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Hochschule für Polizei und öffentliche Verwaltung Nordrhein-Westfalen

Web: www.hspv.nrw.de

1 Contact

Thomas Schroeder

Hochschule für Polizei und öffentliche Verwaltung

Teildezernatsleitung 13.2 – E-Learning
Am Luftschacht 3a, 45886 Gelsenkirchen

Tel.: 0209 1659 - 1250

2 About the HSPV NRW

All three-year bachelor programmes are “dual-track” programmes divided up into stages that cover theory and practice and dovetail with each other. Hands-on training ensures that recruits can be assigned to their first job immediately after graduating.
HSPV NRW's administrative head office is located in Gelsenkirchen in the heart of the “Ruhrgebiet” urban area. The college has de-centralised premises in Aachen, Cologne, Duisburg, Gelsenkirchen, Dortmund, Hagen, Herne, Bielefeld and Muenster.
HSPV NRW offers six degree courses in two faculties:

2.1 Police (B.A.)

Roughly 60 % of the students are trained to be future policemen and –women in North Rhine-Westphalia.

2.2 General Public Administration (LL.B., B.A., MPM)

The student's future employment is situated in local communities (like the urban administration of the city of Cologne) or the regional government of North Rhine-Westphalia.

2.3 Degree Courses

  1. Bachelor of Arts/B.A. programme, ‘Police’
  2. Bachelor of Laws/LL.B. programme, ‘Public Service (General)’
  3. Bachelor of Laws/LL.B. programme, ‘Public Administration (Local Government)’
  4. Bachelor of Arts/B.A. programme, ‘Public Sector (Local Government) Business Administration’
  5. Bachelor of Laws/LL.B. programme, ‘Statutory Pensions Administration’
  6. Bachelor of Arts/B.A. programme, ‘Administrative Informatics’
  7. Master Programme, ‘Master of Public Management’ MPM

3 Fundings

If you click on What links here? you will see which features have already been funded / developed by {name of contributor or developer}.

Last edited: 11. Jan 2024, 07:54, Schroeder, Thomas [Thomas.schroeder]