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Implementing Open Badges

1 Requirements

1.1 Groundwork and Administration

Basic Classes 
For implementing Open Badges in ILAS the ground work has to be prepared: the classes for issueing specific badges have to be devised. ILIAS has to be prepared to handle badges in a way other than the current options for acknowledging effort: Badges should persist after the associated object is deleted for example. 

ILIAS Administration Panel
In the ILIAS Adminsitration administrators should be able to activate the badge service for the installation. Administrators should be able to separately activate using the Mozilla Open Badges Infrastructure (OBI) . To use the OBI administrators have to set the name of the badge issueing organisation, an e-mail contact and the SALT hash alowing badge consumers to verfify the badges.

See also the specs at http://openbadgespec.org/.

1.2 Basic Implementation for creating badges as such and an object specific badge

General Workflows and GUI 
For any object-specific badge to be implemented basic GUIs have to be in place: The respective object will have a new tab 'Badges' comprising two or three subtabs that can be accessed and operated by users with edit-permission. 

  1. Subtab to create, update and delete one badge ore more badges to be issued in relation with this specific object
    • In this subtab badges can be created, copied, changed /updated, deactiated and deleted. 
    • A badge is comprised of a title, a description, a picture uploaded from a template or indiviudually, configuration options specific to this badge type , validity (time).
  2. Subtab to which user has what badge
    • This subtab shows a table with one entry per badge featureing the following columns: Name, login, issue date, badge type / title, in courses or groups data from sub-objects an additional column stating the object will be shown.
    • This table is for displaying data only no actions are made avaiblable.
  3. Subtab to manually award badges to participants 
    • This subtab will be displayed only if settings for this object/badge allow manual awarding badges i.e. by tutors. atable with al users of the respective context (all course members for example) is shown. The table displays name and login, badges already manually awarded. 
    • Using checkboxes users can be selected and the actions "Award Badge" and "Revoke Badge" caan be carried out.
Object-Specific Badge: Manually Awarded Course / Group Badge
The tab "Badges" and all three respective subtabs are implemented for courses and groups. Tutors can manually award members with badges.

1.3 Managing earned badges

On the personal desktop there will be a new section "Badges".

My Badges
In this section there will be a tab "My Badges". In this tab all badges of a user will be displayed in an overview in gallery / tile stlye: Pictures of the badges will be displayed and maybe titles.
On-click a modal will open to present the full view of the badge. The full view will contain all metadata of the badge. In this full view users can publish the badge to their personal profile. 

My Backpack 
In this section there will be a tab "My Backpack". In this tab a link is displayed allowing to transfer badges or collections of badges to be published through the Mozilla-Persona-interface.
This tab will only be displayed if the usage of the Mozillas infrastructure was activated in the ILIAS adminstration. This functionality is guided by the implemntation as done in moodle LMS. 
To offer this functionality two interfaces have to be implemented: the interface to the Mozilla Persona identity management and to Mozilla Open Badges.

1.4 Publishing earned badges 

Users can display their earned badges in their personal profile. badges will be shown in the visiting card of the personal profile.
Users selectively publish their badges to the profile.  
The profile will display a certain number of badges and than display a link "More...". Upon clicking that link all punblished badges will be elapsed. 
Clicking upon an individual badge in the profile will call a modal to present the full view of the badge with all respective metadata. 

1.5 Communicating to users that they earned badge

An e-mail is sent out to a user once he or she receives a badge. A standard message will be sent (text is contained in the languge file).

The mail comprises the title of the badge and a link to the object, from which the badge was awarded.

The mail will be sent as a proper e-mail not as news. 

2 Additional Information

3 Discussion

JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe], Nov 23, 2015: We highly appreciate this request and schedule a basic implementation for 5.2. In addition to the description above we would like to have an on-screen notification when a badge has been achieved. A general overview which badges can be achieved and an object-specific overview (this course offers 5 badges) should be realised in a second step.
Leifos GmbH would take over maintenance if funding is settled.

4 Implementation

Please note that the Mozilla Backpack interface is currently not available, since they discuntinued the Persona authentication infrastructure. See their announcement and this blog post.

In general the best practice in collaborating between ILIAS and a badge repository needs still to be investigated. We are willing to implement an alternative solution, but this will need additional funding, development and testing, which is why the feature will not make it into ILIAS 5.2.

See also bug #20124 report.

, 12 Aug 2016: This feature has been implemented as described above. The exact wording of some elements has not been finalized yet.
The following components are available:

  • Administration/Badges: Configure global settings, badge types, image templates and activity badges
  • Course|Group/Badges: Manage object-specific badges (has to be activated in the respective object settings)
  • Personal Desktop/Badges: Manage your personal badges
  • Personal Desktop/Personal Data and Profile/Profile: Manage profile integration of personal badges
Currently there are 2 badge types:
  • profile badge: earned for completing (and publishing) certain parts of your profile
  • merit badge: (manually) awarded in courses and groups
A 3rd type will be part of 5.2: Course-badge awarded for selected set of completed objects

Test Cases

Test cases completed at 2016-06-30 by Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt]

ILIAS Administration Panel

  • 12659: Badges in der Administration aktivieren
  • 12683: Typen von Badges aktivieren
  • 12686: Activity-Badges erstellen
Basic Implementation for creating badges as such and an object specific badge
  • 12702: Badges in den Einstellungen aktivieren
  • 12703: Verdienst-Badge anlegen
  • 12704: Verdienst-Badge aktivieren
  • 12705: Verdienst-Badge über Unterreiter 'Badges' verleihen
  • 12707 : Verdienst-Badge über Unterreiter 'Benutzer' einsehen und verleihen
  • 12708: Verdienst-Badge deaktivieren
  • 12709: Verdienst-Badge löschen


Approved at 10.08.2016 by thomas.schroeder.
Approved at 23.08.2016 by amersch.

Last edited: 10. Jan 2024, 17:49, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]