Performance optimization by rethinking My staff and Organisational Units
  293. Permantent Links for Tab «Bookings» in Booking Pool
  294. Permission Control for Media Objects
  295. Permission-sensitive information about admittance
  296. Permissions for Talk Templates
  297. Personal Profile input fields get autocomplete-attributes
  298. Placement of Local Search on Small Devices
  299. Poll as Page Editor Element
  300. Possibility to maintain system mails in the mail templates
  301. Possible Indication in Assignments Tab
  302. Present calendar block on container content page
  303. Presentation Table for Bibliografic
  304. Privacy Improvement of Weblinks
  305. Process for Translating the Online Help
  306. Profile target level is determined by last competence entry
  307. Progress Bar in Secondary Panel in Course
  308. Proper Roles for Metabar
  309. Provide Dynamic Registration as LTI Tool
  310. Provide Rating for LTI-Consumer
  311. Provide Rating for LTI-Provider
  312. Push Notification Channels
  313. QR-Code for calendar export
  314. Question Service for Survey
  315. Rearrange Actions of toolbars in which hamburgers eat all entries
  316. Recurrence Form to Kitchensink
  317. Reduce Number of Notifications on Editing
  318. Reduction of Time Zone Settings in Individual User settings
  319. Refactoring Interface for Consumers of Custom Metadata
  320. Regulation of individual styles via RBAC / via Edit Settings
  321. Render Accessible PDFs
  322. Repeatedly filling in the same Self-Evaluation Survey with Competences
  323. Replace Arrays by Data Objects
  324. Replace table in Weblink
  325. Replace Tables with Responsive Elements
  326. Replace TinyMCE with Page Editor in Survey
  327. Required and Supported Software ILIAS 10
  328. REST API: Concepts and Basic Objects (Phase 1)
  329. Revamp Course Relevant User Data
  330. Revamping Administration User Management
  331. Revamping Footer with Link-Groups
  332. Revamping Forum Messages
  333. Reveal feature for password in Course and Group
  334. Reveal feature for password in Test
  335. Revise Cloze and Long Menu Question Creation Process
  336. Revising Consultation Hours
  337. Revision of ILIAS Test Question Creation Process
  338. Revision of Language Handling in Page Editor
  339. Revision of Permission Concept in Individual Assessment
  340. Revision of permissions for the delivery of content
  341. Rollout global Configuration of User Settings
  342. Rules for Mimetype-sensitive Input Field in KS
  343. Scope for File-Upload-Policies
  344. Search Current Category
  345. Search Current Course
  346. Search in Glossary
  347. Search Loop for User Accounts
  348. Second E-Mail Address in CC
  349. Section Editing: Multi-selection of style classes
  350. Send Mail to all Users/Participants
  351. Send Survey Invite Mail
  352. SEO for ILIAS
  353. Separate Page Actions of Wiki Pages
  354. Setting internal Redirect-Links in Test
  355. Setup: Rename `build-artifacts` to `build`
  356. Share answer-Link
  357. Show and Filter Competence Profiles in «Staff»
  358. Show Bar Charts in Assigned Competence Profiles in Achievements
  359. Show Members in Superordinate Nodes
  360. Show own reservations in the booking overview
  361. Show Points from Sub Trees
  362. Show Session-based User Consent Banner for Externally Embedded Media
  363. Single Player Podcast View
  364. Slate content should always be displayed in mobile view
  365. Smart module upload with minor changes
  366. SOAP: Improve HTTP Communication and Performance in Reverse Proxy Scenarios
  367. Some Data on Info Page is only presented with «Edit Settings»
  368. Source of Tile Image
  369. Specific Language Variables for Placeholders in Study Programme Mail
  370. Split off the right Link from Delete/Move for Scorm Modules and other objects
  371. Staff View with Diagrams
  372. Start SCOs/Assets without frame or iframe
  373. Streamline (Sub-)Tabs
  374. Streamline date filter of competences to courses and groups
  375. Structured Course content
  376. Study Programme: Manually Add Users from Organizational Unit Subtree
  377. Study Programme: Quota-Report for all Study Programmes
  378. Study Programmes shown in «Staff»
  379. Substitute-Mechanism for Editing Forum Posting Drafts
  380. Suggested Changes for Family Article Popover
  381. Superiors can assign Competence Profiles
  382. Superiors enrol Employees in course
  383. Superiors manually create competence records
  384. Support Assignment and Grade Services for ILIAS as LTI 1.3 Tool
  385. Support Deep Linking for ILIAS as LTI 1.3 Tool
  386. Support for Deep Linking as Consumer/Platform
  387. Support for IMS Common Cartridge
  388. Support Highscore for Single-SCO-Learning Modules
  389. Support LOR harvesting
  390. Support of CC Licences in Search
  391. Support Userdefined Fields in Shibboleth Authentication
  392. Suppressing Chapters if Functionality is deactivated
  393. Surveys in Learning Sequence
  394. Switching between content styles
  395. Systemmails editable in Communication-Section
  396. Table-Export in Talks
  397. Take over Description from LTI-Ressource
  398. Task Service for Portfolio
  399. Task to Finish LOC
  400. Taxonomies for Categories: Improvements
  401. Test & Assessment: Pseudonymization of names for «manual scoring» view
  402. Test and Assessment: Drawing / Handwriting Question Type
  403. Test: Move Export of Participant Results to other tab
  404. Test: Revise Hints and their visability in manual scoring
  405. Thread-Icons
  406. Tile View improvement
  407. Tile View to select LTI-Providers
  408. Tile-Image in OpenGraph
  409. Time Scheduling by Poll
  410. Title and description write to Metadata
  411. Tools for reactive learning
  412. Tracking of Videos
  413. Transfer of Mail Presentation into a Standard Item with Lead Image
  414. Trash-Tab in Courses, Groups and Folders
  415. Tutors can Bulk-Set Learning Progress Status
  416. Type ahead for Consultation Hour Manager
  417. Uploading Icons for Custom Metadata Fields
  418. Usability Improvement of Creating a Portfolio from a Template
  419. Usability Improvement Sessions
  420. Use GlobalCache for Logging-Settings
  421. Use ILIAS page editor in exercise instructions and assignments
  422. Use PresentationTable for Cross-Assignment Data in Study Programmes
  423. User account email for sender-mail (from header)
  424. User properties as object precondition
  425. User: Password History - Prevent early reuse of passwords
  426. Using a remote LTI-Ressource Repository
  427. Using redis as an in Memory database for User Sessions
  428. View-Actions in WOPI for File-Objects
  429. Web Video Text Tracks for Video
  430. Weighting in Search
  431. Who is online: Migrate Presentation to Secondary Listing Panel
  432. WOPI-Action Administration
  433. xAPI: Profile SCORM
  434. xAPI: Support for further LRS
  435. xAPI: Support for Personal Data Lockers
  436. xAPI: User Agreement for Data Privacy Issues
  437. «Manage Members» in Organisation
  438. «Select All» in Favourites
  439. «Visible in Staff» for User Standard Fields

Features suggested to be abandoned with ILIAS 10

Last edited: 28. May 2024, 10:22, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]