Feature Wiki

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Revise Administer local role option

1 Description

At the moment it is not clear what functionality is attached to the "Administer local role" option in a course or group. For example it controls the learner view but also the access to the permissions tab. On the more it influences if one can promote user and/or tutors to course/group administrator.

My recomendation:

  • Preview as Learner should be controlled by the "write" permission or by a dedicated option - not by "administer local roles"
  • Course / group administrator should always be able to add, delete and promote course members
  • "Administer local roles" should be renamed to something more meaningful
  • "Administer local roles" should only control the access to the RBAC permissions tab of the course / group

2 Status

  • Funding: Required
  • Development: Feature is to be developed by Stefan Meyer

3 Additional Information

  • If you want to know more about this feature, its implementation or funding, please contact: Ruggero De Pellegrini / ruggero.depellegrini@phtg.ch

4 Discussion

JF May 3 2010: Our current preference is to activate the feature always, if a user is admin or tutor or has the "adminster local role" permission. Checking the write permission does not seem to be feasible for us.

Zenzen, Enrico [ezenzen], 03 AUG 2022: This request no longer fulfills the requirements of the Feature Wiki. In consultation with the maintainer I change the status of the feature request to "Redundant / outdated". If the request is still relevant, please update template and mockups.

5 Follow-up

Last edited: 3. Aug 2022, 11:45, Zenzen, Enrico [ezenzen]