Feature Wiki
Streamlining the procedure of hiding/displaying the news in courses and groups
1 Requirements
- Via Content > News block > settings: Hides the news block from course/group members (named "learners" in this context) but not from admins.
- Via Settings > Course resp. group presentation: Hides the news block from all course/group roles.
- Clicking the settings icon of the news block in the Content tab.
- Selecting "Hide"
- News block is being hidden for all course/group roles
- News block can be displayed again via the actions menu of the course.
2 Status
- Scheduled for: Not scheduled yet (will be set by Jour Fixe)
- Funding: Required / Partly funded by / Funded by ...
- Maintainer: (will be set by Jour Fixe)
- Development: Implementation of the feature is done by (company, developer)
- Contract settled: Not yet
3 Additional Information
- Information about concept: Carsten Kozianka, kozianka@uni-bonn.de
- Information about funding: (name, e-mail)
- Information about implementation: (name, e-mail)
4 Discussion
Alex Killing, 11 Feb 2014: The recent discussions in the Jour Fixe go into the opposite direction. The option on the personal desktop is about hiding and displaying blocks. The option in courses and groups is (or better: should be) about using a feature in general.
In 4.4 we tried to generalize the settings about "Additional Features" like ratings, news, calendar in the same place in the settings (even if their support still varies in different object types). This is where it belongs, when you disable/enable a feature. There has been also confusions about blocks that tell the tutor that they are "not being displayed" for learners. A central place that disable the feature and the block makes it unnecessary to show the block for tutors.
Zenzen, Enrico [ezenzen], 03 AUG 2022: This request no longer fulfills the requirements of the Feature Wiki. In consultation with the maintainer I change the status of the feature request to "Redundant / outdated". If the request is still relevant, please update template and mockups.
5 Implementation
Last edited: 3. Aug 2022, 11:32, Zenzen, Enrico [ezenzen]