Feature Wiki
Adopting Content for Groups
1 Requirements
In the 'Content'-tab of courses, in the sub-link 'Manage' there is a button 'Adpot Content'. It copies or links content from other exisiting courses into this course.
In 5.0 the repsoitory tree is displayed to pick a course to take the content from.
It is required to open a list at this point which comprises all courses and groups of which the user is member or tutor or administrator. (The list as in "My Courses and Groups" of the Personal Desktop.
User can then select a group or course from this list. After selecting the course or group the content of the selected container is displayed. User can selected to content to be copied or linked from that list.
These copying or linking actions can only be acrried out if the user has the respective permissions.
2 Additional Information
- Idea / concept: Marko Glaubitz
- Funding: Universität Freiburg
- Maintainer: Stefan Meyer
- Implementation of the feature is done by LEIFOS
- Test cases by: (name, e-mail)
A similar feature request called Copy content of groups has been made by FH Münster. I close that page. We continue discussion and documentation of this feature on the this page here.
3 Discussion
JF 30 Mar 2015: We appreciate the idea. We suggest that in the current screen, all tabs are removed and replaced by a "Back" tab, a "Repository Tree" and a "My Courses and Groups" tab.
Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel], Nov 09, 2015: It looks as if a user needs not only COPY permission to adopt content from another group. At least VISIBLE is necessary for selecting the content within the chosen group. Is this really necessary and intended? Why is COPY not sufficient?
4 Implementation
A button Adopt Content is offered on the Manage view of a group's Content tab. Permission Edit Settings is necessary to see and use this button in the group.
Test Cases
Test cases completed at 2015-08-19 by Alexandra Tödt (link updated by Fabian Kruse on 18.12.2018)
- https://testrail.ilias.de/index.php?/cases/view/5881: C5881 - Inhalte aus einem Kurs im Magazin in einen anderen übernehmen
Tested successfully and approved at 2015-08-21 by Marko Glaubitz.
Last edited: 18. Dec 2018, 15:37, Kruse, Fabian [Fabian]