Download & Releases

8.14 (stable)

General Information

Release 8.14 has been published on August 13, 2024

  • Please read the ILIAS 8 feature page for information about new and abandoned features and changed behaviour of this version.
  • You find information about first time installation of ILIAS 8 and updating here.
  • Please also have a look at the Required Software for ILIAS 8 page.

ILIAS is free, open source software and published under the GNU General Public License (GPL).

Download (
211 MB, 2024-08-13
md5: a26e0b750b8d25158232eb14800c6b43

Download (
194 MB, 2024-08-13
md5: baa68c03d4289131c027deb0450e9537

Important Changes

  • Services/PDFGeneration
    • Since the development for wkhtmltopdf has stopped and the consumer for the service are regressive, the jour Fixe decided to deprecate the PDFGeneration Service with ILIAS 8 and to remove this service with ILIAS 9
  • Plugins
    • Plugins which provide a configuration screen must add an explicit `ilCtrl` directive in the PHPDoc comments of the `il*ConfigGUI` class.
      • Example:
        • /**
           * @ilCtrl_IsCalledBy ilMyPluginConfigGUI: ilObjComponentSettingsGUI
          class ilMyPluginConfigGUI extends ilPluginConfigGUI
              // Code ...
    • Many public methods of class `ilPluginAdmin` (often considered as public API of the component service in ILIAS by developers) were removed. The class itself is marked as deprecated and will be removed in future ILIAS releases. Plugin developers should use `ilComponentRepository` and `ilComponentFactory` instead. Implementations of these interfaces can be retrieved from the dependency injection container ($DIC["component.repository"] and $DIC["component.factory"]).
    • Please always execute a `composer du` command if you put a new plugin into the plugin directories in your filesystem or if you applied any changes to your `plugin.php`. Otherwise the plugin will not be listed in the global ILIAS plugin administration or may cause other problems.
  • Workflow Engine
    • Due to low demand and security issues, we removed the workflow engine with 7.23 and 8.3
  • OpenIDConnect
  • SAML
  • MathJax
    • Please check if you configured a polyfill url at Administration > Third Party Software > MathJax. This is not needed by modern browsers and IE 11 is no longer supported by ILIAS at all. You should NOT use the library any longer, see for details.

Known Issues

  • none

Changed Behaviour

Fixed Issues

The following issues reported in Mantis have been resolved:

#32126: [Accessibility / WCAG Issues] HTML-Strukturelemente für Überschriften in Objektblöcken (akill)
#36761: [Accessibility / WCAG Issues] Kurs-Agenda (Kalender), Tabellenüberschrift nicht innerhalb der Tabelle (tschmitz)
#28518: [Administration] User Management: No Courses/Groups Assigned do not show everyone (skergomard)
#41246: [Administration] Administration -> Trash: does not show any results (without type-filter) (smeyer)
#41571: [Administration] Administration > System Settings and Maintenance > General Settings > Server > [Show Version Control Information] > ERROR (fneumann)
#41047: [Badges] TypeError thrown when finishing test that is set as a startobject in a course (mjansen)
#41382: [Booking Tool] Course Resources fail when Booking Pool ist deleted. (akill)
#41507: [Booking Tool] TypeError ilBookingSchedule (table booking_schedule) (akill)
#41582: [Booking Tool] Bookingpool (akill)
#41884: [Calendar] Calendar/Mail: Wrong appointment.ics file sent due to race conditions and filename collisions (smeyer)
#41899: [Calendar] Exclusion dates not parses when trying to import .ics files (smeyer)
#38749: [Category and Repository] Failed test: Datei löschen (akill)
#41491: [Category and Repository] Deletion of linked objects incorrect (akill)
#41838: [Category and Repository] New Item Menu fixed to single column with custom grouping (akill)
#41511: [Comments] Kommentare im Info-Reiter möglich obwohl Kommentarfunktion deaktiviert ist (akill)
#41705: [Contacts] Male mail... All users referred to as 'he' in contact request mails. (mkunkel)
#37400: [Course Management] Empty meta data "language" gets set to "English" if course is copied (tschmitz)
#37576: [Course Management] Papierkorb löschen erzeugt Fehler (Logdatei) (fwolf)
#41661: [Course Management] Timings view - all seetings are deleted (skergomard)
#41874: [Cron Service] CLI execution of cron.php fails with REMOTE_ADDR during authentication (mjansen)
#41560: [CSS / Templates] System Style: missing input for link colour of footer (tfuhrer)
#41813: [Dashboard (f.k.a. Personal Desktop)] Individual Assessments are not shown as Favourites on Dashboard (iszmais)
#41529: [Data Collection] Multi-line text records a transformed with HTML linebreaks (iszmais)
#41638: [Data Collection] failed Import of Datacollection xlsx-file (iszmais)
#41652: [Data Collection] Data Collection wirft "nl2br(): Argument #1 ($string) must be of type string, null given" (iszmais)
#41851: [Data Collection] weird filter application in Datacollection (iszmais)
#40132: [Exercise] Portfolio in exercise is not always the newest version (akill)
#41550: [Exercise] Erhaltenes Peer-Feedback wird nicht angezeigt (Kriterienkatalog: Datei-Upload) (akill)
#41695: [Exercise] Not possible to upload submissions for participants when relative Date is set to 0 (akill)
#41825: [Export] Import failure for portfolios (akill)
#41294: [File] On the first click the default buttons of the manage screen toolbar just reload the page (skergomard)
#41692: [Glossary] Export of Glossary fails with error message (akill)
#41862: [Group] Waiting List: Radio Button Option "None" cannot be saved (tschmitz)
#37390: [ILIAS Page Editor] Data not saved when adding internal links (akill)
#38108: [ILIAS Page Editor] Item Group and Resources of Type do not have a Label on mouseover (akill)
#41696: [ILIAS Page Editor] Interner Link beim Medienobjekt zeigt kein Ziel an, wenn Wiki gewählt wurde / Anker nicht auswählbar. (akill)
#40587: [Language Handling] Missing French Language Variables in Test (mkunkel)
#41558: [Language Handling] Missing language variable (?) when trying to "Remove 'Valid Until' Date" in User Management (skergomard)
#41617: [Language Handling] Unable to import language variables (kg)
#31888: [Learning Module ILIAS : Presentation] "No page found" if page has "Scheduled Activation" (and "Show Activation Info" is enabled) (akill)
#41739: [Learning Module ILIAS : Presentation] Error when trying to open ILIAS Learning module (akill)
#40838: [Learning Module SCORM 2004] Unable to upload SCORM-Modules (ukohnle)
#41811: [Learning Module SCORM 2004] Kommentarfunktion im SCORM Lernmodul funktioniert nicht (ukohnle)
#41640: [Login, Auth & Registration] Unable to access Registration Codes (mjansen)
#41704: [Login, Auth & Registration] identifier -reg_confirmation_hash_life_time_expired- is shown while translation is correct (mjansen)
#40697: [LTI] LTI consumer crashes if Availabilty is activated (ukohnle)
#40709: [LTI] Beim Öffnen bestimmter LTI-Objekte kommt es zum Absturz/Fehler (ukohnle)
#41567: [Metadata + ADT] Metadaten externer Link (URL) darf maximal 200 Zeichen sein (tschmitz)
#41742: [Metadata + ADT] Missing (string) in class.ilAdvancedMDFieldDefinitionText.php (tschmitz)
#41616: [Personal Profile] Public profile: space missing between postcode and city (skergomard)
#41649: [Personal Profile] Failure to upload 'pending' profile pic + corresponding language entry missing. (skergomard)
#41587: [Poll] ILIAS Error caused by Poll (smeyer)
#41607: [Poll] Personalised polls: Every person with activated notification function is notified about the participants first name and surname (tschmitz)
#40586: [Portfolio] Portfolio : Print-View : Declaration of Authorship AND Signature Field (akill)
#41835: [RBAC] Export von Didaktischen Vorlagen führt zu Fehler (skergomard)
#31716: [Search] Lucene: Wildcard search not working “at current position”? (smeyer)
#38006: [Search] Cannot create new LDAP role assignments for local roles (du to issue in search query parser) (smeyer)
#41751: [Search] Course: Search Users doesn't show form (tschmitz)
#35496: [Statistics and Learning Progress] Failed test: Daten aus Gesamtbericht "Persönlicher Lernfortschritt" exportieren (smeyer)
#41379: [Style – Content Style] Cannot delete certain elements of the content style (akill)
#41654: [Style – Content Style] Outdated style elements still usable in text-editor (akill)
#41735: [Style – Content Style] Content style imported from ILIAS 7 leads to error (akill)
#37711: [Survey] Import Access Codes: Last name and first name are missing (akill)
#41553: [Survey] Title of Survey Question limited to 100 characters (akill)
#37677: [Test & Assessment] sequence of units not displayed correct - formula question type  (Reihenfolge der Einheiten bei Formelfrage) (tjoussen)
#39731: [Test & Assessment] Partial import of test with results causes fatal error (skergomard)
#40598: [Test & Assessment] Kprim Question: Feedback is not displayed if "False" is selected. (tjoussen)
#41483: [Test & Assessment] Modal in der Nachkorrektur hat generischen Titel "titel" (tjoussen)
#41591: [Test & Assessment] if getAllTestResults is called and no valid test Pass can be found, an error appears (skergomard)
#41592: [Test & Assessment] error fetching objective titles in list views (skergomard)
#41725: [Test & Assessment] Test Results: Access From: Minutes default to number of selected month (tjoussen)
#41761: [Test & Assessment] Inconsistent handling of unfinished tests runs (skergomard)
#41765: [Test & Assessment] QuestionPool : Call to undefined method ilAssQuestionPreviewGUI::getObject() (skergomard)
#29032: [User Service] In lokaler Benutzerverwaltung führt Suche mit optionalen Filter "Funktion" zu Fehler (skergomard)
#41498: [User Service] Unable to save Anonymous  Language Selection in ILIAS-Links (kg)
#37604: [Wiki] Section Link Object "wiki page title" is no longer displayed (akill)
#37734: [Wiki] Wiki notifications are sent too often (tfamula)
#41555: [Wiki] Anchor syntax no longer works in ILIAS 8 (created with ILIAS 7) (akill)
#40812: [xAPI] Wrong XAPI LuceneObjectDefinition.xml (ukohnle)
#41312: [xAPI] Navigationsprobleme beim Start von xAPI/cmi5 Lernmodulen (ukohnle)
#41651: [¥ Continuous Integration (CI)] Copyright checker for examples is inverted (iszmais)
#41618: [¥ Init] Opening a permanent link from an wiki leads to error message (mjansen)
#41656: [¥ Notifications (NOT Center!)] OSD Notifcations cannot be deactivated (mjansen)
#31690: [¥ Object] Zu Favoriten hinzugefügte Elemente werden nicht in seperatem Browser-Tab angezeigt. (iszmais)
#41565: [¥ Object] Whoops! when copying without destination (skergomard)
#41612: [¥ Object] Mehrsprachigkeit im Seiteneditor aktiviert -> Löschen der "Standardsprache" führt zu dauerhaftem Fehler im Kurs (skergomard)
#41619: [¥ Object] Endless loop while copying, if translations are involved. (skergomard)
#41604: [¥ Virus Scanner] VirusScanner: Permissions not reset after changed permissions (gvollbach)