Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features


Page is read-only.


1 Purpose and Policy

The ILIAS feature wiki is a documentation of the current ILIAS software development activities and a means to support the cooperative and open development process. It should clarify what is developed by whom, when and why. And it gives you an overview of what has been developed in former versions of ILIAS and what development activities are planned for the future.

With a regular user account for this ILIAS installation you are able to add comments to existing feature pages as well as adding new feature requests (see information for 'Suggesting a new feature' in the right column).

2 Jour Fixe Agenda

If you want the Jour Fixe to discuss a bug report, please change the status of the report in Mantis to 'Needs Jour Fixe Decision'. All bug reports with this status will be treated in the next meeting » more

New feature requests for ILIAS can be made for version 11. They have to be placed here: Suggested for ILIAS 11. This list is open for suggestions until 30 APRIL 2025. New suggestions for ILIAS 10 are no longer accepted due to Feature Freeze of ILIAS 10 at 30 APR 2024.

Due to the changed Jour Fixe process you can no longer set topics on the agenda by yourself. Please fill out the form "Suggestions for Jour Fixe Agenda" to apply for a slot in the agenda. Submission deadline is always one week before the next Jour Fixe.

For all other topics for the Jour Fixe agenda, please send a mail to the product manager. More about former development decisions in the recent jour fixe agendas and minutes.

3 Suggesting a New Feature

  1. Create a wiki page for the feature you want to suggest! Please follow the instructions on the page 'How to suggest a new feature and have a look in our new "ILIAS Community FAQ" (currently work in progress).
  2. Let us know about your suggestion by adding the feature's title to the list 'Suggested for ILIAS 11'. You can also apply for a workshop to clarify the concept and to prepare a promising feature request.
  3. If the feature request is complete according to our requirements for features requests, you can ask the Jour Fixe for a scheduled discussion of your suggestion. To do this, please fill out the form "Suggestions for Jour Fixe Agenda". Submission deadline is always one week before the next Jour Fixe.

4 ILIAS Versions

Have a look at the following release pages to see which features come or came with which version.

Upcoming ILIAS versions:

Currently maintained versions:

No longer maintained versions:

5 Categories of Features and Issues

5.1 Projects

The following projects for bigger development activities in ILIAS are in progress (ongoing) or have already been completed.

5.2 Modules and Features

Have a look at the module pages to see which suggestions have already been made. All feature requests should be assigned to the modules and services they are belonging to.

5.3 Deprecated Features

5.4 Plugins and Addons


Last edited: 16. Jul 2024, 17:30, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]