Download & Releases

8.15 (stable)

General Information

Release 8.15 has been published on October 1, 2024

  • Please read the ILIAS 8 feature page for information about new and abandoned features and changed behaviour of this version.
  • You find information about first time installation of ILIAS 8 and updating here.
  • Please also have a look at the Required Software for ILIAS 8 page.

ILIAS is free, open source software and published under the GNU General Public License (GPL).

Download (
212 MB, 2024-10-01
md5: a6e39c85e99854ad46658d7dcc615ca5

Download (
195 MB, 2024-10-01
md5: f55d616ddf0f0ec22f3eca1b5397708a

Important Changes

  • Services/PDFGeneration
    • Since the development for wkhtmltopdf has stopped and the consumer for the service are regressive, the jour Fixe decided to deprecate the PDFGeneration Service with ILIAS 8 and to remove this service with ILIAS 9
  • Plugins
    • Plugins which provide a configuration screen must add an explicit `ilCtrl` directive in the PHPDoc comments of the `il*ConfigGUI` class.
      • Example:
        • /**
           * @ilCtrl_IsCalledBy ilMyPluginConfigGUI: ilObjComponentSettingsGUI
          class ilMyPluginConfigGUI extends ilPluginConfigGUI
              // Code ...
    • Many public methods of class `ilPluginAdmin` (often considered as public API of the component service in ILIAS by developers) were removed. The class itself is marked as deprecated and will be removed in future ILIAS releases. Plugin developers should use `ilComponentRepository` and `ilComponentFactory` instead. Implementations of these interfaces can be retrieved from the dependency injection container ($DIC["component.repository"] and $DIC["component.factory"]).
    • Please always execute a `composer du` command if you put a new plugin into the plugin directories in your filesystem or if you applied any changes to your `plugin.php`. Otherwise the plugin will not be listed in the global ILIAS plugin administration or may cause other problems.
  • Workflow Engine
    • Due to low demand and security issues, we removed the workflow engine with 7.23 and 8.3
  • OpenIDConnect
  • SAML
  • MathJax
    • Please check if you configured a polyfill url at Administration > Third Party Software > MathJax. This is not needed by modern browsers and IE 11 is no longer supported by ILIAS at all. You should NOT use the library any longer, see for details.

Known Issues

  • none

Changed Behaviour

Updated Languages

  • Updated Japanese language support by Shiro Tamoto, Nagaoka University of Technology

Fixed Issues

The following issues reported in Mantis have been resolved:

#41559: [Bibliographic List Item] Bibliographic List Item can't be used: object not migrated (fschmid)
#42169: [Blog] Blog doesn't appear (akill)
#41063: [Category and Repository] Error for categories with references to deleted objects (smeyer)
#37766: [Course Management] LOK - Link between test-question and Learning Objective => Delete Test (smeyer)
#40628: [Course Management] Course Links require Read Access to Target Course (smeyer)
#41738: [Course Management] TypeError thrown with message "ilLOSettings::setPassedObjectiveMode() (smeyer)
#42048: [Course Management] Ergebnisse der Tests im LOK werden nicht mehr angezeigt. Auch die Fragenliste erscheint nicht mehr. (skergomard)
#41510: [Data Collection] Datentyp Plugin auswählbar, auch wenn kein PlugIn installiert. (PerPascalSeeland)
#42030: [Data Collection] DC hides first letter of e-mail address or URL (iszmais)
#41992: [Exercise] Error upon changing tab as author (akill)
#42174: [Exercise] Exercise with file-upload - Feedback to multiple participants (akill)
#41906: [File] Filelist in Pages show 0B size (fschmid)
#41995: [Forum] Error when Move Thread to other Forum (mjansen)
#41905: [Language Handling] Option --plugin in setup führt zu Fehler und Abbruch (kg)
#41936: [Learning Module ILIAS : Presentation] LearningModules after Update ILIAS 7 to ILIAS 8: setting "Comments" cannot be deactivated (akill)
#34021: [Login, Auth & Registration] Accounts created using expired registration codes (mjansen)
#41226: [Login, Auth & Registration] Missing session cookie while using direct link to registration formular - Registration doesn't work (mjansen)
#41531: [Login, Auth & Registration] Password Assistance fails, if link is not opened in same session as password assistance request (mjansen)
#42184: [Login, Auth & Registration] Auth/LDAP/SAML: Orphaned database references to deleted "Custom User Fields" ids result attribute mapping result in PHP error (mjansen)
#42156: [Mail] Mailversand aus einem Kurs ist fehlerhaft (mjansen)
#42190: [Mail] Konzept hinter verwaisten Mails unklar für Endbenutzer (mjansen)
#24498: [Metadata + ADT] Failed test: ILIAS Lernmodul mit Copyright-Vorgaben importieren (tschmitz)
#41903: [Portfolio] Sharing with a single users leads to Error (akill)
#41109: [Search] Failed test: Search for metadata (smeyer)
#41970: [Session (Course & Group)] Whoops while altering a start date of a session (smeyer)
#41980: [Session (Course & Group)] Participants tab of session broken after notification has been activated (smeyer)
#41941: [SOAP & Webservices] SOAP: \ilSoapUserAdministration::login uses the wrong "AuthFrontend" (mjansen)
#42028: [SOAP & Webservices] Unable to Update Users via SOAP (skergomard)
#31352: [Staff] Org.Units: Unnecessary drop table statements and queries in every request (Performance) (tfamula)
#42084: [Staff] Competence view for Staff is faulty (tfamula)
#41833: [Style – Content Style] Order of style classes is partially ignored in Text(Character) (akill)
#41647: [Survey] Copying a question with long title within survey or question pool leads to fatal PDOException (akill)
#41519: [Taxonomies] Longer titles of taxonomy nodes are running out of the screen (akill)
#41129: [Test & Assessment] Whoops on import to test from pool: "Argument 1 passed to ilRTE::_replaceMediaObjectImageSrc() must be of the type string, null" (skergomard)
#41630: [Test & Assessment] Fragenpool -> Fehler bei Kopieren und Einfügen einer Frage in einen Fragenpool (skergomard)
#41635: [Test & Assessment] QPL: Copying a question with long title within pool leads to fatal PDOException (skergomard)
#41706: [Test & Assessment] Inconsistency in title character limit (tjoussen)
#41894: [Test & Assessment] Duplicate Toolbar in Question Pool When Adding Custom Buttons via Plugins (skergomard)
#42002: [Test & Assessment] Automatic Saving overwrites authorized answers in Long Menu Question (skergomard)
#42148: [Test & Assessment] long entry in author field of a question leads to an error (skergomard)
#18875: [User Service] Changing skin via XML Import not possible, if "Visible in Personal Data" is off (skergomard)
#41749: [User Service] WARNING log message in StandardPagePartProvider on login page and logout page (skergomard)
#41987: [User Service] Loop on deliverVCard if Portfolio active (skergomard)
#42001: [User Service] importUsers leads to error when updating via SOAP (skergomard)
#42039: [User Service] (Type) Error in  ilUserDefinedData::set() while resetting password (skergomard)
#37385: [¥ HTTP] Cookies header is broken with multiple cookies (fschmid)
#41971: [¥ Init] SoapAuth does not work (mjansen)
#41909: [¥ Object] Object creation does not save long descriptions (skergomard)
#40787: [¥ UI Core] Ordering Question (vertical): Incomplete data plus un-uploaded answer picture lead to fatal error upon saving or uploading (None)