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Introduce New Permission *View to User Data in Selected Components*

1 Initial Problem

Some Courses are offered to members of a handful of organisations. Example: Math-Prep is offered jointly for students of universities A, B, C and D. 

Professors of university A whow tutor those students requires looking into the course and inspect how students do: Answers to surveys, answers to test questions, submission in exercises. Professors of university A may also have to manage waiting lists in courses or groups. 

Currently Professors of university A can only filter for their flock, the students of university A.  However unwilligngly they might still be viewing aplimpse of user data of universities B, C, and D.

This should not be the case. 

2 Conceptual Summary

The Objects Survey, Test, Exercise, Course and Group get a new Permission "View to User Data in Selected Components".

3 User Interface Modifications

3.1 List of Affected Views

  • Permission-tab of Survey, Test, Exercise, Course and Group 
  • Default-Permission-tab of Roles in Role-Section of Administration. 

3.2 User Interface Details

{For each of these views please list all user interface elements that should be modified, added or removed. Please provide the textual appearance of the UI elements and their interactive behaviour.}

3.3 New User Interface Concepts

{If the proposal introduces any completely new user interface elements, please provide a link to separate feature wiki entries for each of them according to the kitchen sink template.}

4 Technical Information

{The maintainer has to provide necessary technical information, e.g. dependencies on other ILIAS components, necessary modifications in general services/architecture, potential security or performance issues.}

5 Contact

  • Author of the Request: {Please add your name.}
  • Maintainer: {Please add your name before applying for an initial workshop or a Jour Fixe meeting.}
  • Implementation of the feature is done by: {The maintainer must add the name of the implementing developer.}

6 Funding

If you are interest in funding this feature, please add your name and institution to this list.

  • ...

7 Discussion

Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel], Dec 01, 2016: I do not really understand the concept of such a new permission. I know the use case very well. But why do we need a new permission in the objects mentioned above - and what is the relation of such a permissions to the Manage Members permission in courses and groups? BTW: why do we exclude the Individual Assessment? Wouldn't it be sufficient to extend the orgunit support in such object types and make the orgunit relation an additional requirement to see user data and results?

Kergomard, Stephan [skergomard], 2022 Mar 9: We close this as part of the cleaning up effort undertaken in the Splitting-Up Test & Assessment Workinggroup.

8 Implementation

{The maintainer has to give a description of the final implementation and add screenshots if possible.}

Test Cases

Test cases completed at {date} by {user}

  • {Test case number linked to Testrail} : {test case title}


Approved at {date} by {user}.

Last edited: 9. Mar 2022, 13:38, Kergomard, Stephan [skergomard]