Download & Releases
9.4 (stable)
General Information
Release 9.4 has been published on August 27, 2024
- Please read the ILIAS 9 feature page for information about new and abandoned features and changed behaviour of this version.
- You find information about first time installation of ILIAS 9 and updating here.
- Please also have a look at the Required Software for ILIAS 9 page.
ILIAS is free, open source software and published under the GNU General Public License (GPL), version 3.0 → Licence
Download ( MB, 2024-08-27
md5: ec12047aef1b00f1995f4ca4dd092718
Download ( MB, 2024-08-27
md5: ddcef3c4025025c4f5d37a6f032e4b36
Important Changes
- System Styles: Custom system styles from 8 and earlier do no longer work
- With ILIAS 9 the SCSS has been restructered according to the ITCSS structure suggested in the SASS guidelines. In addition, the depencency to less from Bootstrap has mostly been removed. However, the change from less to SCSS and the abandonment from Bootstrap means, that System Styles from 8 and lower are NOT compatible with ILIAS 9. They cannot be imported, be used, or compiled.
- However, note, that most of the css should still work. Also less and scss are not that far appart. Best read through our SCSS Coding Guidelines to get started.
- JavaScript Dependencies: Removal of 'node_modules' folder from Git repository
- The 'npm' dependencies and thus the 'node_modules' folder in the ILIAS root directory were removed from the ILIAS codebase.
- All 'npm' dependencies will still be automatically added to the release builds (linked on the official ILIAS release pages) on GitHub.
- With this change 'npm' will become a requirement for ILIAS installations based on Git branches/tags. To install the 'npm' dependencies on such installations, you'll have to execute:
npm clean-install --omit=dev --ignore-scripts
- The
flag can be ignored for development installations.
- Chat Server: Removal of 'node_modules' folder from Git repository
- The 'npm' dependencies and thus the 'node_modules' folder of 'Modules/Chatroom/chat' were removed from the ILIAS codebase in Git with the integration of PR 5128.
- All 'npm' dependencies will still be automatically added to the release builds (linked on the official ILIAS release pages) on GitHub.
- With this change 'npm' will become a requirement for ILIAS installations based on Git branches/tags. To install the 'npm' dependencies on such installations, you'll have to execute:
npm clean-install --omit=dev --ignore-scripts
flag can be ignored for development installations.
- Cron Jobs:
- With ILIAS ≧ 9.x and the application of PR 5720 the password must be omitted when executing the ILIAS cron CLI script, see also Installation and Maintenance: Cron Jobs.
- PDF Generation:
has been removed from the code base.
- Authentication/SAML:
- Due to an major release upgrade of the underlying 3rd party library, existing configuration files for SimpleSAMLphp have to be adopted according to the documention.
- Furthermore, existing federations between ILIAS and SAML IPDs have to re-established due to necessary changes in the metadata XML file.
- When installing the composer dependencies on an existing installation, it might occur that you receive an error caused by the simplesamlphp/simplesamlphp library. In this case, simply remove the vendor folder once by executing: rm -rf ./libs/composer/vendor . Afterwards, install the composer dependencies as usual.
- MathJax:
- Please check if you configured a polyfill url at Administration » Third Party Software » MathJax. This is not needed by modern browsers and IE 11 is no longer supported by ILIAS at all. You should NOT use the library any longer, see for details.
Known Issues
- none
Changed Behaviour
- T&A: Import of Tests with Results: IIt's no longer possible to deselect questions during the import.
- T&A: Filter "Active Users only" / "Inactive Users only" in Manual Scoring is removed.
- T&A: "Auto-saved" or intermediate answers are not saved anymore as authorized answers when the set test duration limit ends.
- T&A: Zero will not be accepted any longer as value for points in File Upload Questions.
Fixed Issues
The following issues reported in Mantis have been resolved:
#41855: [Category and Repository] Broken layout of Add new Item (akill)
#41960: [Certificate] Language Variable 'certificate_text_info' is overwritten. (mjansen)
#41839: [Chat] Blank Page on Installation Status Page (mjansen)
#41745: [Content Page (Repository Object, not ILIAS Page Editor)] Exports from ILIAS 7 to ILIAS 9 containing Content Pages do not work (mjansen)
#41614: [Data Collection] Erstellen eines Datensatzes mit einer Bilddatei (Field Type "mob") schlägt fehl. (iszmais)
#41674: [Data Collection] file upload in data collection leads to error (iszmais)
#41809: [Data Collection] Error when opening Data Collection (iszmais)
#41821: [Data Collection] Old permanent links stopped working (iszmais)
#41848: [Data Collection] datacollection.ilDataCollectionStorageMigration: [ERROR] Undefined constant "ANONYMOUS_USER_ID" (iszmais)
#41911: [Data Collection] Import a datacollection from ilias8 to ilias9 fails (iszmais)
#41805: [Forum] German view control in Forum thread: "Nach Beiträge sortieren" (mjansen)
#41852: [Forum] Default sorting of general view is unclear and does not persist (mjansen)
#41857: [Forum] Pagination problem in forum (mjansen)
#41870: [Forum] Wrong sorting of threads (gvollbach)
#41944: [Forum] Can't open Forum Thread from Thread-Overview in new tab (mjansen)
#41965: [Forum] ein ergänzender "/" in der URL zum Forenbeitrag (mjansen)
#41866: [Group] Groups cannot be renamed (smeyer)
#41826: [ILIAS Page Editor] On saving a table, the content of some cells is duplicated (akill)
#41797: [Learning Module ILIAS : Presentation] Missing Method ilLMPresentationGUI->getObject() in ilLMNavigationRendererGUI:315 (akill)
#41908: [Login, Auth & Registration] SAML Account Migration does not work (mjansen)
#41949: [Login, Auth & Registration] Self-Registration with Code leads to error (mjansen)
#41301: [Metadata + ADT] Update of default licence texts for Public Domain and All rights reserved (tschmitz)
#41888: [Metadata + ADT] Table 'Available Copyrights' broken for user without EDIT SETTINGS (tschmitz)
#41898: [Metadata + ADT] Versionsnummern der CC-Lizenzen im Titel der Copyright-Vorgaben fehlen (tschmitz)
#41841: [Portfolio] Editing the Portfilio pages leads to an error (akill)
#41533: [Test & Assessment] Question Pool Test: Taxonomy-Sub-Nodes are not shown in the filter (rklees)
#41850: [¥ GlobalCache] Unknown Adapter: migrate stops running (fschmid)
#41920: [¥ Permanent Link] generated permanent links to forum threads are invalid (mjansen)
#41875: [¥ Tree] Error when trying to validate tree structure (fwolf)