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Page Editor » Auto Save

This request is part of the project for a New Page Editor.

1 Initial Problem

Content gets lost when user do not save the text they enter in the page editor. 

2 Conceptual Summary

Page elements that use Auto-Save:

  • Text
  • Data table (uses text editing)
  • Code (uses text editing)
Operations such as editing information on media are not covered by Auto Save.

Settings in Administration
  • Interval in seconds (default value 60)
  • Byline "With shorter intervals, the server load increases and the performance of the system decreases."
  • The JF is asked to decide: Should it be possible to disable auto-save? Depending on this, an addition will be made to the byline.
    • [The smallest possible value is: {n} ] | [Auto Save is deactivated if zero is set.]
Comment: An interval begins with the first entry. If no entry is made, auto-save is blocked. It will be saved when the interval expires and an input has been made during this time. After one interval has expired, the next one starts with the new first entry.

duration of the editing lock
  • The duration of the editing lock is extended at the moment of auto-save.
  • The time entry in the info text on the Blank-Slate will be renewed »» "This page was locked for your editing until today, [hh:mm]. Other users cannot make any changes to the page during this time".
Recognizability of Auto-Save
  • In any case, it should be recognizable that an autosave is occurring and has occurred.
  • The discussion group from the Page Editor Revision suggests the following characteristic:
    • subtle look and feel
    • Signal of the auto-save process in the area of the "Save" button
      • Avoid "flutter" in the button width at all costs
      • It should be noted that the text and data table have a Primary Split Button [Save and return] and Code [Save].
    • Also a subtile note "last save on/um [dd:hh]".
    • non-final ideas in chapter 3.2
Effects of Auto Save on the versioning of the page
  • It should be prevented that each auto-save creates an own entry in the history.
  • If an auto-save follows to a previous auto-save, it will be included in the same version.
  • An entry results from
    • the last auto-save of an element
    • or the active saving of the element
    • or the active saving and leaving of the element
    • or the switch into another textfield/datafield
Error during Auto Save (The editor cannot save a valid XML)
  • In this case the saving via auto-save does not occur. The error message that is displayed in the modal when manually saving is not displayed.
  • The communication of the error case takes place in the Slate. The error message must be called manually. When calling the error, the known modal is used.
  • The note that there is a problem is placed near or instead of the note "last saved at [dd:hh]". 

3 User Interface Modifications

3.1 List of Affected Views

  • Administration > Layout and Navigation > Editing

3.2 User Interface Details

3.3 New User Interface Concepts

Depends on final decision about auto save signal.

4 Technical Information

No special technical issues. Low auto save time periods will of course increase server load.

5 Privacy Information

Personal data is not stored or processed to implement this feature. 

6 Security Implications

We do not see any special security relevant changes.

7 Contact

8 Funding

If you are interest in funding this feature, please add your name and institution to this list.

9 Discussion

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], 08 JUN 2020 : We highly appreciate this suggestion and schedule the feature for ILIAS 7. We keep the discussion open about how to show the auto save signal on the screen. Probably, a new KS element is necessary for this. Will be discussed in the Page Editor Revision group soon.

10 Implementation

Settings in Administration

Test Cases

Test cases completed at 2020-11-12 by Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt]

  • 42461 : AutoSave in Administration konfigurieren
  • 42462 : Bearbeitungssperre in Administration aktivieren
  • amended 475 : Verlauf: Versionen einer Seite vergleichen
  • amended 476 : Alte Version einer Seite wiederherstellen
  • 42458 : Programmcode einfügen
  • 42460 : Datentabelle nachträglich bearbeiten


Approved at 12 NOV 2020 by Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila] as agreed with HSPV NRW.

Notice: The page element code was not revised in the Page Editor Revision for ILIAS 7.
The revision will be done from Release 8 on and will be postponed within the approval process.

Last edited: 10. Jan 2024, 17:49, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]