Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features


Object Templates

1 General

This page is dedicated to all kind of templates for objects.  It adresses Settings Templates (as those existing for Test and Survey) and Didactical Templates (RBAC-settings as available for folders and other objects) as well as templates for creating new objects (like Portfolio Templates or Course Templates).

Maintainership depends on type of template and related object

2 Projects

The following projects are planned or have been realised for this component:

NEW Projects

Ongoing Projects

Projects On-Hold

Completed Projects

3 Suggested Features

List of suggested features - please add new requests below in alphabetical order [1] )



Already suggested

4 Scheduled Features

The following features have been scheduled / published in ILIAS Release 11:

The following features have been scheduled / published in ILIAS Release 10:

The following features have been scheduled / published in ILIAS Release 9:

The following features have been scheduled / published in ILIAS Release 8:

The following features have been scheduled / published in ILIAS Release 7:

The following features have been scheduled / published in ILIAS Release 6:

The following features have been scheduled / published in ILIAS Release 5.4:

The following features have been scheduled / published in ILIAS Release 5.3:

The following features have been scheduled / published in ILIAS Release 5.2:

The following features have been scheduled / published in ILIAS Release 5.1:

The following features have already been developed and published in ILIAS Release 5.0:

The following features have already been developed and published in ILIAS Release 4.4:

The following features have already been developed and published in ILIAS Release 4.3:
  • none
The following features have already been developed and published in ILIAS Release 4.2:

5 Redundant and Rejected Feature Requests

Requests that are redundant (already implemented in other requests)

Rejected Feature Requests

[1] To force a decision about your request, add the page title to the Jour Fixe agenda at the main page of this wiki.

Last edited: 15. Aug 2024, 14:21, Gruber, Ann-Christin [acgruber]