Feature Wiki

Information about planned and released features


Page is read-only.


Date and place

Monday, 30 September 2024 from 13:00 – 16:00 at VC meeting in BBB.

If you like to participate at the Jour Fixe, please join our BigBlueButton-based Jour Fixe VC!
We recommend to use BBB in Chrome (or Firefox).

1 Appointments

Workshops / Working GroupS

If you want to participate at one of the above mentioned workshops, please register for the related session. This helps to organise the workshop. Thanks!

Jour Fixe

  • Monday, 14 October 2024, 13:00 - 17:00 (last JF to decide upon feature requests for 10!)
  • Monday, 28 October 2024, 13:00 - 17:00
  • Monday, 11 November 2024, 13:00 - 17:00
  • Monday, 25 November 2024, 13:00 - 17:00 (Big Projects JF for ILIAS 11)
  • Monday, 09 December 2024, 13:00 - 17:00

2 Technical Board

This is a new topic on our agenda that should improve the information flow between the Technical Board and the society members and ILIAS users.

  • Please stand for election! The next election of the "Technical Board" takes place in March 2025. If you are interested, please consider running for this election as soon as possible. You can apply to the ILIAS Board at any time.
  • The "Technical Board" would appreciate another 1 or 2 persons to join the security group. Security remains a prioirity and while we were able to quickly find a succession for a leaving member, we're aware we need all hands in the department. 
  • Everyone, please review the NPM/Composer dependencies. We're about to enter the beta phase and suspect that not all dependencies have filed applications for the release, like jquery-ui as an example.
  • A first meeting of the new Privacy experts takes place next Wednesday, 02 October. Everyone who is interested in joining this team of experts should contact Klees, Richard [rklees] for additional information.

3 Miscellaneous

3.1 UI Clinic

Our UI/UX/A11y experts Yvonne Seiler, Kristina Auerswald and Kendra Grotz are offering bi-weekly UI clinic consultation hours for UI/UX and accessibility topics. The consultation hours are open for all users that need or are interested in related help for their ILIAS development activities. The UI Clinic consultation take place every Wednesday before the Jour Fixe from 10h30 to 11h30.

If you are interested in discussing an issue, please register here!.

3.2 Authorities

3.2.1 Authorities to be Handed Over

For the following components there are authorities to be handed over:

  • Learning Module SCORM: Kohnle, Uwe [ukohnle] would like to hand over the authorities to sign off on conceptual changes, to sign off on code changes and to (de-)assign authorities.
    • There is a new expression of interest for taking over the related authorities. More details soon.
  • LTI: Kohnle, Uwe [ukohnle] would like to hand over his authorities to sign off on conceptual changes, to sign off on code changes and to (de-)assign authorities. Meyer, Stefan [smeyer] keeps authority to sign off on code changes.
    • LTI already consists of two components – LTI for the provider function and LTI consumer. According to Uwe it is possible to keep only one of both in ILIAS while the other component can be abandoned if no new developer is willing to take over the authorities for entire LTI.
    • The TB has already spoken to a candidate for both LTI components. A final decision on the takeover of LTI will be made shortly.

Community members who are willing to take over one of the offered authorities are highly appreciated. In case of interest, please contact the Technical Board.

3.2.2 Changed Authorities

4 Maintained Versions

At the time being, we are maintaining ILIAS version 8 and ILIAS version 9.

4.1 Roadmap



Lifecycles of maintained versions

  • ILIAS 8 : end of full maintenance at 31 DEC 2024, security bug fixes (only) until 31 DEC 2025.
  • ILIAS 9 : end of full maintenance at 31 DEC 2025, security bug fixes (only) until 30 JUN 2027.

4.2 Mantis Reports

The following Mantis reports have been tagged with 'Needs Jour Fixe Decision' and were therefore be discussed in detail:

  1. #42178: FieldTypeHook-Plugin are not checked for plugin status and are not robust against plugin changes: We highly appreciate the suggested changes and accept them for all maintained versions and trunk. Please add a short notice to the Release Notes of ILIAS 8 and 9. Additional notice: if a data collection plugin is deactivated and data no longer accessible via frontend there is no guarantee that the data is deleted in the database.
  2. #:

4.3 Mantis Statistic

Current information from Mantis:

                        * … Issues with status 'open' and 'fix.acc.prio.' are recorded.

Amount of issues in the last six months with trends

To place the current data for each JourFixe in the context of a specific course of development, you can see the trend over the last few months here.

How to deal with the known backlog of issue reports at the end of full maintenance?

Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila], 30 September 2024: I would like to recommend that we decide by the end of the year, before the full maintenance of ILIAS 8 ends, how to deal with the known backlog of issue reports at that time. There are very different approaches with very different implications.

4.4 Development Issues of Maintained Versions

The following development issues concern one or more maintained versions. Issues related to trunk are listed further below.

  1. A new glyph for 'enlarge' will be added to trunk with PR7925 (see below). The Icon Task Force suggests to use this icon already in ILIAS 9 and to remove the current one (which is still in outdated Nuvola style).

    JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe]: We highly appreciate this suggestion and accept the use of the new enlarge icon for ILIAS 9.

  2. The format of images used for the tile view of object list has changed with ILIAS 9, see FR Improve Display of Tiles. The ratio now is 3:2. Tile Images will be cropped accordingly once the migration is run. The original is kept. Cropping maximises the area of the source image visible in the actual tile and it always centers the cutout. UI/UX expert Kendra Grotz would like to handle this change as 'Changed Behaviour' in the Release Reports and asks the JF for consent.

    JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe]: We ask Kendra and Simon to help improving the 'Implementation' text and get into contact with Stephan. The improved text should also be added to the 'Changed Behaviour' section of the ILIAS 9 release page.

4.5 Pull Requests

4.5.1 Pull Requests for Maintained Versions

Pull requests in the ILIAS repository on GitHub that are related to maintained versions of ILIAS.

  • No PRs to discuss today.

4.5.2 Looking for Shepherd

The following PRs are adressing components that are currently under no authority. So nobody has the authority to do the related code change and accept the PR. We are looking for shepherds that check and review the PR and merge it.

  1. PR6538 • Fix value presentation and allow combination input types:
  2. PR7544 • App: Use PHP core randomizer and remove Randomization component:
  3. PR7599 • Add ext-pdo as required extension in composer.json:
  4. PR7605 • [PROPOSAL] Remove Cloud Data from ILIAS:
  5. PR7618 • Prevent deletion of required file uploads:
  6. PR7815 • Phpunit code coverage:
  7. PR7857 • Block: Preserve block title on slice:

Thanks to all shepherds who already have checked pull requests and merged them (when okay)!

4.6 Continuous Integration

  • Unit Tests:
    • As of today, there are (executed with PHP 8.3) /scripts/PHPUnit/run_tests.sh --random-order-seed 1720173999
      • 11913 (+11)
      • 29383, assertions (depends on the order of tests being executed / not stably determinable)
    • 1 failure:
      • ILIAS\Cache\CacheTest::testLock Failed asserting that false is true.
    • 40 skipped (-1):
      • See file below
    • 0 errors, 0 deprecations
  • Code Style:
    • 484 Violations (+111) /vendor/composer/vendor/friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer/php-cs-fixer fix --config=./scripts/PHP-CS-Fixer/code-form
      at.php_cs --using-cache=no -vvv --dry-run components/ILIAS/* :
      • See file below
  • ilCtrl "// @todo: removed deprecated ilCtrl methods, this needs inspection by a maintainer."

5 Developing ILIAS 10

5.1 Timeline for ILIAS 10

  • Big Projects Jour Fixe at 27 November 2023
  • Feature freeze at 30 April 2024
  • Coding completed at 25 October 2024
    • New features implemented and related test cases completed
    • Existing test cases updated/revised
  • Release 10.0 beta1 and release-10 branch planned for 28 October 2024
  • Beginn of testing phase scheduled for 30 October 2024
    • Pretest: 30 October – 12 November 2024
    • Community testing: 13 November 2024 – 05 February 2025
  • End of testing phase planned for 05 Februar 2025
  • First stable 10.0 release planned for 13 March 2025
  • Full maintenance support for version 10: until 31 December 2026
  • Security bug fixes only: until 31 December 2027

5.2 Status of Development

This is the current status of the development of ILIAS Release 10 – based on the metadata of all scheduled feature requests.


Number of features

A. Published in trunk


B. Approved by customer


C. Waiting for approval


D. In development


E. Contract settled


F. Declared interest in funding


G. Only partly funded


H. Funding required


Candidates for abandoned features


Removed from code


We ask all developers and service providers to update the metadata of their features regularly to allow a serious view on the current development status of this release.

5.3 Software Requirements for ILIAS 10

The required and supported software for ILIAS 10 is as follows:

  1. PHP:
  2. PHPUnit: 10.x
  3. Composer: Composer 2
  4. DBMS:
    • MariaDB: 10.5 - 10.11
    • MySQL:  8.0.x
  5. HTTP:
    • nginx:
      • Supported: …
      • Recommended: …
    • Apache >= …
  6. JAVA:
  7. NodeJS:
    • Supported: 20 (LTS, 21)
    • Recommended: 20 (LTS)
  8. Other Software:
    • Ghostscript: …
    • MathJax (optional): …
    • ImageMagick (optional):

5.4 Dependencies

The policy of dependency handling has been changed with ILIAS 10. Please have a look at this README to know how we handle dependencies like third-party libraries and frameworks in ILIAS from now on.

Already accepted and rejected dependencies for ILIAS 10 are listed on the page Dependencies in ILIAS 10.

The following pull requests in the ILIAS repository on GitHub are related to trunk and labeled with 'dependencies'.

  • PR7979 • @jest/globals as npm package
    • Status of maintenance: The package is part of the jest monorepo, which is actively maintained and receives yearly major releases
    • Used by: All JavaScript unit tests, primarily in components/ILIAS/UI/tests/*.
    • Decision: Dependency is accepted for ILIAS 10.
  • PR7979 • @babel/preset-env as npm package.
    • Status of maintenance: The package is part of the babel monorepo, which is actively maintained and receives ~weekly releases.
    • Used by: JavaScript unit tests, primarily in components/ILIAS/UI/tests/* and JavaScript module bundling, primarily in components/ILIAS/UI/tests/*.
    • Decision: Dependency is accepted for ILIAS 10.

There still might be some dependencies - including important ones - that have not been tagged yet and did therefore not appear on the list. All developers were asked to check if they have forgotten to list a needed dependency and to create related PRs. Note: Dependencies for ILIAS 10 have to be accepted before Coding Completed!

5.5 Deprecated for ILIAS 10

The following services, methods and UI elements are deprecated for ILIAS 10:

  • Services/UIComponent
    • Checkbox List Overlay
    • Glyph
    • Grouped List
    • Lightbox (Has been removed from trunk while ILIAS 9 has being developed.)
    • Modal
    • Nested List
    • Overlay
    • Panel
    • Progress Bar
    • Split Button
    • Tooltip
  • Services/FileSystem
    • ilFile
    • ilFileData
    • ilFileDataImport
    • ilFileSystemAbstractionStorage
    • ilFileSystemGUI
    • ilFileSystemTableGUI
    • ilUploadFiles
  • Services/Database
    • ilDBAnalyzer
    • ilDBGenerator
  • Services/FileDelivery (replacement will be done with PR)
    • ilFileDelivery
  • Services/PermanentLink (replacement will be done with PR)
    • ilLink
  • Services/Utilities (ongoing)
    • ilArrayUtil
    • ilLegacyFormElementsUtil
    • ilShellUtil
    • ilStr
    • ilUtil
  • Services/Metadata (replacement via PR)
    • ilMD
    • ilMDCreator
    • ilMDUtils
    • ilMDCopyrightSelectionEntry
    • ilMD2XML
    • ilMDSaxParser
    • ilMDXMLCopier
    • ilMDGeneral
    • ilMDEducational
    • ilMDKeyword
    • ilMDIdentifier
    • ilMDLanguage
    • ilMDLanguageItem
    • almost all other 'ilMD*' classes except ilMDEditorGUI

5.6 Important Information

  •  Any development installation created with ILIAS 10 before 17 July is unrecoverable broken due to errors in database schema and must be recreated. See #41729 for more informations.

5.7 Development Issues

  1. Kergomard, Stephan [skergomard], 23 SEP 2024: During the removal of Legacy-UI we once more bumped against the duplicate possibility to edit gaps in the Cloze-Questions. Gaps can either be edited by using the corresponding form fields below the question or by clicking on the gap in the cloze text, which then opens a modal. As this functionality is redundant, a modal is most probably the wrong way of editing a gap anyway, and it necessitates some quite ugly code or a complete refactoring of the javascript to make it work with the modals in the new ui components, we would like to get rid of this option. This would also once more remove some (rather unnecessary) complexity from our code.

    Editing a gap in a modal

    JourFixe, ILIAS [jourfixe] : We follow the suggestion of Stephan and abandon the modal for editing gaps with ILIAS 10. Please add a short notice to the 'Changed Behaviour' section in the ILIAS 10 release report.

5.8 Pull Requests for Current Development / Trunk

The following pull requests in the ILIAS repository on GitHub are related to the current development activities in trunk.

  1. PR7855 • Add stacking to Bar Charts: We highly appreciate this suggestion and accept the PR for ILIAS 10/trunk.
  2. PR7925 • UI Components, New Glyphs for il-icons fonts see #41767: We highly appreciate this suggestion and accept the PR for ILIAS 10/trunk.
  3. PR7969 • [FEATURE] UI: Implement initialisation using new component mechanism: Thibeau notified us about an upcoming workshop about the changes coming with the component revision. It takes place at 07 October, 13:00 to 14:30.
  4. PR7974 • 10/UI/allow view controls in reporting panels: We highly appreciate this suggestion and accept the PR for ILIAS 10/trunk.
  5. PR7979 • [FEATURE] JS Unit Tests Migration: We accept both dependencies for ILIAS 10. List of dependencies will be updated accordingly.
  6. PR8091 • Remove Dependence on Custom TinyMCE: We highly appreciate this suggestion and accept the PR for ILIAS 10/trunk, incl. the update of TinyMCE to version 7.3.0.
  7. PR8106 • UI/DataTable: initialize with Order and Range: We accept the suggested changes for ILIAS 10/trunk.

5.9 Project 'Removing of Legacy-UIComponents-Service and Table'

  • Next Bi-Weekly-Meetings:
    • Monday, 21 October 2024, 14:30 - 16:00
  • Further progress on UI components: (No change to this information)
    • Field\TreeSelect and Field\TreeMultiSelect for the compensation of ilExplorer and related.
    • Confirmation Modals for the compensation of ilConfirmationGUI & ilConfirmationTableGUI
    • UI Progress Bar for the compensation of ilProgressBar
  • Slow progress of the project due to lack of funding.
  • Estimated funding needed to realise project for 2024 and 2025: 395.000€ (like 275 Person Days).

Deprecations in ILIAS 10

class ilGlyphGUI

class ilGroupedListGUI

class ilLightboxGUI

class ilModalGUI

class ilNestedList

class ilOverlayGUI

class ilPanelGUI

class ilProgressBar

class ilSplitButtonGUI

class ilTooltipGUI

See Project [[[Project] Removing of Legacy-UIComponents-Service and Table]] 


Usages of Legacy UI-Components deprecated with ILIAS 10

Legacy Modal

Legacy Nested List

Legacy Overlay

Legacy Panel

Legacy Progress Bar

Legacy Tooltip






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0 (1)

0 (1)


0 (1)

0 (1)





0 (1)

0 (1)


2 (4)


5 (7)













0 (1)

3 (4)



0 (1)

2 (3)










8 (11)


4 (9)



8 (13)

33 (46)

5.10 Testing ILIAS 10

The official test installation for ILIAS 10 is now online: https://test10.ilias.de. This installation is based on an alpha version of ILIAS 10 and might be buggy. 

Important: Please report only those bugs for the alpha version that are related to broken functionality (e.g. object cannot be created) or are related to error messages. Minor and trivial issues should not be reported before the start of the community testing mid of November. Please consider that extensive changes are still being made to the code until the end of 10_alpha!

5.11 Suggested Features for 10

  1. View-Actions in WOPI for File-Objects: We highly appreciate this suggestion and accept the feature for ILIAS 10. To clarify the behaviour when clicking on the title and setting 'Show content of file': in the current implementation the file will be opened in view mode regardless of possible edit permissions. But this might be changed in a future implementation.

  2. Configurable saving interval for WOPI revisions: We highly appreciate this suggestion and accept the feature for ILIAS 10.

  3. Customizable Link-Groups in Footer: We highly appreciate this suggestion and re-schedule the feature for ILIAS 10.

  4. Presentation Table for Bibliografic List Item: We highly appreciate this suggestion and re-schedule the feature for ILIAS 10.

  5. IRSS: Migrate SCORM-Modules to ContainerResources: We highly appreciate this suggestion and accept the feature for ILIAS 10.

  6. Page Editor » Link Area Editing: We highly appreciate this suggestion and accept the feature for ILIAS 10.

6 Developing ILIAS 11

6.1 Timeline for ILIAS 11

  • Big Projects Jour Fixe at November 25, 2024
  • Feature freeze at April 30, 2025
  • Coding completed: all features implemented and test cases finished until October 28, 2025
  • Release 11.0 beta1 and release-10 branch planned for October 28, 2025
  • Beginn of testing phase scheduled for October 31, 2025
  • End of testing phase planned for Februar 06, 2026
  • First stable 11.0 release planned for March 17, 2026
  • Full maintenance support for version 11: until December 31, 2027
  • Security bug fixes only: until December 31, 2028

6.2 Deprecated for ILIAS 11

The following services, methods and UI elements are deprecated for ILIAS 10:

  • Services/UIComponent
    • ilConfirmationGUI & ilConfirmationTableGUI
    • ilExplorer
    • ilSyntaxHighlighter
    • ilTextHighlighterGUI
    • ilToolbarGUI
    • ilTabsGUI
  • Services/Table

6.3 Suggested Features for 11

No feature suggestions to discuss today.

7 Participants


Joined VC

Abijuru, Jephte [Jephte]

Amstutz, Timon [amstutz]


Appel, Alina [alinaappel]

Asbih, Fadi [Fadi]

Auerswald, Kristina [kauerswald]

Becker, Matthias [matthias.becker]


Becker, Maximilian [mbecker]


Bechtold, Patrick [pbe]

Beym, Marvin [mBeym]

Bongers, Tim [tbongers-cat]


Clausen, Keven [keven.clausen]

Copado, Jesús [jcop]


Detemple, Konstanze [kdetemple]


Dyhr, Sven [sdyhr]

Elagamy, Ahmed


Engländer, Ferdinand [fenglaender]

Falkenstein, Rob [rob]

Famula, Thomas [tfamula]


Fischer, Yvonne [yvonne.fischer]

Fries, Tomke

Fuhrer, Thibeau [tfuhrer]


Giebeler, Ina [igiebel1]

Glaubitz, Marko [mglaubitz]

Gribchenko, Kseniia [ksgrie]


Großkopf, Katrin [katrin.grosskopf]

Grotz, Kendra [kgrotz]


Gruber, Ann-Christin [acgruber]


Günther, Andre

Haagen, Nils [nlz]

Hackfort, Marvin

Helfer, Fabian [fhelfer]

Heim, Johannes [jheim]

Hergerdt, Marcel [mhergerdt]

Jacobs, Maximilian [m.jacobs]

Jäggi, Damian [fajaeggi]


Jackisch, Ingo [jackisch]


Jansen, Kelly [kjansen]

Jansen, Michael [mjansen]


Joussen, Thomas

Kaufmann, Olivia [o.kaufmann]

Kergomard, Stephan [skergomard]


Killing, Alexander [alex]


Klees, Richard [rklees]


Knof, Christian [cknof]


Kohnle, Uwe [ukohnle]

Kösling, Arne [arnewolf]

Kruse, Fabian [Fabian]

Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel] (Minutes)


Lorenz, Katharina [klorenz]


Lowe, Simon [simon.lowe]


Ludolf, Christoph [cludolf]


Meyer, Stefan [smeyer]

Müller, Tobias [Tobias246810]

Neumann, Fred [fneumann]

Potter, Chris

Rabah, Rachid [rabah]

Riebe, Katharina [kriebe]

Roeser, Nico [nicoroeser]

Rüping, Stefan

Samoila, Oliver [oliver.samoila]


Scharmer, Lukas [lscharmer]

Schmid, Fabian [fschmid]


Schmidt-Sielex, Wolfgang

Schmitz, Tim [tschmitz]

Seeland, Per Pascal [PerPascalSeeland]

Seibt, Alina [alina.seibt]

Seidel, Elyesa


Seiler, Yvonne [yvseiler]


Sesterhenn, Fabian [sesterhenn]

Solzbacher, Bettina [BettinaSolzbacher]


Spirou, Ilias [ispirou]

Stake, Sebastian [sstake]

Stepper, Christian [christian.stepper]

Strassner, Denis [dstrassner]


Szmais, Ingmar [iszmais]


Tesche, Uwe [utesche]

Tödt, Alexandra [atoedt]

Vollbach, Guido [gvollbach]


Wandelmaier, Franziska

Wischniak, Stanislav


Wolf, Fabian [fwolf]

Yadel, Simon

Zach, Sabine

Zehnder, Lukas [lzehnder]

Zenzen, Enrico [ezenzen]


Last edited: 18. Oct 2024, 15:41, Kunkel, Matthias [mkunkel]