Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features



Note: see also category « Session (Course & Group) » for all requirements concerning sessions in courses and groups!

1 General

Maintainer and Tester

  • Group
    • Authority to Sign off on Conceptual Changes: smeyer
    • Authority to Sign off on Code Changes: smeyer , akill
    • Authority to Curate Test Cases: yseiler
    • Authority to (De-)Assign Authorities: smeyer
    • Tester: yseiler
    • Assignee for Security Reports: smeyer
    • Assignee for Security Issues: smeyer
    • Unit-specific Guidelines, Rules, and Regulations: LINK MISSING




Note: Some of the rules listed in this roadmap may be superseded by general ILIAS rules in the future.

Known Issues

In contrast to the behaviour in courses it is possible for group members with permission "manage_members" to administrate groups administrators.

Short Term

Mid Term

  • Only group users with permission "edit_permission" or group administrators are allowed to administrate group administrators.
  • The datetimes in the columns "registration_start" and "registration_end" in the db table "grp_settings" are saved in the local timezone of the server. They should instead be saved in UTC, and existing values corrected accordingly.

Long Term

[1] https://mantis.ilias.de/view.php?id=20681


2 Projects

The following projects are planned or have been realised for this component:

3 Suggested Features

In the following list you can add a request for a new feature or pick-up an already suggested feature about that should be decided again. The lists after show existing suggestions and scheduled features of this component.


Already Suggested

  1. Adopt Content: Allow Folders as Source
  2. Adopt Content: Option to omit only container
  3. Centralized Definition of Venues
  4. Copy Courses / Groups: display static progress bar when done
  5. Copying Courses along with set permissions of local roles
  6. Course content in Tree
  7. Default Configuration of Member Gallery in Groups
  8. Export Course Relevant User Data
  9. Filter and Default Setting for Copy Process
  10. Folder: Alphabetical sorting with numbers
  11. Harmonize Approval and Waiting List Process in Courses/Group
  12. Header-Image / Banner for Courses and Groups
  13. Hide Info-tab by Default for Course, Group and Folder
  14. Improved Request Membership Screen
  15. inform admins when membership request has been withdrawn, not only after it has been requested
  16. Inviting Users to Join Groups
  17. IRSS: Migrate Tile-View-Files to IRSS
  18. Limiting the tree view for content adoption, copy, link and move operations
  19. Link Linked Objects When Container Is Copied or Content Adopted
  20. LTI Group
  21. Maintain Online/Offline Status for Objects Within Containers after Export/Import
  22. Messaging groups in a booking pool
  23. Move (sub-)settings for additional features to new subtab
  24. Multilingual Titles and Descriptions for All Object Types + Plugins
  25. QR-codes to sign up for courses
  26. Randomly distribute a set of course / group members  to a set of groups
  27. Reveal feature for password in Course and Group
  28. Seamless developping instructional material
  29. Show more for Deck of Card
  30. Streamline date filter of competences to courses and groups
  31. Streamline Object Properties
  32. Teams
  33. Waiting List on Dashboard

4 Scheduled Features

The following features have been scheduled / published in ILIAS Release 11:

The following features have been scheduled / published in ILIAS Release 10:

The following features have been scheduled / published in ILIAS Release 9:

The following features have been scheduled / published in ILIAS Release 8:

The following features have been scheduled / published in ILIAS Release 7:

The following features have been scheduled / published in ILIAS Release 6:

The following features have been scheduled / published in ILIAS Release 5.4:

The following features have been scheduled / published in ILIAS Release 5.3:

The following features have been scheduled / published in ILIAS Release 5.2:

The following features have been scheduled / published in ILIAS Release 5.1:

The following features have been developed and published in Release 5.0:

5 Redundant, Outdated and Rejected Feature Requests

Requests that are outdated or redundant (already implemented in other requests)

Rejected Feature Requests

Last edited: 22. Oct 2024, 13:11, Gruber, Ann-Christin [acgruber]